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Started by davemincin, February 11, 2005, 03:02 PM NHFT

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Sweet jesus! Just saw a thingy on the tube that a school distrist in CA now has given the children a little computer thingy around their neck, so they can be tracked were ever they go!!!! ???

OMG folks we damn sure need to get busy...The bad guys are really out of control! >:(

Kat Kanning

Dave, they're making it so that all of us have them, if you want state ID/driver's license.   >:(

Lloyd Danforth


I,  accidentally dropped my licence in the microwave!


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on February 11, 2005, 04:04 PM NHFT

I,? accidentally dropped my licence in the microwave!

Lloyd, Don't worry. I'm sure the guys with the sunglasses and black SUV's can get you another one when they realize you fried it. :)


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on February 11, 2005, 04:04 PM NHFT

I,  accidentally dropped my licence in the microwave!

LMAO   Don't know how that drated thing got on my cold pizza this morning, honest!


Well, it seems to me that we either have to preserve/regain sanctity of our state constitution and chip away at the government little win-able fights at a time or wait until the shit hits the fan and revolt.....I think we all know a revolt would probably be almost impossible at this point......It took a long time for the government to take this much control but it hasn't been heartily contested by the folks either. Most people pretty much would rather give their responsibility to an entity because it's easier. People want easy and fast and I want to pull the rug out from underneath them. The power of the government is in the states in my opinion and most people across the country have given up their rights as citizens to be told what to do.
If it only takes 1 rotten apple to spoil the whole damn barrel, lets be a bunch of rotten apples and shit in their barrel.... The good guys always have to fight the hardest....because it isn't EASY!!! And besides, we've all seen enough movies to know, we always win!


Hey Kat...maybe Russell ???? Thinking you filled a need, like a place for folks who care about freedom to yak, and put things together!

Reminds me of an old song...."TIC TOC, TIC TOC, PEOPLE, Times slipping away!

Lalalala...Damn the bad guys are out of control...and thinking we are the only thing out
there to stop them! ;)

Just know seeing you folks doing it works for me! :D

Russell Kanning

There are plenty of people that agree with us...they just don't reside in the US congress >:(


Quote from: davemincin on February 11, 2005, 05:14 PM NHFT
Hey Kat...maybe Russell ???  Thinking you filled a need, like a place for folks who care about freedom to yak, and put things together!

Reminds me of an old song...."TIC TOC, TIC TOC, PEOPLE, Times slipping away!

Lalalala...Damn the bad guys are out of control...and thinking we are the only thing out
there to stop them! ;)

Just know seeing you folks doing it works for me! :D

I love Stevie Ray Vaughn!