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Keene News

Started by Kat Kanning, February 12, 2005, 07:31 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Also one of the board members is questioning whether the mailing was even legal.

Kat Kanning

They just said on each warrant article how the school board wants all the followers to vote.

Russell Kanning

I love the NH term "Schoolies" :D

Kat Kanning

Man, you really gotta keep an eye on these tax-and-spenders:

Notice is hereby given a special meeting of the Keene City Council will be held on Friday, March 11, 2005 at 7:00 PM in the Kay Fox Room at the Keene Public Library. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss, with the members of the Cheshire County Delegation, the county jail construction project currently slated to be built in the City of Keene.

Kat Kanning

Pursuant to NHRSA 75:8-b, the City Council will be considering the annual appraisal of real estate at market value for the purpose of authorizing the City Assessor to do all things necessary to adjust, positively or negatively, the 2005 property values of any or all property classes in the City.

HEARING DATES: March 3, 2005 at 7:00 PM
HEARING DATES: March 17, 2005 at 7:00 PM
HEARING PLACE: Council Chambers, Keene City Hall

Per the Mayor and City Council, this twentieth day of January, two thousand and five.

Kat Kanning

Regular polling places in Keene:

Ward 1: Wheelock School
24 Adams Street
(Corner Marlboro Street and Adams Street)

Ward 2: Keene Parks & Rec. Dept.
312 Washington Street

Ward 3: Fuller School
422 Elm Street

Ward 4: First Baptist Church
105 Maple Avenue

Ward 5: Trinity Lutheran Church
28 Arch Street

Kat Kanning

For the vote tomorrow, there are two polling places open, as Maynard said:

Wards 1,2,3
Rec Center

Wards 4,5
1st Baptist on Maple Ave.

If you don't know what ward you live in, here's a list:

How about Russell and I man the Rec Center?  Dave and Varrin (?) at the Maple Ave.?

Kat Kanning

Can one hand out flyers at the polling places?

Russell Kanning

Although Maynard will be voting at the Rec Center.....btw are we allowed to go in there, since we like to make money ::)


I'll be at the Rec Center for a bit tomorrow.... Not sure exactly when... Even if I DO like to make money! :D

And those mailings go out every year.... For me, they usually serve the purpose of showing how NOT to vote :D

I've always thought that one o fthe best things we could do would be to get a bill through the statehouse banning those infernal things.....

"Poliitical advertising at taxpayer expense? Constitutes a political donation, doesn't it?"


Russell Kanning

I have to pay for the stinking school district (SAU whatever)....so whatever they spend comes from my pocket >:(

Kat Kanning

The dreaded driveway excavation!

Excavation rules still under fire

Sentinel Staff

Though the Keene City Council?s Planning, Licenses and Development committee recommends the council approve a new earth excavation ordinance, some members are concerned about recent changes in the excavation regulations, which are still before the Keene Planning Board.

The excavation ordinance was back before the committee on Wednesday after a public hearing last week.

But the regulations, which explain how the ordinance will be carried out, dominated conversation.

Three years ago, a committee was directed to research and develop excavation regulations for Keene. It then submitted its report to the planning board.


After six months of public hearings, the planning board made significant changes to the committee?s report, including setback changes for perimeters and driveways and eliminating seasonal excavation periods.

Dozens of baffled residents questioned the changes at the planning board?s public hearing last week, and it appears to have raised eyebrows of some city councilors as well.

Councilor Frederick B. Parsells, who was on the committee and voiced his opposition to the changes last month, reiterated them on Wednesday.

?The (committee) did research on this,? Parsells said. ?They didn?t pull numbers out of the sky. We had something to back it up.

?As I see it, (the planning board has) kind of thrown the baby out with the bath water.?

Councilor Robert H. Farrar agreed, noting the committee had built waivers into its recommendation, for flexibility.

He said he hoped the planning board would reconsider the changes.

Leave money out of it?

Legislation before the N.H. House of Representatives could change the way zoning variances are granted, and the committee recommended the city council oppose one of them.

One of the criteria in applying for a zoning variance has to do with hardship, or, what adverse effects could occur if a variance was not granted. City planning staff member Peter T. Throop said as of now, hardship is qualified in terms of the property, not the applicant.

But the legislation invites economics into play, meaning that applicants could use financial circumstances as a reason to grant a variance.

Throop said the planning department doesn?t support the legislation, and city Code Enforcement Officer Medard K. Kopczynski agreed. Kopczynski said making economics a criteria would make the process subjective and would throw a wrench into current standards.

The committee also recommended the city council:

Not accept a request by David Barrett, owner of 21 Bar and Grill on Roxbury Street, for a license to sell alcohol and food in an outdoor cafe style.

Kopczynski said tables being proposed are too close to parking meters and don?t leave enough room for pedestrians, therefore violating a zoning ordinance.

Kopczynski added that the code enforcement office would work with Barrett to figure out a plan.

Accept a request to hold Earth Day festivities at Railroad Square on April 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The proposal was made by two Antioch New England Graduate School students who plan to invite food vendors and other activities during the day.

Accept the Keene Rotary Club?s request to hold its fireworks display on July 4, with a rain date of July 9.

Accept a one-year vending license for Jennifer Wojenski of Keene, who wants to open a hot dog cart at Main and Church streets.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: katdillon on March 10, 2005, 12:23 PM NHFT
The committee also recommended the city council:

Not accept a request by David Barrett, owner of 21 Bar and Grill on Roxbury Street, for a license to sell alcohol and food in an outdoor cafe style.

Kopczynski said tables being proposed are too close to parking meters and don't leave enough room for pedestrians, therefore violating a zoning ordinance.

Kopczynski added that the code enforcement office would work with Barrett to figure out a plan.
Our next zoning project? :D

Michael Fisher

Quote from: katdillon on February 12, 2005, 07:59 AM NHFT
A Keene State College student, Anthony Mancini, 19, was arrested for marijuana possession.? He will be arraigned Monday 9am in Cheshire County Superior Court.

Why don't we take these victimless "criminals" of "possession" under our wing and offer our perspective and help.

That should piss off a lot of people, but that's a good thing.

These people are innocent of any crimes by our definition, so HOW can we stand by and do NOTHING?? ?>:(

This way, the more laws passed, and the more people that are imprisoned, the more supporters we'll have.  This could be the key to our success!

Russell Kanning

I was thinking I could set up a table outside 21 Bar and Grill and put a sign on it
"18 Bar and Grill"
and offer to get brew for underage drinkers :)