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Keene News

Started by Kat Kanning, February 12, 2005, 07:31 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

My new project is to read the Keene Sentinel and pick out articles that might be of interest.

WKBK talk show host John Oliphant was arrested Tuesday for tampering with/falsifying his inspection sticker on his car.  Poor guy arrested for victimless crime :(

Kat Kanning

They're debating a zoning variance to add 30 townhouses in Keene.  Sounds like a great idea to me.  More housing available for incoming porcs :)  The public hearing will be March 7th at 6:30 pm.

Kat Kanning

Tuesday's paper listed 5 court cases, 3 of which were for only possession of drugs.   :(

Kat Kanning

A Keene State College student, Anthony Mancini, 19, was arrested for marijuana possession.  He will be arraigned Monday 9am in Cheshire County Superior Court.


Here in Sarasota, there's a group of busybodies called "Court Watch".  These assholes will come into the trials of drug offenders and prostitutes wearing their yellow "Court Watch" shirts, and sit in on proceedings in order to influence the level of punishment the judge hands down.

They believe they are having an effect, and getting people punished harder.

Perhaps we could do the opposite in NH.  Perhaps we could show up at non-violent court arraignments and proceedings, and rally for the defendants...  I also like the idea someone else had to hand out FIJA literature outside the courthouses.  We could really stir up some judicial shit.   ;D


Kat Kanning

Oooh, I like that idea.  I had just been thinking about handing out FIJA flyers before the juries are selected.

Dave Ridley

What happens to FIJA leafleters in various NH courts?  What are the rules on this (just want to know when I'm breaking them if I decide to do so).

Kat Kanning

All I know is the NH Bar Association has spoken out against FIJA.

Russell Kanning


Hmmmmmmmmm. Check on that, Kat. Last I knew, the NH Bar was in favor of FIJA.

They ARE planning on running a story on the FSP this summer, I believe....


Kat Kanning


It is interesting to note how he changes the discussion from choosing to Not CONVICT, to one of choosing to CONVICT. Typical of lawyers. If you can't argue your case directly, obfuscate the discussion.

Dave Ridley

Kat wrote:
<< WKBK talk show host John Oliphant was arrested Tuesday for tampering with/falsifying his inspection sticker on his car.  Poor guy arrested for victimless crime Sad>>

There is no such thing as bad publicity, hopefully this will bring him some new listeners!    Do they really *arrest* people for fidlling with a sticker (resisting big brother)? Is this what people envisioned when they established the first regulations on cars?

   Maybe some of us should write his GM and show our support...his show is good although I'm not usually listening that early.

Here's John's email and his GM's

joliphant %at^ monadnockradiogroup (dot, com

Bruce Lyons, General Manager -  blyons #at* monadnockradiogroup :dot* com

Dave Ridley

Sending this to John:


Wanted to let you know the Porcupines have a sympathetic thread up discussing your run-in with the Inspection Thugs:


If the Founders were alive they'd be in the hills fighting a shooting war against this kind of busybody governance...for now your more modest resistance will have to do. 

Hopefully this will bring you new listeners.   Oh also I am planning to write a note to your GM expressing support, letting him know I like your show.  Please stop me if you think that is a bad idea for some reason. 

Dave Ridley

Russell Kanning

Quote from: jgmaynard on February 14, 2005, 07:22 PM NHFT
Hmmmmmmmmm. Check on that, Kat. Last I knew, the NH Bar was in favor of FIJA.

They ARE planning on running a story on the FSP this summer, I believe....

Are you a lawyer Jim? ;) I would guess all bar associations main goal is to subjugate all of us to their membership. >:D
If they write about the FSP ....it would be a hit piece. :)