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The NH Secession platform is done. (For now at least.)

Started by tracysaboe, June 06, 2006, 02:15 AM NHFT

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I haven't heard back from Calib about what he thought, and it's been a week, so I looked everything over again myself, and thought I'd post it here for all your critiques.  (Hope you don't mind Calib, I know you're sort of the big dog here trying to get this going.)

Statement of Benifits

It's as done as it's goind to be for now. I was going to ad another reason. Getting out of the US Dept of Education. I know traditional conservatives have wanted that abolished for a long time, and now with No Child LEft Behind, Etc. Many liberals could be talked into it too I think, but anyway. Let me know if you have other benifits.

Who should take over federal functions? Nobody. Let me know if their's other things I need to put here.

A start of a FAQ. I only have 2 questions.

The home button on the bottom goes to my home page
currently, because it's a relative link. Once you
upload these to your site though, it'll go to the
NHRepublic website home.

Let me know ALL of your thoughts. And I mean all of them. :icon_pirat:



I think the design could stand a little improvement, you should host it somewhere other than geocities. I have a domain, kafene.org, I could host it at nhfree.kafene.org, or maybe Kat could host it.


I could host it as well on fourthgeek.com.

It looks quite comprehensive, I'm impressed. I think we need to work on spelling/grammar revisions though.


Well, it will be hosted on Caleb's site. www.republicofnh.org so don't worry about that.  And for the format. I just posted the words and then made internal html links to help navigate the page. The back-ground color is just the Color Caleb uses at his main site, but I can change it. I didn't really like the back-ground color either.

I know. Grammer and writing is not my strong suit. But nobody else was really putting anything on paper. It's very wordy. If you have specific gramatical, punctuational, spelling (allthough I think I got all that fixed.) or conceptual corrections (or thoughts or smart remarks), post them here and I'll go back and edit as I see fit.

If you have any more FAQs post them here too.


Russell Kanning

I can't see how a smaller government would need to take over any of the functions the Fed does right now.


That's the point Russel.

I've outlined 5 different items here in State Functions that the State shouldn't take over that the Fed does. Are their others that I should address.



Its me who owes you the apology, Tracey.  I've been negligent. I've only finished about half of it.  Sorry, I'll work more on it tomorrow.



I don't think Canada will let us in without passports.

In fact, I doubt they would let us in at all. As soon as NH seceeds Canada would have to make the decision to aknowledge NH as an independent state. Most likely they will be peer pressured by the US to not do this. If Canada does not aknowledge us as an independent state they will not let NH residents into Canada.


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on June 07, 2006, 12:57 AM NHFT
I don't think Canada will let us in without passports.

In fact, I doubt they would let us in at all. As soon as NH seceeds Canada would have to make the decision to aknowledge NH as an independent state. Most likely they will be peer pressured by the US to not do this. If Canada does not aknowledge us as an independent state they will not let NH residents into Canada.

Then we conquer  Canada!  >:D ;)


I support all of those things, but shouldn't a platform for secession be more broad?  At the least until more libertarians move?  With that platform, the only people who would support it right now are the people on this board.  Maybe focus on issues like corruption in Washington and local control?


Quote from: BOVER on June 07, 2006, 07:11 AM NHFT
I support all of those things, but shouldn't a platform for secession be more broad?  At the least until more libertarians move?  With that platform, the only people who would support it right now are the people on this board.  Maybe focus on issues like corruption in Washington and local control?

Yes, but if we secede and create a government just as bad as the federal one, what was the point of secession?


Quote from: aries on June 07, 2006, 05:18 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lex Berezhny on June 07, 2006, 12:57 AM NHFT
I don't think Canada will let us in without passports.

In fact, I doubt they would let us in at all. As soon as NH seceeds Canada would have to make the decision to aknowledge NH as an independent state. Most likely they will be peer pressured by the US to not do this. If Canada does not aknowledge us as an independent state they will not let NH residents into Canada.

Then we conquer  Canada!  >:D ;)

Dude. Don't even joke about that.



Exactly. This is a libertarian secession movement.  Hopefully we'll get the ball rolling. We want to be at the forfront of this. Perhaps liberals and conservatives will each start their own secessionist movement. Then thee three groups would be able to form a colition on the things we agree with, but not on the things we don't. But it's much better if we can convince the average joe that we don't need any of what Washington has to offer and don't need it replaced by the NH government either.


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on June 07, 2006, 11:52 AM NHFT
Quote from: BOVER on June 07, 2006, 07:11 AM NHFT
I support all of those things, but shouldn't a platform for secession be more broad?  At the least until more libertarians move?  With that platform, the only people who would support it right now are the people on this board.  Maybe focus on issues like corruption in Washington and local control?

Yes, but if we secede and create a government just as bad as the federal one, what was the point of secession?


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on June 07, 2006, 11:52 AM NHFT
Yes, but if we secede and create a government just as bad as the federal one, what was the point of secession?
a smaller government will offer less resistance   ;)


True, but why not try to make it small from the beginning so we have less to fight.
