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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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FSP in the Burning Man?

Started by dead_hobbit, June 08, 2006, 02:40 AM NHFT

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Is anyone in the FSP going to be at Burning Man? Has anyone thought of doing something FSP-centered for it? This year, the Burning Man's theme is "Hope and Fear: The Future" - could there be a better theme for the FSP?

I've never been to the Burning Man, but I've played around with the idea for four years. If there were enough people interested, I'd want to do something FSP-oriented for Burning Man, though honestly I wouldn't know where to start.

Any ideas, anyone?


Did no one ever answer this?  I was going to ask if there are any burners here, but it seems like not.

This year it's Aug 27-Sep 3.

The local burner email list is newhampshire-announce-subscribe@burningman.com


Post a link or something. I've heard of it and have been curious but I don't remember where and when it is and such.


I love the internet - a world of information, all accessible at electron-speed! Much of it is even mostly accurate, too! ;)


Nicholas Gilman

    I've never attended, but hope to in the near future.
The concept is appealing, especially since I love the


I thought it was supposed to be 'politics free' at the BM.



Might be a good place to distribute FSP and/or FTL flyers.
Email me if you want FTL flyers; I'll give 'em to you gratis if you promise to put them i the hands of interested people.


Quote from: Dreepa on August 19, 2007, 08:22 PM NHFT
I thought it was supposed to be 'politics free' at the BM.
It can be, just send some of the Keene guys their.   ;D


Tom Ploszaj

Darn, where the heck have I been??  I attend and volunteer at Burning Man.  Been out that way for a month the last few years.  It is a non political event even though this year's  American Dream, was a good theme for liberty.


Not cool pushing corporate stuff at the event but having a theme camp of Free Staters with our views is another story.  2009 theme for BM is Evolution.
I left  FSP.org lit, FSP & NH common sense matchbooks where it was called for or when the topic of liberty was brought.