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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Liberty Tattoo Ideas?

Started by Bruehound, July 01, 2006, 08:43 PM NHFT

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Quote from: 9thmoon on September 18, 2006, 06:22 PM NHFT
Reminds me of an old joke... "Welcome to Jamaica, have a nice stay"
Thanks Wendy! ;)

Lloyd Danforth

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: KBCraig on September 18, 2006, 04:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 18, 2006, 03:41 PM NHFT
A friends uncle had a barber pole tattoo where it REALLY had to hurt!

In my line of work, we encounter some ..."interesting"... characters. I've seen smiley faces, pinstriped flames, devil horns... all in a very *ahem* personal location.

Pain for art, or, something....

As a lover of cinimatic art, I can appreciate an episode of 'Girls Gone Wild' once in a while. The ladies are poking holes and attaching metal to, many, of their parts that I spent most of my adult life being so carefull with!


Thanks, I like it too.  ;)  Under a week old, it's still healing.

As for the pain, it was incredible.... mind you this was my first tattoo.  I got it for a multitude of reasons... and the pain was well worth it.

I do suggest using transcendental meditative techniques while recieving work in tender areas, because it helps dissassociate your senses from the pain.  It certainly helped me.

quote author=9thmoon link=topic=4275.msg93745#msg93745 date=1158609128]
Did it hurt as much as it looks like it would... there?

It looks incredible.


so i've been giving a lot of thought to this, and i have it down to either the gadsden flag or the free marketeer flag (apparantly designed by ian). there's a pic here - http://www.freetalklive.com/images/FTLMarketeerFlag01.jpg



The schematic symbol for resistance.


A feminist power symbol, (may be militant, and therefore un-feminine)


The Labrys? That's a lesbian symbol. Not sure if that was the intention.. ;D

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: sandm000 on September 11, 2007, 09:28 AM NHFT
A feminist power symbol, (may be militant, and therefore un-feminine)

Much like the Swastika, the Wikipedia entry says this symbol has also been co-opted by fascists (Greek, in this case).


So would using the negative of that image change the meaning?

Sorry I didn't realize that once it was co-opted by a group it became theirs exclusively.  So this now belongs to Militant Greek Lesbian Feminists. (sarcasm)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: sandm000 on September 11, 2007, 01:36 PM NHFT
So would using the negative of that image change the meaning?

Sorry I didn't realize that once it was co-opted by a group it became theirs exclusively.  So this now belongs to Militant Greek Lesbian Feminists. (sarcasm)

It only matters if that's what people will first think when they see you using the symbol for your own purposes. Think of how most people think Nazis when they see a swastika, or racism when they see the Confederate battle flag.


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on September 11, 2007, 01:42 PM NHFT
It only matters if that's what people will first think when they see you using the symbol for your own purposes. Think of how most people think Nazis when they see a swastika, or racism when they see the Confederate battle flag.

I think I was trying to prove that point, by saying that it has first been adopted by feminists, then by lesbians, then by Greeks, so you can take your pick as to who pops into mind first when you see that image. 

And people should think of the nazis when they see a swastika, but they shouldn't think about racism when they see the Beauregard's flag.  They should think about the restriction of states rights and the increase in size and scope of the federal government.  But they don't they think it was all about slavery.  We should rename the Civil War the Slaver War. (at least one side could be accurately described)


Where I come from, we sometimes call it the War of Northern Aggression.


Kat Kanning