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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Free Lunch Project: Vote Here: Major update July 20

Started by NC2NH, July 03, 2006, 04:01 PM NHFT

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Major update July 20, see #1 below

(Somebody find Jimmy Carter; the Free Lunch Project Vote has begun...)

From the forthcoming FLP website:

The Free Lunch Project is an agreement among 20,000 progressive and communitarian activists and/or voters to move from New Hampshire to one state/country, where they will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the minimum role of government is the protection of the citizens of the world, the general welfare, the environment, and the future of The Children. The success of the project would likely entail additional taxation of wealthy individuals/businesses, strict regulation of corporations and firearms, reforms at all levels of government to expand group rights and fair markets, and a restoration of true social democracy, demonstrating the benefits of equality to the rest of the world.

In spite of the brave efforts of several thousand progressive activists to make New Hampshire more like the rest of New England, the fight for our state's working families has fallen short. Our community of activists has faced an uphill battle against New Hampshire's traditional stubborn opposition to forward-thinking government initiatives. Unfortunately, the future looks even more dismal as our state faces an influx of so-called "liberty lovers" who seek to dismantle the beneficial programs for which we've fought so hard. What good is liberty when so many go hungry?

However, there is hope. Forty-nine other states and many countries around the world show much more promise for our vision of community. From this vast pool of promising locations, we have selected eighteen states and three nations which seem especially inviting. The Free Lunch Project seeks to enhance the culture of our chosen state/nation by providing all people* with the basic needs of life without resorting to the selfish inequalities of the marketplace. Join us in making empty lunchboxes a thing of the past. If it helps just one child, won't it have been worth it?

*biometric ID card required to ensure equal access to benefits

(The Free Lunch Project is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with The Free State Project)

1. As of July 20, you can vote for as many locations as you wish (Approval Voting) and you can still change your vote at any time before the voting period ends (July 24) (August 1). Click "Remove Vote" if you've already voted but wish to change your vote.
2. The 10 locations receiving the most votes will move to the final round of voting later this month summer.
3. By voting for Canada, you signify your desire that one particular province should be the destination of the FLP. Should Canada win, a later vote will be held among the provinces

State/nation debate is encouraged to take place on this thread: http://forum.soulawakenings.com/index.php?topic=4172

The states and countries are listed in reverse alphabetical order to keep California from being at the top of the ballot. :P


After one week, 17 votes have been cast. 5 of the 21 locations nominated have received votes.

I'm sure some of you wonder if this whole thing is just a parody or if the FLP is real. Let me assure you that, while this is a fun idea, the minimum goal of the project is to make a key point: There are many places between Vancouver and Caracas more or less ripe for "progressive" activism. New Hampshire never really has been. The Free-Staters are coming, some are already here, and the days of statism in the Republic of New Hampshire are numbered!


Make sure the lunch is vegan so we don't get any Chicago style trans fats and don't kill any Animals lest PETA get mad at us.




Quote from: FSP-Rebel on July 17, 2006, 07:44 PM NHFT
This is really a good idea.

in the voice of Caleb doing the voice of THE Bruce Dickinson:

I'm tellin' ya, you're gonna want that Free Lunch Project.


Can any of those who picked Wisconsin share why?  When I think of socialistic out of control liberal states that's not one of the first ones I think of.

Russell Kanning

I went with MA ..... maybe we could change the poll to multiple votes.

WI ..... Sensenburger .... the RealID nazi thug


Here is why I chose Wisconsin:

"But the unclean spirit, when he is gone out of the man, passes through waterless places, seeking rest, and doesn't find it. Then he says, 'I will return into my house from which I came out,' and when he has come back, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes, and takes with himself seven other spirits more evil than he is, and they enter in and dwell there. The last state of that man becomes worse than the first. Even so will it be also to this evil generation."  Matthew 12:43-45

The real danger here is how close Massachusetts is to New Hampshire.  Just because these people are statists and want a free lunch doesn't mean they want to live in a hellhole.  They will move to Massachusetts, then when they see how bad it is, they will move back.  Along the way, they will make plenty of friends just like themselves, and when those people complain about how bad Massachusetts is, they will say "Well, you ought to move back with me to New Hampshire.  Compared to Massachusetts, New Hampshire is wonderful."  And so seven other people, more evil than he is, will enter and dwell here, and the final state of New Hampshire will be worse than the first.

If we stick them in Wisconsin, they aren't likely to move back.  And we all have to consolidate our votes to defeat Massachusetts.



I went with Wisconsin because of the thread begging me to.


Quote from: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on July 19, 2006, 06:50 AM NHFTAlong the way, they will make plenty of friends just like themselves, and when those people complain about how bad Massachusetts is, they will say "Well, you ought to move back with me to New Hampshire.  Compared to Massachusetts, New Hampshire is wonderful."

That still amazes me to this day that people leave a state because of how bad things have gotten due to government but then they say things like "we had that back in (enter state name here)".  Are people all that stupid that they don't connect the fact that those things they had are part of the reason why they were unhappy with things like taxes?


Quote from: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on July 19, 2006, 06:50 AM NHFT
The real danger here is how close Massachusetts is to New Hampshire.  Just because these people are statists and want a free lunch doesn't mean they want to live in a hellhole.  They will move to Massachusetts, then when they see how bad it is, they will move back. 

Isn't our hellhole their paradise?  Of course, Massachusetts is losing so many people it may lose 1 or 2 congressional seats in the next census.  The nanny staters will be the only ones left after some point in time.  Let them reap what they sow.

Russell Kanning


FYI, you can change your vote by clicking Remove Vote. You're then free to vote again.

Russell Kanning

I want to vote for more than one.