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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Ideas for Independence Group

Started by Caleb, July 07, 2006, 06:32 PM NHFT

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Some ideas I've been thinking of starting under the Republic of NH umbrella group.

1)  NH Independence Party.  Already discussed this earlier.  Political wing of the movement.

2)  Maybe a  "Wall of Honor" - where we can post bios of people who are War Tax Resisters.  (Obviously, they would have to give us permission.  I don't want to "out" someone whose trying to hide.  But for those that are trying to be "in your face" about the fact that they don't pay taxes anymore on principle, this could be a good way of showing that it is an honorable and principled stand.)

3) 9-11 Truth Project.  My idea here is to compile a series of essays on different aspects of 9-11 truth.  Suggested topics so far:  a) foreknowledge of the attacks b) identity of the hijackers c) controlled demolition of buildings vs. "official story  d) timeline  e) Officials who accidentally let the cat out of the bag  etc. etc. etc.

4) In affiliation with 9-11 Truth Project, start a series of showings of 9-11 videos around the state.  We could try to publicize this as much as possible.  I'd need volunteers in lots of different cities around the state to pass out flyers in their area, etc.  I want to link in people's minds "9-11 truth" and "NH Independence."

5)  Along with the War Tax Resistance, I've thought about starting a charity under the umbrella of the Republic of NH to help out victims of US aggression around the world.  I can get airline tickets for next to nothing with F-dex (which I would pay for out of my own pocket), and journey to theaters of US aggression and give people payments to help them rebuild their lives.  Frankly, this scares me to death (as many of these places have extreme anti-American sentiment...) but I'd be willing to do it.


Not just 9-11, but more linking to past events where government has been shown to have lied: Tonkin Gulf, Pearl Harbor, Sinking of the Maine in Havana Harbor, etc. Showing the pattern of lies, and the extent the Gov will go to to cover up those lies will cause people to lose any faith they had in the Gov.


Well, frankly I think we really should be primarily using it to explain things too and help out New Hampshirites. Not preaching to the whole world.  But that's just me.



Quote from: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on July 07, 2006, 06:32 PM NHFT
3) 9-11 Truth Project.  My idea here is to compile a series of essays on different aspects of 9-11 truth.  Suggested topics so far:  a) foreknowledge of the attacks b) identity of the hijackers c) controlled demolition of buildings vs. "official story  d) timeline  e) Officials who accidentally let the cat out of the bag  etc. etc. etc.

4) In affiliation with 9-11 Truth Project, start a series of showings of 9-11 videos around the state.  We could try to publicize this as much as possible.  I'd need volunteers in lots of different cities around the state to pass out flyers in their area, etc.  I want to link in people's minds "9-11 truth" and "NH Independence."

I'm sure the thought occurred to you, but I'm wondering what your answer is: Do you really want to fight the battle of 9-11 truth and secession in the same breath?  That is, aren't you concerned that as soon as you start talking about 9-11 truth, people will label you as a whackjob before you even get around to talking about your other whackjob ideas about secession?  (I use the term "whackjob" because that is what 99% of the population will think of your ideas initially).  It seems like two battles that needn't be linked.  What do you think?


I agree Caleb. The 9-11 thing should be a completely seperate entity.

I really don't think it really matters. Either government is corupt and evil and caused 911 or it's incompetent and thus caused 911.

I'm not sure the conspiracy part of it matters.


Russell Kanning

The funny thing happens when you show a 9-11 video .... people start distrusting the government. :) Then they start wondering what to do about it.


I agree with Russell.  This issue has a power like none other to make people ready to do something.  When you realize that they're willing to kill us to promote their agenda, everything else seems small


Quote from: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on July 08, 2006, 06:38 PM NHFT
I agree with Russell.  This issue has a power like none other to make people ready to do something.  When you realize that they're willing to kill us to promote their agenda, everything else seems small

I see your point, but it just seems like you're making your job of promoting secession so much harder.  The drug war, the war in Iraq, the war on poverty -- those three things aren't enough?  Point to all the things the feds have done to people (not to mention the whole idea of TAXATION/THEFT).  Those three things are slam dunks in my mind, and won't immediately get you labeled a kook.

Russell Kanning

I don't worry about being labeled a "kook" .... we are looking for truth not political correctness. :)


Quote from: Braddogg on July 09, 2006, 02:21 AM NHFT
Quote from: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on July 08, 2006, 06:38 PM NHFT
I agree with Russell.  This issue has a power like none other to make people ready to do something.  When you realize that they're willing to kill us to promote their agenda, everything else seems small

I see your point, but it just seems like you're making your job of promoting secession so much harder.  The drug war, the war in Iraq, the war on poverty -- those three things aren't enough?  Point to all the things the feds have done to people (not to mention the whole idea of TAXATION/THEFT).  Those three things are slam dunks in my mind, and won't immediately get you labeled a kook.

Brad, I understand where you're coming from with this, and until a few days ago, I would not only have agreed with you, but would have been one of those writing Caleb off as a kook for buying into the whole 9-11 conspiracy thing.  But Caleb (and Russell) aren't the only ones blowing the whistle on 9-11.  In fact, the sheer number of references to it that I have recently encountered both here and elsewhere have prompted me to dig deeper, and I am starting to see that there is some real merit here.  And Caleb is right, once you begin to realize (with horror!) that your own Federal gov't is very likely to be the culprit behind the single worst incident of terrorism/mass murder to have been wrought on the American people, the Federal gov't just loses it's last shred of legitimacy.  There is just no way for Americans to rationalize any justification for this, as they can with the drug war, the war in Iraq, and the war on poverty.

I think there may be a major paradigm shift occurring here, and if so, Caleb is leading the way.  If this trend continues to gain momentum, NH independence may begin to sound very attractive to the general public.


Well, guys, we shall see . . . I certainly wish you luck, I just think it'd be better to broach the topics in different conversations/websites.  If you send someone to the website or start talking to them about secession, and they go to the website and see you talking about 9-11 truth, I'm afraid you would have wasted your breath talking about secession.  Likewise, talking about 9-11 truth and having secession info on the same page will do the same.  Each idea by itself is so hard for people to get their minds around, I can't imagine many people being able to handle both very well at the same time.

I understand what you're saying, Russell, but I'm sure you'd agree that there is a persuasive way to proclaim truth (without at the same time compromising that truth).  I really like the divide-and-conquer method to political debate -- start with a principle and then focus your arguments on one application of the principle at a time.  If you think that getting the 9-11 truth out there will make people more likely to support secession, then it makes more sense to me to get people behind 9-11 truth and then hit them with secession later, not hit them with both from scratch at the same time.

In either case, I wish you (Russell) and you (Caleb) the best of luck on both topics.

Russell Kanning

Many people I meet do not have much trouble grasping the independence idea. :)