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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Asking the tax collectors in Keene to quit. 7/27

Started by Russell Kanning, July 24, 2006, 07:36 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

We will be going to the IRS office in Keene (above the post office on main st.) on Thursday 7/27 at noon and handing them resignation letters.

You are welcome to join us.

I don't think anyone will be arrested, but you can never be certain how the criminal government will react.

We will be talking with the employees about the bad things the feds do and their part in it. Caleb's flyer explains a few things and includes a resignation form. We can also mention friends that are being persecuted by the IRS like Ed Brown and his wife.

We will let them know of the NH Sons of Liberty's ongoing plans to push them out of NH.

Plans might change after our first interaction with this office or as better ideas come out.

Right now the Sons of Liberty will follow this up a week later with a slow motion "overturning of the tables" at the IRS office.


This should be interesting.  Wish I could be there with a Video camera.  Would you guys want a camera there, or would it make the bureaucrats less likely to talk to you?


They'll probably stare at you with gaping mouths and pause for a full 60 seconds before saying "Uh, I'll check what form you need, one moment"

(Most IRS employees havent got a clue how to do their job, and even less of a clue exactly what they are doing and its legality)

Russell Kanning

Cameras are always welcome at these sorts of events.

Tom Sawyer

I am available to be there to tape your interaction... I will give you the tape for your use.

I am unfortunately not likely to be available to be involved with the commission of any criminal acts. If we can get a camera for the folks to carry during the more sensitive parts of these kind of events... I'd love to loan my rig but it cost 3k, can't afford to replace it right now.

Russell Kanning

Yea ..... they might consider it criminal to step foot in the office with intent to annoy, make fun of, or influence the workers.
I don't really know how they will react.

Russell Kanning

Small children with tiny signs are welcome to attend. Also large men in bib overalls and pitchforks are encouraged to take part.

Tom Sawyer

Superman will be at gymnastics... a superhero requires much training. ;D

Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

called wkbk and announced this. 
they have a new guest host btw, pastor (dr.) dave burman

reaganite guy.  was talking about his anger over lyndon johnson's restrictions on church speech in 1954.
said he was liking the idea of an IRS protest !

Russell Kanning

Oh cool .... I talked with him once for an hour or so.

Dave Ridley

in my announcement i didnt commit anyone to any particular act, just said there would be a demo

Russell Kanning

You never know what might happen. We might not be able to talk with anyone. They might all be locked up in their offices.

Tom Sawyer

Getting the video gear together...

Whoelse is coming to the happening. ;D

Russell Kanning

Well we never did get those papers into the hands of the employees. I guess better luck next time. :)