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Hunger strike

Started by Kat Kanning, July 31, 2006, 07:12 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Russell's already way into day one of not eating.  He just had a little fruit this morning before we went out.  Someone asked if he's practiced fasting.  Yes, he has.  He should be able to do 30 days.


What type of fasting is Russell doing? I'm thinking of dedicating a week to him.

I know during Ramadan they have a sunrise-sunset fast, I've heard of liquid only fasting, bland-food fasting, etc.


In my experience, everyone in jail is bland-food fasting.

Dave Ridley

He'll need juice soon i suspect, and you may need to bring it to him.  That is what I gathered from reading the Embassy of Heaven jail primer.

If he's on a water diet different story but i'm assuming you want juice involved so that he can stay healthy longer.

Recumbent ReCycler

Is there anything that I can do to help?  Can I bring him anything?

Kat Kanning

He was planning on sticking with water only.


Quote from: katdillon on August 01, 2006, 12:05 AM NHFT
He was planning on sticking with water only.

That's rough. Thirty days on water alone is... well, it's on a Biblical scale, and I think you understand the reference.

From a distance, I can only offer my support and advice. First, support:

Go, Russell!
Free Russell Kanning!

Now, advice: if he's asked if he's on a hunger strike, he should say no. He can explain that he's on a spiritual fast, but he should be clear on the difference. A hunger strike means that he will not accept any food from them; they'll offer it, wait for a clear refusal, then take it back so that he has no access to it. If he's fasting, he can accept the tray but not eat it.

The jailers are obliged to look out for Russell's health and safety. They're not going to force-feed him, but he will be very closely monitored if he refuses to eat. Daily weight checks, blood pressure checks, and general medical evaluations should be expected. If he should reach the point where the medical staff determine that he requires constant medical care, he will be transported to the hospital.

I'm praying for y'all. You have my admiration, and my love.



Quote from: aries on July 31, 2006, 07:25 PM NHFT
What type of fasting is Russell doing? I'm thinking of dedicating a week to him.

If you're going to fast, consider publicizing it.


Quote from: KBCraig on August 01, 2006, 01:11 AM NHFT
Quote from: katdillon on August 01, 2006, 12:05 AM NHFT
He was planning on sticking with water only.

That's rough. Thirty days on water alone is... well, it's on a Biblical scale, and I think you understand the reference.

From a distance, I can only offer my support and advice. First, support:

Go, Russell!
Free Russell Kanning!

Now, advice: if he's asked if he's on a hunger strike, he should say no. He can explain that he's on a spiritual fast, but he should be clear on the difference.

Agreed. Especially if he's in a prayerfull or meditative state, (Get those alpha waves going) he should be able to last on water alone for 30 days.

When I fast and plan it for spiritual purposes, I've lasted 30 days before.

However, if I just forget to eat -- I'll be sick w/in 5 or 6 hours. 

It makes a huge difference a person's mindset.

I'm praying for your Russle.


Kat Kanning

I'm going to fast today with Russell.  Kira may fast too, since I am.  Alice too.

Dave Ridley

There's no dishonor in taking juice; that's what the embassy of heavan folks do, and it has an advantage in that it connects you with the jail staff as you go through the process of getting juice to him.  at least that's how it worked for them. 


Quote from: tracysaboe on August 01, 2006, 02:58 AM NHFT
Agreed. Especially if he's in a prayerfull or meditative state, (Get those alpha waves going) he should be able to last on water alone for 30 days.

Theta waves would be even better.

Anyone here read The DaVinci Method? Excellent book: http://www.davincimethod.com/


Quote from: katdillon on August 01, 2006, 05:38 AM NHFT
I'm going to fast today with Russell.  Kira may fast too, since I am.  Alice too.
Lemonade for everyone at the Pizza meeting tonight.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Lex Berezhny on August 01, 2006, 08:21 AM NHFT
Quote from: tracysaboe on August 01, 2006, 02:58 AM NHFT
Agreed. Especially if he's in a prayerfull or meditative state, (Get those alpha waves going) he should be able to last on water alone for 30 days.

Theta waves would be even better.

Anyone here read The DaVinci Method? Excellent book: http://www.davincimethod.com/

Theta waves are better. It's difficult to be awake and alert with those though.  It takes alot of practice.

Davinci Method is OK. But it really just reiterates a bunch of stuff that people into this allready know and understand. Pick up a copy of The Silva Method. Writen decades ago. Or some of Win Wengers "beyond OK." There's alot of better researched stuff out their that isn't just "pop" New Age.
