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Is an SSN required to work?

Started by aries, August 03, 2006, 03:20 PM NHFT

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If the form does NOT have a valid OMB number, it is a bootleg form and you are free. OMB numbers must be re-newed by the using agnecy every 3 years and require public hearings before being asign for use. Please see the PUBLIC PROTECTION in 3512 below. GILS  Home |  About |  Technology |  Standards |  Policy |  Index |  Search |

(U.S. Public Law 44 USC 3511)
`Sec. 3511. Establishment and operation of Government Information Locator Service
`(a) In order to assist agencies and the public in locating information and to promote information sharing and equitable access by the public, the Director shall--

`(1) cause to be established and maintained a distributed agency-based electronic Government Information Locator Service (hereafter in this section referred to as the `Service'), which shall identify the major information systems, holdings, and dissemination products of each agency;

`(2) require each agency to establish and maintain an agency information locator service as a component of, and to support the establishment and operation of the Service;

`(3) in cooperation with the Archivist of the United States, the Administrator of General Services, the Public Printer, and the Librarian of Congress, establish an interagency committee to advise the Secretary of Commerce on the development of technical standards for the Service to ensure compatibility, promote information sharing, and uniform access by the public;

`(4) consider public access and other user needs in the establishment and operation of the Service;

`(5) ensure the security and integrity of the Service, including measures to ensure that only information which is intended to be disclosed to the public is disclosed through the Service; and

`(6) periodically review the development and effectiveness of the Service and make recommendations for improvement, including other mechanisms for improving public access to Federal agency public information.

`(b) This section shall not apply to operational files as defined by the Central Intelligence Agency Information Act (50 U.S.C. 431 et seq.).Sec. 3512.

Public protection
`(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information that is subject to this chapter if--

`(1) the collection of information does not display a valid control number assigned by the Director in accordance with this chapter; or

`(2) the agency fails to inform the person who is to respond to the collection of information that such person is not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid control number.

`(b) The protection provided by this section may be raised in the form of a complete defense, bar, or otherwise at any time during the agency administrative process or judicial action applicable thereto.

`Sec. 3513. Director review of agency activities; reporting; agency response
`(a) In consultation with the Administrator of General Services, the Archivist of the United States, the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, the Director shall periodically review selected agency information resources management activities to ascertain the efficiency and effectiveness of such activities to improve agency performance and the accomplishment of agency missions.

`(b) Each agency having an activity reviewed under subsection (a) shall, within 60 days after receipt of a report on the review, provide a written plan to the Director describing steps (including milestones) to--

`(1) be taken to address information resources management problems identified in the report; and

`(2) improve agency performance and the accomplishment of agency missions.

`Sec. 3514. Responsiveness to Congress
`(a)(1) The Director shall--

`(A) keep the Congress and congressional committees fully and currently informed of the major activities under this chapter; and

`(B) submit a report on such activities to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives annually and at such other times as the Director determines necessary.


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Quote from: Gabo on August 07, 2006, 12:32 AM NHFT
Quote from: Dreepa on August 06, 2006, 08:19 PM NHFT
how many times do I have to read about this 'US citizen' shit?
I'll stop it when I feel you have reasonably refuted my claims.
Until then I will continue to support what makes sense to me.
What about this from the Constitution?
Article I Sec 2
No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States,

Article I Sec 3
No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States

Article II Sec 1
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President


I know I've touched on this briefly before in this thread, but I'll reiterate with some details for clarity:

The most effective and easiest as well in most circumstances is to start your own business or work for someone else as a private contractor/consultant ("consultants" seem to have less restrictions than "contractors" for some reason, if it ever comes up) using an invisible New Mexico LLC that's not associated with your personal info. You get around a lot of the ID issue by having it be done in the name of your LLC rather than you personally, but to avoid the SSN issue in some sticky situations, you will need to get an "Employer ID Number" (EIN) from the IRS. You can do this yourself via the IRS web site, but this is obviously counter-productive, as you wouldn't want your own name attached to it!

Instead, get someone to do it for you, so that your personal info isn't attached. The good folks at KeepYourAssets.net can help with this. You can an invisible LLCs with an associated EIN quite inexpensively, and then you can use this information (your LLC name and it's EIN#) on the employment/contract forms instead of your SSN. If you're really creative, you can get a standard bank/credit union checking account or another private financial account (MyICIS, eBullion/eGold, etc.) set up in the name of your LLC using someone else as your nominee. In this case, you'd just have your employer or client write a payment check to you in the name of your LLC. When you took it to the bank, they would be able to deposit it in your account, and no one would know you were even personally involved.

KeepYourAssets.net has several different packages available for this purpose, and I originally went to them for this very reason because I couldn't find anyone to be an EIN nominee for me, etc.  Anyway, if anyone has questions, there's a toll-free # on the site's contact page, or you can call me directly (please PM for that, I don't need public phone spam or anything!). Also see http://anonymity-portal.us for some more underground type stuff that may be of use to some people in various circumstances. I didn't create that site, but it is cool and I wish I did for status points if nothing else :D.