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Admitted Pedophile Says Children Can Consent

Started by BillyC, August 04, 2006, 03:43 PM NHFT

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The age of consent depends on mental maturity.

A 10 year old can rarely consent and understand the consequences of their action... but remember, they used to marry 20-something men to barely pubescent girls so that they could have children as soon as possible after their first periods.. as soon as they were fertile.

Now, culture may have changed but I think that around that age, whenever it is reached, you are mentally capable of consenting to sex (since it is now a useful device)


Quote from: aries on August 05, 2006, 08:18 AM NHFT
The age of consent depends on mental maturity.

A 10 year old can rarely consent and understand the consequences of their action... but remember, they used to marry 20-something men to barely pubescent girls so that they could have children as soon as possible after their first periods.. as soon as they were fertile.

Now, culture may have changed but I think that around that age, whenever it is reached, you are mentally capable of consenting to sex (since it is now a useful device)

I am not sure I understand what you mean?
Are you saying 10 year olds are mentally capable of consenting to sex?


Quote from: aries on August 05, 2006, 08:18 AM NHFT
The age of consent depends on mental maturity.

A 10 year old can rarely consent and understand the consequences of their action... but remember, they used to marry 20-something men to barely pubescent girls so that they could have children as soon as possible after their first periods.. as soon as they were fertile.

Now, culture may have changed but I think that around that age, whenever it is reached, you are mentally capable of consenting to sex (since it is now a useful device)

Also back then, women didn't reach sexual maturity (and begin having menstrual cycles) until age 15 or 16.  Not at age 8 or 9 like lots do now. 


Quote from: 9thmoon on August 05, 2006, 10:53 AM NHFT
Quote from: aries on August 05, 2006, 08:18 AM NHFT
The age of consent depends on mental maturity.

A 10 year old can rarely consent and understand the consequences of their action... but remember, they used to marry 20-something men to barely pubescent girls so that they could have children as soon as possible after their first periods.. as soon as they were fertile.

Now, culture may have changed but I think that around that age, whenever it is reached, you are mentally capable of consenting to sex (since it is now a useful device)

Also back then, women didn't reach sexual maturity (and begin having menstrual cycles) until age 15 or 16.  Not at age 8 or 9 like lots do now. 

So what do you think the contributing factors are?
What could make such drastic changes in the female body.
Could it be all of the impurities in our food, drinks & vaccines?
I have noticed physicals changes in kids but I have not noticed them being any more mature mentaly.

I think a childs mental maturity is sometimes mistaken by adults, mostly due to young children's over exposure to adult oriented entertainment.

Most all television programs, music and movies hell even cartoons are infused with sexual innuendo or worse.

Just because kids know about it doesn't mean they are ready for it.

16 is a good and appropriate age for consent.
At that age they are old enough to deal with the repercussions of their actions and just about anything else llife deals out to them.

Lloyd Danforth

I have always assumed that the early physical maturing had something to do with 10 generations of marriage of people from different parts of the world in the U.S.(melting pot/salad bowl), but, I don't know if it is occurring just in U.S.

Some people are mature enough to make major decisions when they are younger than 16 and some aren't at 30. This is why it is wrong to make laws based on age.  Most young people are under the control of parents and should do as they are told, with the option of going out on their own and being responsible for themselves.


I'm going to adamantly disagree that a 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 year old is capable of consenting to sex. Teenagers, perhaps mentally to a degree but not emotionally. The emotional maturity required to handle the ultimate consequence of having sex is not present in teenagers (albeit, not a good deal of adults either) but certainly not in children and teens.
Perhaps, a 10 year old is capable of consenting to "scrambled, or over easy" but not sex. Piano or trumpet, not sex. The jungle book or Star Wars clone wars, not sex. Clean your room or you're grounded, not sex. Superman or spider man, not sex.......
Aries is clearly not a parent so perhaps, with time to grow and mature, he will reconsider the situation. As a parent, I've got a primal, fierce urge to protect my child and preserve his innocence. This includes exposure to filth and degradation so prevelant all around us, everywhere you turn. Parents are the front line of defense in the attack against our children and it is our duty and responsibility to defend them with everything we've got.
Public schools and ignorant parents are to blame for the over sexualization of our children and the liberal agenda preaches tolerance for adults viewing children as sexual prey.


I strongly agree with Lloyd that the parents need to be the source of authority for the kids, not the state. I think the stomping of parental rights by the state (and complacent parents)are contributing factors in the advancement of the liberal agenda of ruining our kids.


Puritanism is to blame for Americans' fear of sex. 

Parents' lack of honest communication about sex to their kids is to blame for dangerous experimentation.

Sorry parents, "Don't do it!" isn't honest communication about sex.  But that's about what most kids get from their parents in America.  If that.

Rodinia blames government schools.  I blame parents for sending their kids to government schools, for paying property taxes to support government schools, and for expecting government schools to educate their kids about sex, so they don't have to.


I blame parents first and foremost Ian. They are the ultimate authoritarian over their children. They have supreme responsibility.


Quote from: BillyC on August 05, 2006, 10:47 AM NHFT
Quote from: aries on August 05, 2006, 08:18 AM NHFT
The age of consent depends on mental maturity.

A 10 year old can rarely consent and understand the consequences of their action... but remember, they used to marry 20-something men to barely pubescent girls so that they could have children as soon as possible after their first periods.. as soon as they were fertile.

Now, culture may have changed but I think that around that age, whenever it is reached, you are mentally capable of consenting to sex (since it is now a useful device)

He's saying that 14 year old girls and 16 year old boys are.

That's not really true now. Government schools have dumbed down kids emotional and mental maturity to the point that they really don't understand untill later.

If we didn't have government schools. I think most boys would be MEN by the time they reached puburty and most girls actually would be women by the time they reached puberty. Currently though at that age they're mostly just kids with audult abilities.


I am not sure I understand what you mean?
Are you saying 10 year olds are mentally capable of consenting to sex?


QuotePuritanism is to blame for Americans' fear of sex. 

Ian, I think we both agree that the parents are responsible party numer uno...Schools and religious prudence zealotry are influental over weak and ignorant parents. If we know better, is it not our responsibility to be good shepherds?


Quote from: BillyC on August 05, 2006, 11:40 AM NHFT
Quote from: 9thmoon on August 05, 2006, 10:53 AM NHFT
Quote from: aries on August 05, 2006, 08:18 AM NHFT
The age of consent depends on mental maturity.

A 10 year old can rarely consent and understand the consequences of their action... but remember, they used to marry 20-something men to barely pubescent girls so that they could have children as soon as possible after their first periods.. as soon as they were fertile.

Now, culture may have changed but I think that around that age, whenever it is reached, you are mentally capable of consenting to sex (since it is now a useful device)

Also back then, women didn't reach sexual maturity (and begin having menstrual cycles) until age 15 or 16.  Not at age 8 or 9 like lots do now. 

So what do you think the contributing factors are?
What could make such drastic changes in the female body.
Could it be all of the impurities in our food, drinks & vaccines?
I have noticed physicals changes in kids but I have not noticed them being any more mature mentaly.

I think a childs mental maturity is sometimes mistaken by adults, mostly due to young children's over exposure to adult oriented entertainment.

Most all television programs, music and movies hell even cartoons are infused with sexual innuendo or worse.

Just because kids know about it doesn't mean they are ready for it.

16 is a good and appropriate age for consent.
At that age they are old enough to deal with the repercussions of their actions and just about anything else llife deals out to them.

I blame the hormones in beef and milk and lots of other animal products for premature (physical) puberty.  The more industrialized a nation, the faster the girls develop breasts.  My poor kids, if ever I have any, are going to be late bloomers... this is one more good reason to go organic.
Have you also noticed that kids these days are really, really fat?  I mean REALLY fat.  Like "oh my god, I just mistook that 9 year old girl for an obese adult" fat.  Dunno if that in particular is a symptom of bad food or bad parenting - or both.  (Probably both.)

I don't think it's a bad thing that movies, television, music, etc. are infused with sexual innuendo.  Out here in the real world, people enjoy sex.  Folks who want to keep living in their closets with a pillow over their heads are fooling themselves, and I pity them and their poor, unprepared children.  Humans spend more time as adults than as children; it's no wonder our society is (and ALL societies from the beginning of time have been) highly sexualized. 

There's no reason for children not to be exposed to sexuality, for the same reasons they should be exposed to death, suffering, violence, and lots of other real-world facts of life.  WITH supervision and intentional parenting. 

Quote from: FTL_Ian on August 05, 2006, 12:20 PM NHFT
Puritanism is to blame for Americans' fear of sex. 

Parents' lack of honest communication about sex to their kids is to blame for dangerous experimentation.

Exactly.  Exactly!  Same reason parents should talk to their kids realistically about drugs.  ;-) 


In my original post I said 10 is rarely enough to consent to sex because it is rarely an age at which a girl has started menstruation.

After that age, whatever it may be, a girl is old enough for her own body to deal with the consequences of having sex (it is able to bear a child)... so I think she should be able to consent to it.

And it's true it is coming earlier these days... but that doesn't change my mind. Parents should tell their kids a little more about how long to wait and how to protect yourself... rather than expecting their daughters to be chaste until they're 18 or 21.


That's a very 18 year old way to see things.