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If I were as malicious as Don Gorman

Started by Kat Kanning, August 06, 2006, 03:16 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

....right now I would be working on printing articles to sabotage his political campaigns and letting voters in his area know what a truly despicable example of a human being he is.  I really appreciate being kicked when I'm down, Don.  Thanks for the nice day.


Pat K

I am very tired right now and this post has brought back the extreme anger I felt this afternoon, so I will wait till tomorrow to reply. I don't trust myself right now.

Kat Kanning

Well, I was going to come back and delete this post, but people have replied.  Let it go.


Quote from: Pat K on August 06, 2006, 03:38 AM NHFT
I am very tired right now and this post has brought back the extreme anger I felt this afternoon, so I will wait till tomorrow to reply. I don't trust myself right now.

Kat doesn't want to respond, and I respect that.

But when my good friend PatK, who is normally Mister Mellow, gets "extreme anger", then I'm 1000% sure that it's justified.

So... hugs to Kat. And PatK... c'mon, give it up.



I didn't hear Don speak yesterday but he always rubbed me the wrong way
ever since I heard his advice to porcupines:

You never see porcupines out in the open,
unless they are dead on the highway.
So remember that and stay in the woods.

Lloyd Danforth


Best thing to do in response is absolutely nothing. There is nothing like having someone publicly say malicious things about you and then not get a response. It makes them look bad and in the long run you will win.



I didn't see him speak to Kat, but he was a little loud (his voice does carry) in his conversation with Seth saying Russell knew he would get arrested and a bit about not knowing what Russell hoped to accomplish.


Pat K

First I should say this post will be biased. I am still mad when I think of it.

Don Gorman was more than a little loud, he was speaking to make sure as many people could hear him as possible. He was not wishing to just state that he did not agree with Russells methods, he was out to discredit Russell and acuse him of just doing this for his ego. This is of course an incredible statement from a guy who likes to be be callled "the Don" and whose ego if it ever crashes back to earth could take out a good chunk of the planet. He was going on about how Russell could go to jail for years and by his tone, that would be just fine with him. This was extremely unclassy and cruel, with Kat being in the room. If you think Don did not know she was there, ask your self when you think  the last time Don did not know who was around him in a meeting room. We were sitting in his line of vision. Frankly If it would have went on 10 more seconds I would have turned Sandys meeting into a free for all.


In case you're not aware, Don is hard of hearing.  It's possible he doesn't realize how loud he speaks.

Pat K

Well maybe, but I am also hard of hearing, was 10 feet away from him in a room with the backround noise of 30 or so people and I heard him as if  I was sitting at the table next to him.

Tom Sawyer

Thanks Pat...

It annoyed me too and was very inappropriate. My question to Mr Gorman is for someone who has be involved in politics here as long as he has been... were is your gang? I mean I don't see folks risking their liberty for Mr. Gorman. He should be bringing hundreds of folks onto our team... where are they?

Thus, the real motivation (I'm guessing) to his repeated slights toward Russell (and Kat) are jealousy over the love we have for our dynamic duo. Without these two where would we be communicating right now?

Differing opinions over tactics are understandable and completely cool...
Maybe Mr. Gorman should take a look at Sandy's blog entree about Russell's actions. She differs on tacits, but spoke very nicely about it.
A Man for All Seasons

Her getting a card to send to Russell, and having folks sign it was a really kind thing to do. :)

As I write this I see she has posted a kind defense for Mr. Gorman... she is indeed a class act.


I just wish everyone could mind their manners (Don). We don't need to splinter this small movement into anything smaller. That would kill the FSP and most prospective movers would think we're the typical dinner club libertarians. Just have some class and forget about Don. He might not even last that much longer, you never know.