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If I were as malicious as Don Gorman

Started by Kat Kanning, August 06, 2006, 03:16 AM NHFT

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I predict the non violent revolution will grow at a much faster clip than will any political efforts.  Let them talk their trash.  We'll keep doing what's right.

Tom Sawyer

I don't really see it as (necessary) a divide.
It's just some players are used to the exercise of power and they don't like people that aren't in awe of them.


I agree that the divide is not necessary.  Take John Babiarz, for instance.  He's very political, and yet he gets along just fine with the non-political folks.  The list of folks who are political, and yet who also get along just fine with the non-political folks is probably higher than the politicos who are trying to do damage to the non-political wing.  Folks like Varrin and his family, Chris and his family, Rocketman, Joel and Amy, JP, Dawn Lincoln, the McCotters, Sandy, Don and Cathleen, and many, many more seem to get along just fine with more non-political, non-voting types.

I personally find myself in the netherworld, sympathetic with the non-political types, yet still mildly political (I vote, run for office, and contact the representatives I know, and try to build relationships with them on issues that I care about, though I don't go to Concord, attend meetings or anything that I find "boring".  My problem is that politics is terminally boring for me, and I don't frankly have a lot of energy for it.  I have more energy for fun stuff, which is why I tend to prefer the non-political actions.  I also get far more worked up by federal, as opposed to state, issues.)

There are only a few of those within the political wings who seem to want to do damage to those who are working outside the system.  Almost to a man, they seem to be influenced by Don Gormon.  And yet, even though they are so few, they seem to be SO LOUD, and their rhetoric is so harsh.

I wish there were a way of toning that down, but unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. 

Lloyd Danforth

I have been to several LP state conventions including two in NH   and I have known a bunch of libertarians, both, small l and L and have never met one as loud as Gorman.

Dave Ridley

I wouldn't shortchange the political folks...nothing generates positive response from the rest of the nation quite like political results.  Political successes seem to be a more powerful attractor than the other stuff we do, without the negative "your a bunch of nuts" reaction from locals....on the other hand it requires more effort.

I like Don.  And I like Kat.  I hope they both lay off each other.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 06, 2006, 09:15 PM NHFT
I wouldn't shortchange the political folks...nothing generates positive response from the rest of the nation quite like political results.  Political successes seem to be a more powerful attractor than the other stuff we do, without the negative "your a bunch of nuts" reaction from locals....on the other hand it requires more effort.

I like Don.  And I like Kat.  I hope they both lay off each other.

Dave, maybe this isn't my place, but I only see one comment in this thread that short changes the political folks. The rest refer to one individual.

Recumbent ReCycler

Had I been there, I would have advised Don to not be so crass, and to use more tact.  I personally don't agree 100% with Russell's tactics, but I support him nonetheless, because we share a common goal and I don't believe that he has done anything to harm our cause.  Despite our different tactics, I don't believe that the feds should have obstructed his movement, let alone arrested him.  Was his flyer "politically incorrect"?  Definitely, but the first amendment is not there just to protect the speech that everyone agrees with and likes.  If it were, then we would not need it.  One thing that I have learned about Don, is that what he says should be taken with a grain of salt.  He is not always 100% correct, although one could learn a bit from him.  If what he says doesn't sound right, then ask others about it, 'cause he does occasionally say something dumb.  I'll have to admit that I occasionally say something dumb too, but I try to be nice to everyone, except for some of the "constitutional threats" when they propose or support unconstitutional bills.  For those who have seen me raise my voice in anger at some dumb legislators who want to restrict free speech in a public hearing, that is about as hostile/rude as I get.


Quote from: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on August 06, 2006, 06:23 PM NHFT
I agree that the divide is not necessary.  Take John Babiarz, ... and many, many more seem to get along just fine with more non-political, non-voting types.

I totally agree.  We can all work together, and most of us will.

QuoteI personally find myself in the netherworld,

I'm totally willing to help the political side.  I've yet to experience that scene in NH, so I reserve judgement.

Quotethey seem to be SO LOUD, and their rhetoric is so harsh.

We will always be up against a minority of loudmouths.  Those who are in or seek control over others will not let their positions and government paychecks go quietly.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on August 06, 2006, 06:04 PM NHFT
I predict the non violent revolution will grow at a much faster clip than will any political efforts.  Let them talk their trash.  We'll keep doing what's right.

I think maybe Don is a member of the violent revolution wing?

Okay, I am too, but nobody wants to joing me so I'll twiddle my thumbs and be peaceful.


Being someone who comes from the Political side, there is a lot of hard work involved and I believe it does make a difference.  This coming year I expect there to be more success as well.

Just because we do things differently doesn't mean we can't work together.  If you do something I don't agree with I will not stand with you while your doing it, but as a friend I will support you in your time of need.

I would hope my friends feel the same way about me.

I don't agree with standing in a room full of people knocking someone down, that's just wrong on a moral level.  If you don't have something positive to offer than just don't offer. It serves no purpose to cause someone else pain.


I know Don, he is very opinionated but he does have the freedom movement in his heart.   He is of the sort that believes the best antidote to the police state is through slow incrementalism and getting liberty minded people elected, changing from within.  Not everyone agrees, but I can see his point of view.

Maybe that day he had a hair over his butt in general and sounded off a bit too harshly, I don't know.  I wouldn't make a war out of it, just take his opinion for what you value it for.


Quote from: BaRbArIaN on August 07, 2006, 07:19 PM NHFT
I know Don, he is very opinionated but he does have the freedom movement in his heart.   He is of the sort that believes the best antidote to the police state is through slow incrementalism and getting liberty minded people elected, changing from within.  Not everyone agrees, but I can see his point of view.

Maybe that day he had a hair over his butt in general and sounded off a bit too harshly, I don't know.  I wouldn't make a war out of it, just take his opinion for what you value it for.

I'm sure our founding fathers would have agreed - incrementalism  ::)

Lloyd Danforth

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way,
when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their
shoes. Frieda Norris

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on August 07, 2006, 09:10 PM NHFT
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way,
when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their
shoes. Frieda Norris


Hey Lloyd... I have a bone to pick with you and your twin cohort PatK.

I come home to find out that you two have been tickling Elizabeth's funny bone... ;D Imagine my shock to find her at my computer laughing at you two's antics. She says you guys make her laugh her ass off. She thinks you guys could take your act on the road. ;D

Pat K

Roger tell Elizabeth I said hi and tell her unfortunatly it's not an act we really are this fucked up.  ;D