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Name suggestions for a new club at Keene State College:

Started by earthhaven, August 06, 2006, 06:58 PM NHFT

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Quote from: katdillon on August 10, 2006, 06:05 PM NHFT
Are you guys going to read Atlas Shrugged as a part of your club?   ;D

People should read Atlas Shrugged just because it is one of the best . . .well, . . .  just for there own enjoyment.

It realy is a pleasure to read.


Quote from: FTL_Ian on August 10, 2006, 08:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: John on August 10, 2006, 08:42 PM NHFT
Asumeing you are one of the folks I met today, I was truely my pleasure.  You guys ROCK!  Thanks for taking an stand.  You are important.

The KSC group is more than important, they will be critical in freeing Keene.

OK Ian.   Thanks you for having me think about a better word.   :P
These folks are essential.   ;D  ;D

Recumbent ReCycler

There are some of us who are working toward forming a group at UNH-Durham.
A facebook account is required to view the page: http://unh.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2203872438&topic=1377, so for those of you who don't have a facebook account, Here is the discussion:

QuoteKathryn Dulla wrote
on Apr 23, 2006 at 7:50 PM
I was thinking of starting a College Libertarians club at UNH next semester. I wasn't sure how many people would be interested. I just think it would be nice to have a Libertarian presence and a Libertarian voice on campus. We seem to be quite dominated by squabbling liberals and conservatives. Anyway, if anyone is interested, let me know. My email is ket6@unh.edu.

Matthew Minuti replied to Kathryn's post
on May 1, 2006 at 2:01 PM
Actually, I was surprised to see that this group was small, and previously nonexistant. There *definitely* should be a club, so that way people know there's a valid third party out there. Usually everyone hears libertarian and thinks "oh, those crazies who want to legalize ____" but there's so much more they're missing.

Kathryn Dulla replied to Matthew's post
on May 1, 2006 at 7:53 PM
I completely agree. Guillaume and I are trying to get the group off the ground. We missed the deadline to have it okayed by the school, but we're going to try to push it through this semester anyway. Hopefully you'll be seeing us next semester on the table tents and at the student activities fair! I hope you, and anyone else who is interested, will join us!

Michael R Bedard wrote
on May 3, 2006 at 9:32 PM
I would deffinately get involved in said student organization.

You replied to Kathryn's post
on May 10, 2006 at 9:44 PM
I think that one way to go about it that would really get a lot of people's attention would be for us to submit whatever we would need to become an officially recognised group, but instead of trying to get a bunch of money from the student activity fund like other groups do, publicly announce that because as libertarians we don't believe in the taking of money from others without their consent for our own use, we do not want students to have to pay higher student activity fees in order to fund our activities, and will not take activity fund money, but we will accept voluntary donations. We could have fun fundraisers to raise money for our activities. Maybe something like a day at the range, where people who pay a donation of at least a certain amount would be able to go to a range or sand pit and try out a bunch of firearms after receiving basic firearms safety instruction. (I am a certified instructor and own over 20 firearms.) Note: I am a libertarian (a person who practices the libertarian philosophy), but not a Libertarian (a member of the Libertarian party.) I think that the group should be called "College libertarians" instead of "College Libertarians". I know most people don't know the difference and probably wouldn't notice, but there is a difference. Let me know if I can help.

Kathryn Dulla replied to your post
on May 11, 2006 at 10:05 AM
I think that is an excellent idea, Timothy. That would definitely get some attention. I'm thinking of advertising on the table tents next semester. And we are also going to get ourselves recognized. As a Libertarian, I had planned to use some party ties within the club, but now that you mention it, a more broadbased "lowercase l" libertarian group is probably a better idea. Particularly because there are so many people on the UNH campus who are completely unaware of what libertarians stand for. I would definitely appreciate your help. I will make sure to contact you next semester.

Kathryn Dulla replied to Kathryn's post
on May 11, 2006 at 2:39 PM
Upon further thought and research, perhaps a name like, "UNH Forum for Liberty", "UNH Liberty Coalition", or "Students for Individual Liberty" would be more appropriate. Granted- these names have been ripped off of groups at other schools. Any thoughts?

Michael Brown replied to Kathryn's post
on May 14, 2006 at 12:03 PM
Another thing I wanted to do sometime before I leave school (and I think this group would be a good front for it) is a firearm raffle, like this one:


There have been a couple others like it in various schools recently. Alternatively, instead of having a specific model raffled off, some of the raffles have done any firearm of the winner's choice within a certain value, so that they have a choice between rifle, shotgun and handgun.

You replied to Kathryn's post
on Jul 12, 2006 at 7:57 AM
That sounds good to me. Especially since most people don't seem to have any clue as to what a libertarian is, but have a vague understanding of liberty. I'm at UNH pretty much all summer, so if someone wants to get together before the fall semester, send me an email.

You replied to Michael's post
on Jul 12, 2006 at 8:03 AM
That sounds like it would be a fun idea. I could probably get a good deal on an AK47 (around $300) if you want to try it. If you wanted to go low budget, I might be able to get a bolt action rifle for close to $50 or a .22 pistol for under $100.

Kathryn Dulla replied to your post
on Jul 31, 2006 at 10:45 PM
I'm intrigued. You all seem to have some good ideas. I'll try to call some sort of meeting early in the semester. I want to get us recognized in early September. I'll be in touch with all of you.

You replied to your post
on Aug 1, 2006 at 10:50 AM
I found another option for a firearm raffle. A 1893 Turkish Mauser can be bought for about $180, and since they were made before 1899, there are no restrictions on them. They can be transferred without any paperwork or license. http://www.antiquefirearms.org/turkspecial.htm

Jon Douse replied to your post
on Aug 6, 2006 at 12:24 PM
Not to put down the idea of the firearms raffle, it would probably be successful, but I think it might give some people the wrong idea about libertarianism. Granted we could have posters or something to educate the people who show up, but from what I can tell many people who don't know what libertarians are all about see us as sort of weird or crazy. Those people would read a poster or table tent and then also associate the party/philosophy with guns/militarism. Of course, I have no better ideas for raising funds, just wanted to throw that out there.

Tom Sawyer

Messed around with this...

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: earthhaven on August 06, 2006, 06:58 PM NHFT
Myself and a couple of friends are planning on starting up a freedom oriented club at Keene State College this fall. We are wondering if people have suggestions about what we should call ourselves in order to reach out to the most amount of people possible. Keene State Clubs are open to the community which will make it easy for us to do things with the NHfree.com people.

Are there reasons why we should steer either towards or away from having Libertarians in our title?
Can we use the porcupine logo or is it trademarked?

Any suggestions about the club will be welcomed. If people want to talk to us about the club in person we will be at the Keene meeting on Tuesday at 7 pm, and we will be having our meeting afterwards if people are interested in getting involved.

Earthhaven, I should have asked you - what is your facebook? You can add me, I'm the only Matt Covey (I think) at Plymouth State


Having groups at both colleges will make for great synergy on youth issues like ending the War on Drugs, and abolishing the drinking age.

NH Native

Keene Free Staters

Students for Individual Liberty is a good non-threatening PC kind of name.

How about Czars of Freedom and Liberty for something a little more ballsy. :) (ok I can't find an appropriate smile for that)


Quote from: NH Native on August 10, 2006, 11:54 PM NHFT

How about Czars of Freedom and Liberty for something a little more ballsy. :) (ok I can't find an appropriate smile for that)

>:D  :icon_pirat:  :evil: :icon_tongue:


Getting something going at both major colleges in NH would be great! Matt I added you, my name is Toby. I've gotta run, but there's a lot of good stuff here, thanks all :).

Recumbent ReCycler

Oh, I don't know why I forgot to mention it yesterday, but I am working to try to effect some change in the state university system that would affect personal liberties at all of the state colleges.  Could everyone who is a student at a state university in NH please contact me if you are willing to assist me in restoring some freedom to the students and staff at the state universities in NH that was unjustly taken away by the Board of Directors?  I will send more details by email to those who are interested.  I would like to collaborate with libertarian minded students at all of NH's state universities.

Kat Kanning



It is very yellow.  ;D  But that just gives you a great theme song www.republicofnh.org/yellow.mp3



Very nice indeed!
Yes, a much brighter yellow than I would use & I would definatly use a small L rather than the capital in the word libertarian.

Best of luck to you all!  Very, 8)


Thanks for the feedback. We have changed the yellow, and thanks John for pointing out the big L, it has been changed :). If others have feedback please let me know!