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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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How did you discover NHfree.com?

Started by Dave Ridley, August 09, 2006, 05:00 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Just wondering.  Knowing how you found us will help us market this place.   

I discovered it because Kat Dillion told me about it the day she built it LOL. altho it was just the Underground forum then, didn't have the NHfree.com name.

Kat Kanning

Russell suggested it.  He was in love with wikis.


I heard about it when I was asked by you to register the domain names:


Since that time NH33.com's registration has lapsed.

I think we've had good growth since then (Jan 2005), and look forward to reading how others found the site.


FTL.. I forget where I found FTL but Ian suggested it


I heard about it over on the FSP site, during my pre-NH days, when I was thinking about moving up here.
Just look what happened. >:D


i think i first heard about it on free talk live


I think i found i on the fsp-forum but i am not really sure.


I've been here so long I don't remember any more...

But seriously, FSP to FTL to here. Though I have absolutely no idea how I tripped over the FSP web site in the first place (probably an unrelated web search). As usual, I'm part of an utterly useless demographic :P


Pat K

Well I was on my 26th beer  and.........


In a round about way I heard about it on Alex Jones radio show.
Someone called in and mentioned the FSP.
I went to the FSP web site liked what I read and it went from there.

Listen to Alex Jones Live
from 11AM-2PM and from 9PM
-Midnight Central Mon-Fri

Alex Jones is worth listening to.
He has a lot of prominent guest and he fights for freedom and liberty everyday.


I googled it.  NH + underground + libertarian + resistence   Figured there had to be some non-sheeple in NH somewhere.


FSP forums for me, as well. I joined right about the time Kat was having a falling out with the leadership. I remembered the announcement about the Underground forums, but I was too busy catching up with all the information on the FSP site.

I had also assumed that the Underground amounted to sour grapes. Wrongly, I'm glad to say!

I've gladly been here since March 11, 2005. For some time, both forums were equally busy, but then the greenies and georgies ran wild over at FSP, pretty much killing any meaningful discussion. I stopped checking both forums several times per day, and dropped my FSP forum participation to once every two or three days.

The traffic on the Underground has gone through the roof. There's a lot of excitement here!


Lloyd Danforth

I think I was walking thru a Trailer Park in Keene when someone came out of an alley and said, "Psst!......Psst!.....New Hampshire Underground!"


I heard about it when they announced it on the FSP forum.