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How did you discover NHfree.com?

Started by Dave Ridley, August 09, 2006, 05:00 PM NHFT

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FTL led me to FSP and that to NH Underground.  now that's a slippery slope!  :icon_pirat:

Recumbent ReCycler

Somebody asked me if I was on the nhfree forums, and suggested that I would fit in there.  I don't remember who it was though.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 09, 2006, 05:00 PM NHFT
Just wondering.  Knowing how you found us will help us market this place.

I came over after Dada started posting on the Merrimack Forum.


Hi, I did a google search on states that were involved in political activism and the free state project came up and then I started posting there and someone at free state forum suggested I post here also.
I am recovering from surgery right now and cannot wait until I am better so I can really start getting involved in issues that I have strong beliefs in.
I am not sure if we can change what is going on in our country but I feel I have to try and not sit there and say "oh well".
If anything I will know that I've tried and I really hope we are all successful with what changes we are trying to make for the good of our future and our children, grandchildren, other people's famililies also.
There comes a point in some people's lives where they ask themselves, "what can I do", "is there a bigger purpose in my life that I am missing", and I've been at that point for a few years now but have felt helpless not knowing there were such large groups trying to achieve the same things I have been wanting to.
Power in numbers, my mother always taught us, so now that I've found this group and the Free State Project I do not feel alone in the battle.


I 'found' this forum in Feb 05 right not too long after it was started.  I think I heard about it on the FSP boards.
ACTION not words.  Part of the reason I made the move so soon.


I think I noticed it mentioned on the FSP site but did not check it out right away. I then heard Ian talking about the NHFree site on FTL. The topic on FTL really made me want to know more so I looked in to the NHfree site, I now use the NHFree fourms more then any other forum site.

I was turned on to the FSP by a interview on one of the National Public Radio shows, this was a long time ago I think before the state was chosen. I did not join the FSP until about 2 years ago when I really noticed we are in a police state.



This probably should have been a poll. I came from the FSP forum.


I thought there was an option to add a poll after the fact, but I guess not.



Kat Kanning



Quote from: katdillon on August 10, 2006, 04:49 PM NHFT
Voices in my head.


That's how I came across NHFree too, but the voice was Ian's  :D