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Started by Dave Ridley, August 09, 2006, 05:00 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


Quote from: Money Dollars on September 13, 2006, 01:57 PM NHFT
Quote from: Jon Maltz on September 13, 2006, 12:14 PM NHFT
fisher spent a lot of time on the FSP forums trying to get himself banned, to no avail.  He eventually wandered off to greener pastures where he could avail himself of his particular fetish, getting his posts moderated.
You stupid lying mother fucker. I did get banned from the FSP forum.


I was banned from the FSP forum by Adam Prick.   Cry
When you apparently deleted your account in the first half of March 2005 Adam said he did not ban you.  I was against banning you, but I was only a moderator at the time, not an admin, so I had no access to the moderation log or ban list.  I do see one email address that might be you in the ban list, but that wasn't added until March 31 2005, over two weeks after you deleted yourself.  I'd be happy to remove it if you like.

Is it a requirement to be an asshole to be on the FSP BoD, or do you turn into one once you get on the board?
I'll have to get back to you on that.


Quote from: Money Dollars on September 13, 2006, 01:57 PM NHFT
You stupid lying mother fucker
The thing I hate about you is that you pussyfoot around with diplomatic PC working, leaving us all to wonder what's really on your mind  ;)

Money Dollars

Quote from: Jon Maltz on September 13, 2006, 03:55 PM NHFT
When you apparently deleted your account in the first half of March 2005 Adam said he did not ban you.
Right, I deleted my account, then after a few hours, I recreated it...That is not what I am talking about.

let me quote jason:
QuoteAlso, I note that fisher has been banned. I didn't do that either. Adam decided to do it, and emailed the other moderators about it. Fisher had a libellous signature that Adam asked him to change; when he didn't, Adam changed it for him; when Adam did that, fisher devised the ad hominem attack for his signature, "signature removed by forum Nazis." Since fisher had already been warned before about personal attacks, he was banned this time.


Quote from: Money Dollars on September 13, 2006, 04:25 PM NHFT
Quote from: Jon Maltz on September 13, 2006, 03:55 PM NHFT
When you apparently deleted your account in the first half of March 2005 Adam said he did not ban you.
Right, I deleted my account, then after a few hours, I recreated it...That is not what I am talking about.

let me quote jason:
QuoteAlso, I note that fisher has been banned. I didn't do that either. Adam decided to do it, and emailed the other moderators about it. Fisher had a libellous signature that Adam asked him to change; when he didn't, Adam changed it for him; when Adam did that, fisher devised the ad hominem attack for his signature, "signature removed by forum Nazis." Since fisher had already been warned before about personal attacks, he was banned this time.

Well it is hard to dispute that you are one for personal attacks, as you did call me a stupid lying motherfucker a few posts ago.  If you would like to be unbanned you need only ask, but if you go around calling people stupid lying mother fuckers, you might be asked to take it elsewhere, like the MotheringDotCommune forums.

Money Dollars

Why would I want to be unbanned.  ???

Fuck stupid FSP forum.


Quote from: Money Dollars on September 13, 2006, 05:29 PM NHFT
Why would I want to be unbanned.  ???

Fuck stupid FSP forum.

Your unique insight and method of interacting with people will surely be missed over there.


I joined the day the Underground started, just seven hours after Russell. I think Kat let me know about it, or I read about it on the FSP forum. Not sure which.


who started this forum  ??? kat im guessing?



Back to the issue at hand. FTL showed me the way home. FTL F-ing rocks.



Yeah, i also heard from the free state project and this bulletin board from ftl infact im lisening to the podcast right now