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Agree to disagree

Started by felix.benner, August 14, 2006, 05:41 AM NHFT

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By now I have identified three major topics where libertarians disagree:
1. Children's rights (the most emotional one)
2. Anarchy vs. Minarchy
3. Intellectual Property

What other topics tend to lead to "Endless Debate"? And is it necessary to find some compromise? Or is it possible to "agree to disagree" on those subjects?


The most common beliefs/comprimises in my opinion have been-

1. Children's rights (the most emotional one)
Leave the children up to the parents until age X (usually maturity/self dependence/or an age like 16 or 18)

2. Anarchy vs. Minarchy
It's nearly impossible to be minarchist without flirting with anarchy, if not adopting it as your preference.

3. Intellectual Property
IP is property. Protect it like a trade secret if you don't want it copied or imitated. Throughout history content creators have accepted imitation as the sincerest form of flattery.

Other points of debate I think are-

1) What kinds of property you have rights over (like IP but not only)

2) Money