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Started by nooneimportant, February 25, 2005, 09:24 PM NHFT

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"Utah's state Legislature is poised to repudiate the No Child Left
Behind Act and spurn $116 million in federal aid tied to it because
state policy-makers are fed up with federal control of education and
dictates.  `This is not a partisan issue; this is a states' rights
issue,' said Rep. Margaret Dayton, a 55-year-old Republican and
mother of 12 who has led the rebellion to make Utah the first state
to opt out of No Child Left Behind.

"Mrs. Dayton's bill and another giving primacy to state education
standards won unanimous House approval last week. . . . Bush
administration officials have conducted round-the-clock negotiations
in an attempt to prevent Utah from becoming the first state to ignore
the school accountability law. . . . Eight other state legislatures --
in Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Vermont and Virginia -- are considering challenges to No Child Left

- Washington Times, 2/23/05


Hooray!!!!!!!!  8) Someone is finally willing to tell Washington to take their money and stuff it.  >:D

Russell Kanning

We should do it too.....we can survive $100 per person less from the Feds 8)


I would absolutely LOVE to see NH just say no to NCLB funds. I'm quite sure that NH can live without it and that we would be better off without it! Let's do it!


Quote from: dawn on March 06, 2005, 01:01 PM NHFT
I would absolutely LOVE to see NH just say no to NCLB funds. I'm quite sure that NH can live without it and that we would be better off without it! Let's do it!

I agree. We don't need any of their stinking money.

Lloyd Danforth

I've often thought that Michael Jackson missinterpeted this concept, or, got the words mixed up.  He should have been a Priest.


I think this should be one of our projects for next year - at the state and local level. Just say NO to NCLB.

Russell Kanning

That is a good first step for the whole state.