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Mount Monadnock Hike

Started by Kat Kanning, August 18, 2006, 07:32 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

We've been talking about doing this at 9 am, leaving from the park's parking lot there.  Was anyone planning on coming with us?


Don's knee has been bothering him. He shouldn't chance it.


Amos Keag


My daughter and I camped and hiked Monadnock in May.  She hiked all the way up, and back down @ 4 yrs old...what an awesome day!  I'm thinkin' we should do it again this weekend, but the weather forecast doesn't look great.


If you do it at 9 ... I think I can make it.

Kat Kanning

The weather says t-storms for Sunday.  I think we're going to cancel.   :-\


I wonder if your hike will be anything like the one sung about in "Acid For Blood" by Scissorfight? :)

When the sun went down on Manadnock Valley
Yeah we learned the seasons turned
Injury, to rip the soul
Casualty, locusts of control

More of those pills!
More more more!

When the wind rips through the pitch pine
Tracks in sand, the prophets land
The sun will always be setting
Too much sky for regretting

More of those pills!
More more more!

Russell Kanning

I wonder what valley they are talking about. We don't have any "Monadnock River" that I know of.