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Libertarian Party SPAM

Started by Michael Fisher, August 18, 2006, 10:52 AM NHFT

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Michael Fisher

An e-mail arrived in my inbox from the national LP recently:
"Mike, why haven't you renewed your support?"

I was shocked to imagine that they might actually want to know why I've stopped supporting them. After reading the e-mail, however, it's apparent that they don't really want to know -- they just want my money. :P

On the bright side, it's becoming nearly impossible to keep up with the NH Underground as well as all of the Caspian, NHCaspian, Porcupine, and LSF e-mail lists.  :) We're hard at work toward liberty.


Quote from: Michael Fisher on August 18, 2006, 10:52 AM NHFT
On the bright side, it's becoming nearly impossible to keep up with the NH Underground as well as all of the Caspian, NHCaspian, Porcupine, and LSF e-mail lists.  :) We're hard at work toward liberty.
I only keep up here. Enough gets announced regarding what's going on. Besides I've got a personal life as well.

Michael Fisher

Quote from: aries on August 19, 2006, 08:54 AM NHFT
I only keep up here. Enough gets announced regarding what's going on. Besides I've got a personal life as well.

What's a personal life? ???