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Free State Project meets Second Life

Started by Jason Rand, August 19, 2006, 11:38 PM NHFT

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Jason Rand

This is a cross post from a discussion of the same name over on the Free State Project discussion forums.  I hope this isn't in bad form.  There is more info on the other board about what, exactly, Second Life is.  Or, you can google it.  Prepare to be amazed.  The only thing I will add differently over here is a tantalizing question: MIXED REALITY CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE anyone?

I'm happy to report that the Free State Project group in Second Life has a whopping 7 members now.  Watch out Facebook!  The most recent member to join is a suspiciously named character, Quetzalcoatl Janitor, AKA Jason Sorens (This is in his public profile; you can share as little or as much of your real life info as you choose).  My name in-game is Ray Bock, and I hope to see more of you soon.

The date of the mixed reality event is tentatively set for saturday, Sept 16th.  If there is any reason this date should be adjusted please let me know! Mixed reality means this:

Real life gatherings will be coordinated with a simultaneous Second Life gathering.  I'm working on having a radio station or podcaster cover the event live, from within Second Life.  Free Talk Live is my top choice, since this would be mutually beneficial, but if they can't do it I have some other options.

There will be at least one real life gathering/party in NH (locations being determined now) where some computers will be set up for people to check out Second Life.  You don't have to have any computer experience.  There will be people to help you.  Hopefully a lot of you will attend, and as we fill up one location, we can add more. I'm hearing some good feedback suggesting that there will be some local groups around the country organizing their own gatherings as well. So, you won't want to miss this.  Think of it as a virtual PorcFest. 

At the real life parties there will be wine provided, and sent all the way from the Stormhoek winery in South Africa.  THIS IS IMPORTANT: If you have a local FSP group that wants to participate, you need to let me know by the end of August where it will be and how many people will attend.  Stormhoek needs 2 weeks to coordinate shipping.  After that you can still join our virtual party from wherever you are, but you will only get virtual wine.  Now, about the wine.  You may be scatching you head about what Stormhoek wine has to do with the FSP.  Well, Stormhoek is a company that has been sending free wine to bloggers and sponsoring tech parties.  They have garnered an impressive amount of media buzz and they have a high profile blogger on the payroll who is making sure that any time they do anything interesting, it gets amplified across the internet.  I offered to have them sponsor our FSP party in Second Life, and they loved the idea.  So, this will be their debut in Second Life.  They will be attending from South Africa as well.  This WILL be interesting, and it WILL get media attention.  Join us and you can say, "I was there!"

What else is planned for this event?

It will be the grand opening for Second Life's first PORCUPINE PETTING ZOO.

This will be a place to highlight activity in NH and especially ongoing projects.  If you have a pet project and you want to get the word out, you can submit a description of what you are working on, and what kind of help you need.  Each porcupine in the zoo will represent a different pet project.  Visitors to the zoo can show support by petting the porcupines they like.  So this will be a fun, interactive way to both share information amongst ourselves about new and interesting projects, but also with the growing SL community.  When people come to visit the PORCUPINE PETTING ZOO (and who wouldn't be curious enough to check it out!) they will hopefully leave with a good sense of the breadth and depth of activity that is going on in NH.  I am currently interviewing and taking resume's for the zookeeper position; post resume's below and IM me either on this board or in SL for more details.   

I will be sharing some of the other tricks up my virtual sleeve shortly.  If you have ideas for improving this party, I want to hear them.

Kat Kanning

It sounds like a lot of fun.  Wish it would run on my computer.

I added it to the calendar for you.

Jason Rand

Thanks Kat.  I'd be willing to chip in to get you a new graphics card, or whatever is needed so you can get into SL.  Maybe some of your other KFP fans would be willing to do the same to make it happen.  As I've mentioned to you, I think it would be great to distribute the KFP in-world.  This could potentially expand your readership dramatically, with no additional cost, since it would all be PDF downloads.  Perhaps the KFP newspaper racks could be in the shape of a windmill?  The way this works in Second Life, for those who are curious Click on it, and you would get the KFP PDF.   

I'm also wondering how Russzilla would do against Godzilla?  Would it be possible to create a poll for people to vote, with links to this pic below as well as Roger's very funny Russzilla photo? 


Also, I just posted a funny story (to me at least) about a donut eating cop I met this morning in SL.  I think you will enjoy it.


Jason... this is a great idea.

When I get back from vacation I will sign on to SL and see what it is all about.


Does anyone know if there is any crossover membership in this interest group between Second Life and There?  (http:www.there.com) 

I have a house in There (Serenity Valley, at Malu) and I'm happy to hostess any mixed-reality events, and I'm willing to spend Tb to promote them.  Same avatar name.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 20, 2006, 08:11 AM NHFT
It sounds like a lot of fun.  Wish it would run on my computer.
I've got a graphics card that shuld to the trick for you just fine. Don't bother buying a new one.

Jason Rand

Just so I have this right, your avatar name is 9thmoon in there.com?  Does There support streaming audio or video?  In second life you can watch a video or listen to audio in real time.  So, it would be possible in theory to watch streaming video of things taking place in There.com as they happened.  You would be watching those thing, being projected onto a screen inside Second Life.  (I know it gets kind of complicated) I know there was a project to do some kind of cross-world event with World of Warcraft like this.  Anyone involved with that?  I would like to check out There.com.  If there was some way to weave a simultaneous event in There into this event that would be great.    


Sounds interesting, have to check it out after the move


Quote from: Jason Rand on August 20, 2006, 03:09 PM NHFT
You would be watching those thing, being projected onto a screen inside Second Life.
If this works, it almost certainly make it to the front page on Slashdot!!


that would be sweet!  I know There has broadcasting events and radio.  I'm not the most computer-savvy person... I'll see what I can find out.

Jason Rand

One of the ideas that I want to develop longer term is a homestay program for Second Life, There, and other 3D environments.  9thMoon, could you volunteer as a homestay host in There? 

Second Life has a problem right now with not enough volunteers to show newbies the ropes.  I see this as an opportunity for the FSP.  As Free Staters become comfortable with Second Life I will be looking for volunteers to become a "Homestay Host".   The FSP group may buy or rent a house for this purpose, or volunteers can use their own homes.  Not that you really need a home in Second Life (I don't have one yet), but it is part of the fun, and how can it be a "homestay program" without a home?

People new to Second Life could sign up for the homestay program and be matched with one of our FSP volunteers.  These newbies may or may not be involved with the FSP.   The homestay host, could take the newbie around to fun places (including the Porcupine Petting Zoo of course!) and give them a taste of 'our world'.


Quote from: Jason Rand on August 22, 2006, 07:01 AM NHFT
One of the ideas that I want to develop longer term is a homestay program for Second Life, There, and other 3D environments.  9thMoon, could you volunteer as a homestay host in There?/quote]

Now just tell me what  "homestay" is.  :D   

Quote from: Jason Rand on August 22, 2006, 07:01 AM NHFT
Second Life has a problem right now with not enough volunteers to show newbies the ropes.  I see this as an opportunity for the FSP.  As Free Staters become comfortable with Second Life I will be looking for volunteers to become a "Homestay Host".   The FSP group may buy or rent a house for this purpose, or volunteers can use their own homes.  Not that you really need a home in Second Life (I don't have one yet), but it is part of the fun, and how can it be a "homestay program" without a home?

People new to Second Life could sign up for the homestay program and be matched with one of our FSP volunteers.  These newbies may or may not be involved with the FSP.   The homestay host, could take the newbie around to fun places (including the Porcupine Petting Zoo of course!) and give them a taste of 'our world'.

I love helping newbs in There.  I already have levels in Newbie Helper.  I keep my house ready for visitors and it's unlocked.  I even allow guns on my property.  ;)  I'll start an FSP group There tomorrow night. 


Tall Pines Center hosts a mixed reality SecondLife party September 16th

After working on this idea with Jason Rand and Ray Bock, the Tall Pines Center will host a SecondLife party on September 16th. We'll have just opened and this'll be a great kick-off event.

Subject to some revisions, here are the basics:

When: 16 September 2006
Time: 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time [ GMT -4 ] - gather for creating your avatar, learning your chops, navigating around to learn the metascape, etc.
         7:00 PM - FSP meeting in Second Life (right, Ray Bock?)
Where: The Tall Pines Center, 300 Route 101, Amherst, New-Hampshire
Technology: WiFi and wired connections - BYO laptop w/802.11g, but there will be at least one stationary computer set up there - maybe more by then
Refreshments: Bring your own snacks and beverages - if the wine deal comes through there will be wine courtesy of Stormhoek!
Training: We should have a couple of experienced people there, so come early to learn how to have a Second Life
Contact: Jack Shimek, tel: 233-1058, jaqeboy@ijaq.net

Important issue:
We gratefully accept donations to acknowledge that we have costs to run the facility and would like to continue to host these types of events in the future.

We will have a calendar of the interesting events taking place at the Tall Pines Center at http://www.tallpinescenter.org and you can write to us at info@tallpinescenter.org. If you go to our site, you'll see that we need a volunteer web designer - any offers?

Recumbent ReCycler

I'm new to SL.  I signed up as Tim Longduck because it was the closest option to my real name and I would be able to remember it.  Look me up and lets share our neat stuff and chat.

Jason Rand

Welcome to SL, Tim.  Isn't your last name Longduk and not Longduck?  I found a Tim Longduk by doing a search so if that is you, you should be getting an invite to the Free State Project group next time you log on.  I see you are a FTL Amplifier.  Let's work on getting some exposure in SL for FTL.  Maybe someone could create a FTL group in SL and invite people from the FTL forums?  Ian?

I'm also looking forward to seeing Dreepa, Ravelkinbow, Kat, 9thmoon, and others who will be joining the growing ranks soon.  Pretty soon we're going to need a FSP Welcome Wagon in SL!  wOOt!