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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Free State Project meets Second Life

Started by Jason Rand, August 19, 2006, 11:38 PM NHFT

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Jason Rand


I'll let you in on a little secret.  I'm kind of shy myself but when you are on a mission you soon forget.  My heart was in my throat when I first called in to Free Talk Live and told them that we were listening to their show from Second Life.  That has turned out to be a tremendous way to build interest.  Does There allow you to stream audio into your land?
The other thing that has been lucky (but if you are persistent luck has nothing to do with it) for me is that I met someone who has a strong technical background (Gimme Castro in SL) and he's building things in Second Life like a mad man.  He just purchased more land and has expanded the hangout.  If you keep talking with people, and tell them what you are trying to do, then you WILL find people who will help you make it happen. 

Will you or any of your new libertarian friends in There be able to be online on Sept 16th (that's this coming saturday) beginning around 7pm ET?  If so, then I will put the word out that our party will be a metaverse-wide event.  We'll figure out ways to create bridges as we go.

Just tell all your friends that you will be having a party in There, and tell them that it will be coordinated with the Second Life party.  Where do you live, anyway?  Could you have a real life party on the 16th as well (even just a couple of friends huddled around your computer)? 


Quote from: Jason Rand on September 11, 2006, 02:26 PM NHFT
I met someone who has a strong technical background (Gimme Castro in SL) and he's building things in Second Life like a mad man.
I just want to point out that Gimme Castro is shyfrog on this board, and he put together the cool logo for the NH Liberty Forum.
I cannot thank Gimme Castro/shyfrog enough... you da man!!!

Michael Fisher

Jason, it was nice talking about this topic at length the other day. Unfortunately, I have much work to do right now so I'll have to get back to you on it at a later time.


Quote from: Jason Rand on September 11, 2006, 02:26 PM NHFT

I'll let you in on a little secret.  I'm kind of shy myself but when you are on a mission you soon forget. 

So it seems.  And when you're enthusiastic about something, people pay attention.  It also doesn't hurt if you have huge breasts.

Quote from: Jason Rand on September 11, 2006, 02:26 PM NHFT
Does There allow you to stream audio into your land?

It does, but I haven't figured out how yet.  I will research it tonight. 

Quote from: Jason Rand on September 11, 2006, 02:26 PM NHFT
The other thing that has been lucky (but if you are persistent luck has nothing to do with it) for me is that I met someone who has a strong technical background (Gimme Castro in SL) and he's building things in Second Life like a mad man.  He just purchased more land and has expanded the hangout. 

I've got the money... now I need someone with the technical brawn. 

Quote from: Jason Rand on September 11, 2006, 02:26 PM NHFT
Will you or any of your new libertarian friends in There be able to be online on Sept 16th (that's this coming saturday) beginning around 7pm ET?  If so, then I will put the word out that our party will be a metaverse-wide event.  We'll figure out ways to create bridges as we go.

Just tell all your friends that you will be having a party in There, and tell them that it will be coordinated with the Second Life party.  Where do you live, anyway?  Could you have a real life party on the 16th as well (even just a couple of friends huddled around your computer)? 

I can be there and I'll schedule an Event and send invites out to my buddies and people I think may be interested based on what clubs they are members of - including members of the Libertarian group There.  I'll let you know what I find out tonight about broadcasting so you can start advertising it as a three-way.  I don't have any Seattle people in There, so no party for me. 


So here's what I found out about broadcasting audio in There:

1.  Supported:  Shoutcast.  I didn't see anything on FTL about Shoutcast - does anyone know if there's a station set up?

2.  Unsupported:  Holding my mic up to my speakers and playing the station through my avatar's mouth.  Uber low tech but actually looks kinda cool.  Only people with the voice/speech expansion could hear me, though. 

Money Dollars


Jason Rand



I just got an account in There and created an avatar named Ray_Bock (My avatar in Second Life is Ray Bock).  I spent a few minutes looking around and would like to meet up with you when you are online next.  I'm going to try and have both Second Life and There running on different computers during our party at the Plymouth NH location.    So that will be one 'bridge' between the two worlds.  We can talk more about interesting ways to connect the two worlds when we meet up in There, and see if we can get Free Talk Live working for your location.  I will be online tonight, so let me know if there is a good time we could meet up and how I could find you.


Awesome!  I've never used Shoutcast - Jason, maybe we could play with it tonight and figure out how it works?
I'm on the other coast.  The earliest I could be on is probably 2130 your time.  Is that too late?  Add me to your "buddy" list so you'll be notified when I log on, and I'll do the same - once we've done that, we can summon and/or teleport to each other's locations so we can start work.  My avatar name is 9thmoon.

As I said, I have a house There already (Miramar 004, Serenity Valley) and I'm happy to hold events there, and I can advertise, etc.  I actually met some new folks last night who are members of the Gay Pride community and they were happy to help me learn about hosting events... they have a bit of experience ;) 

Did you actually purchase an account or did you get the freebie?  The reason I ask is because of the voice feature. 

Jason Rand

Sounds good.  I'll stop into There at that time. 


The Gimme Liberty Bar website is now up and running.

For those interested in getting started in Second Life, or who want a direct link to the Gimme Liberty Bar, here's a link:

More to come soon...


Me & Jason had a great time in There last night!  I think we figured out how to broadcast FTL in There, and I'll try it tonight during the show.  I'll start advertising Saturday's listening party tonight, as well, and I'm going to email Jason a picture from the party so he can put it up in Second Life.



I'm in There; I have a radio broadcasting Shoutcast; I have chosen Free Talk Live, and it's silent.   ???
The other stations are working - I will ask There for support.  Phooey.
