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Free State Project meets Second Life

Started by Jason Rand, August 19, 2006, 11:38 PM NHFT

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Quote from: d_goddard on September 27, 2006, 03:50 PM NHFT
GRENADES, GANJA and GAYS.... how cool is that?!?

That's the new slogan for libertarianism right there :)

Jason Rand

We decided to have a little party tomorrow night at the Gimme Liberty Bar to celebrate hitting 100 members in our Free State Project group.  Valet parking for giant flying hotdogs will be provided.  Join us!


Quote from: burnthebeautiful on September 27, 2006, 04:03 PM NHFT
Quote from: d_goddard on September 27, 2006, 03:50 PM NHFT
GRENADES, GANJA and GAYS.... how cool is that?!?
That's the new slogan for libertarianism right there :)
Actually, I prefer the simple yet elegant: GUNS AND DOPE


I've made a new t-shirt for those attending the party tonight.
I may work on another (porc) version of it to include in the package.
All I'm gonna say is it's yellow and has sharp points...

See you tonight!



I bought a new video card today just for Second Life. Gawd help me.


Quote from: error on September 28, 2006, 05:50 PM NHFT
I bought a new video card today just for Second Life. Gawd help me.

We have you now.   ;D


Quote from: error on September 28, 2006, 05:50 PM NHFT
I bought a new video card today just for Second Life. Gawd help me.
Well, I'm only able to use SL because of the kickass video card I got for playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City :)
Actually that's ot quite true: I then went out and got an even BETTER card to play Doom3, but Doom3 sucked.


I have created a banner for anyone who cares to advertise for our spot in SecondLife.

I've included one in my hardly-ever-updated blog http://www.atonalmuse.com/

Any other banners that should be included at gimmeliberty.com? let me know...

Jason Rand

Second Life Drinking Game?  Gimme a Break!

The rules for our Gimme Liberty Bar Drinking game have been updated to align with the hot news about John Stossel and the NH Liberty Forum.   We will now be drinking every time someone mentions John Stossel or says "Gimme a Break".  The full rules are at gimmeliberty.com.  Just in time for OctoberFest!  Join us!

Jason Rand

Look for two stories, one of them being front page, in the Union Leader on monday about Second Life.  The story is a general interest story on Second Life, but it has some coverage of the Gimme Liberty Bar.  I believe it will also mention that we have Free Talk Live streaming into our location 6 nights a week.  We might have to order a few more virtual kegs in anticipation of the boost in traffic.  WooooT!

As always, I love to see new faces there, so if you haven't stopped by yet, please do.  My avatar name is Ray Bock.

Jason Rand

The front page Union Leader story has hit the stands, featuring a great mugshot of Free Stater Fred Mitchell and his avatar.

Real and virtual worlds meet here

The second article was based on my interview and has more on the Gimme Liberty Bar.  The writing is a bit cumbersome, but all in all, its great press.  Unfortunately they did not mention that we have Free Talk Live streaming in nightly, from 7-10, which continues to be the focal point Monday through Saturday. 

Plymouth man lives in 2 worlds at once

We will also be having a party on Saturday, the 18th, to celebrate Gimme Castro's recent signing of the First 1000.  Watch the  gimmeliberty.com website for details.


Quote from: Jason Rand on November 13, 2006, 10:49 AM NHFT
The front page Union Leader story has hit the stands, featuring a great mugshot of Free Stater Fred Mitchell and his avatar.

I like his other avatar.  ;D

Jason Rand

The Gimme Liberty Bar will now have some new entertainment on Sundays.

The first episode of the weekly Lagwolf & Lair Show will be broadcast as a skypecast on Sunday, 11/19, starting at 4pm ET. You will need to install skype and join the skypecast to hear the show.   See our Gimme Liberty Bar website for all the details.

The hosts will use the Gimme Liberty Bar as their makeshift virtual studio.   The show will be hosted by Andrew Ian Dodge & Laurence Simon, covering issues of freedom worldwide and in alternate worlds like Second Life and World of Warcraft.

Andrew is a recent signer of the First 1000 pledge (this morning) and is making plans to leap the pond to the Free State from England where he currently resides. We'll just have to work on Laurence!

Jason Rand

Don't forget, our first Lagwolf & Lair Show will begin today at 4 EST.  Because it will be done as a skypecast, you do not have to be in Second Life to hear the show.

If you are curious about skypecasts, go to the skypecast page where you can see all the skypecasts going on at any time; you can search for upcoming skypecasts as well, by name or topic.  You can try going into any ongoing skypecast to make sure it will work for you.  If you have trouble, make sure you have the most recent version of skype.

If you search for the keyword "Lagwolf" in "all skypecasts", you will find our show.  Or, you can go there directly.  However, you won't be able to get into the show until showtime.