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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Free State Project meets Second Life

Started by Jason Rand, August 19, 2006, 11:38 PM NHFT

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Wow, SL sounds pretty cool, I'll have to look it up.


I get the feeling that anyone who could devote themselves to a "second" life doesn't have a first one.  ;D

Jason Rand

Here's a picture of me sporting my new Free State Project T-Shirt in Second Life:


More over on this thread:


I probably shouldn't consider the modeling business, but you get the idea. :)

Dave Ridley

Thanks a ton for doing this Jason! 

is there any first person shooter stuff going on in SL?


Quote from: KBCraig on August 23, 2006, 04:51 PM NHFT
I get the feeling that anyone who could devote themselves to a "second" life doesn't have a first one.  ;D


Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 25, 2006, 06:30 AM NHFT
is there any first person shooter stuff going on in SL?
If there are gangs of people in SL shooting each other with BFGs, then I will end my aversion to SL and join Dada's gang  :icon_pirat:

Jason Rand

You're welcome Dada!  Yes, I've heard that there is a lot of FPS stuff going on (first person shooter).  Some parcels of land allow it, and others do not.  The property owner sets the permissions.  You don't have to own property though, to have fun in SL.

Dada, let's get you set up with your own "gang" so we can coax Denis into Second Life.   I will even provide some funds (which I won at the russian roulette table the other day) for a BFG Scholarship Fund.  C'mon Denis, how long are you going to deny yourself?  :icon_pirat:


Quote from: d_goddard on August 25, 2006, 10:15 AM NHFT
Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 25, 2006, 06:30 AM NHFT
is there any first person shooter stuff going on in SL?
If there are gangs of people in SL shooting each other with BFGs, then I will end my aversion to SL and join Dada's gang  :icon_pirat:

SL is open carry everywhere, but only open season on the northern continent (and private islands, if the owner so chooses). The southern continent has damage turned off, and blasting unwilling people around is frowned upon.

If SL did not crash my computer every thirty minutes I probably would have been more involved in blowing things up.


Quote from: Jason Rand on August 25, 2006, 11:05 AM NHFT
The property owner sets the permissions.
Oh jeeezus... I really don't need yet another computer addiction... but... how can I say no to Property Rights?!?!

Jason Rand

For those who are interested in the Second Life event, don't forget to follow this thread over here for more updates:


Also, fans of the Keene Free Press will be happy to hear that I am working to make it available in Second Life (in PDF format) potentially reaching a whole new audience.  If there are any KFP fans that would like to help me with this effort, please get yourself a Second Life and get in touch.  My in-game name is Ray Bock. 

Russell Kanning

Jason Rand

Russell, I think there is a linux version of the client, but I'm not sure how good it is.  Is linux what you use by chance?

Last night we had a few free staters get together in Second Life and we wandered around a bit.  We had our FSP t-shirts on, and even had a few people ask us what it was about.  Tonight I plan to be online again, from around 7 ET.  I want to look for some land to buy or rent so I can open a Cafe.  The name I am considering is:
The Electric Porcupine Cafe.

I hope to make this a hangout where people can gather to listen to Free Talk Live, pick up the latest copy of the Keene Free Press, and get information about the Free State Project.  If anyone want to join me tonight in landhunting, please look me up using the search tool: Ray Bock.   

Russell Kanning

It is kindof fun thinking of doing the same thing in that virtual world that we do in the real one. You just don't have to worry about the government slapping you.

Russell Kanning

looks like the made one for linux too. I don't know if it will work on my pc. I have an old cheap video card. I never play games.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 29, 2006, 01:57 PM NHFT
looks like the made one for linux too. I don't know if it will work on my pc. I have an old cheap video card. I never play games.
I'll offer you the same thing I offered Kat earlier: my prior video card, now orphaned.
It's an NVIDIA GeForce 4MX-440 AGP8X
It does meet the SL system spec requirements.

Actually, I'll go ahead and say this card is up for grabs for any free-stater who wants it, and is willing to come to my place and pick it up, provided you use it to further the cause of Freedom (somehow)