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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Free State Project meets Second Life

Started by Jason Rand, August 19, 2006, 11:38 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

That is cool. I am sure me or someone else can take you up on it.


For those that might be interested, There (www.there.com) also has guns and property rights  ;-)  It only works for Windows right now though, it's XML. 
BUT if anyone wants to try it out, I'll be happy to log in and show you around.  It is not nearly as graphics-intense as Second Life. 


Quote from: 9thmoon on August 30, 2006, 04:09 PM NHFT
For those that might be interested, There (www.there.com) also has guns and property rights  ;-)
There is also the company where I know some of the people, from back in my Silicon Valley days.
The bad puns were endless... as they took forever to finally open for business... "are you 'there' yet? Will there be profits there?"


I've been There for, I dunno, four years?  (I joined in Beta.)  Still no profits so far as I know.  But I've spent hundreds There...

Jason Rand

Gimme Castro is doing a bang-up job creating a space for liberty lovers to hang out in.  Here's a picture of him pointing to a newly created Free Talk Live Hotline sign.  The sign links to the Free Talk Live website, so any visitors who are curious are only one click from more info.  Gimme has created a similar Free State Project sign at the front door, which links to the FSP website.

Last night a few of us were in SL listening to FTL, and I will be there again tonight 7-10 ET.  Join us!   You can find the pad by searching for 'Free State' in 'places' and then teleport.  Or IM me: Ray Bock.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 29, 2006, 01:54 PM NHFT
It is kindof fun thinking of doing the same thing in that virtual world that we do in the real one. You just don't have to worry about the government slapping you.

Someday it will be possible to download our consciousness into a computer (a la The Golden Age ) then 2nd life will become a reality.



Quote from: Jason Rand on September 02, 2006, 03:15 PM NHFT
Gimme Castro is doing a bang-up job creating a space for liberty lovers to hang out in.  Here's a picture of him pointing to a newly created Free Talk Live Hotline sign.

I'm buried with for-pay work lately and haven't been able to hang out but you never know when I'll pop in.
Any progress on streaming FTL audio live into 2nd life??

Jason Rand

Free Talk Live is now set up to stream into Gimme's land during show hours.  So, anyone who wanders into our space and has their audio turned on, will hear the show.  I'll listening to the show right now.  I've also started posting on the FTL discussion board and already there are several people who say they're going to come see what its about. 


I (Gimme Castro) have added an observation deck about 500 Meters above the property in Second Life.
There's a teleporter on the ground floor that will take you up there.

I think you'll all like the view...

I'm currently digging under the property to create the New Hampshire / Free State Underground ;-)
Unfortunately, the basement will be rather small in comparison to the rest of the property.


Shyfrog, YOU DA MAN!!!
I can't wait to hang with you guys one of these evenings at the SL FTL listening party...

Jason Rand

I called into the show last night while listening from from SL.  We talked a little about what Second Life is, how it works, etc.  I would like to have listeners of the show regularly call in from Second Life to help get the word out.  Can anyone call in 'from SL' tonight?  I can't be there, but will be back again on Fri and Sat nights.

Jason Rand

The Free State Project group in Second Life now has 30 members, and our hangout, created by Gimme Castro, is evolving daily.  Here's a picture of my avatar watching an excellent video, "The Philosophy of Liberty", on the big screen at the "Gimme Liberty Bar".  We also have video footage of civil disobedience in NH, PorcFest 05, and more.

In addtion, we now have a pretty consistent group of avatars who come here nightly to listen to the Free Talk Live radio show which streams into the property.  I've enjoyed being able to chat about the show while listening, and I'm meeting new porcupines all the time.  I got to meet Ian briefly from Free Talk Live the other night, and when I asked another avatar if he ever listens to FTL, I discovered that it was Johnson!

There are two locations now in NH where anyone interested can come and try Second Life and attend the virtual party on this Saturday, Sept 16th.  The Tall Pines Center, in Andover NH, and A-Bit Computer Systems, in Plymouth.  I'm still trying to see how many computers I'll have available here in Plymouth, but the Plymouth location has wireless, and the Tall Pines Center is working on that as well. 


Jason I'll try and show up an hour early so I get get set up with second life


OMG... I almost wish I didn't have so much going on in my Real Life, or I'd spend more time in there... you guys are doing AWESOME with Second Life!


I started a Free State Project group in There (www.there.com), night before last.  I set aside my shyness (bet you'd never guessed I was shy) and started talking to people and right off the bat I met two Libertarians... very encouraging! 
Now, Jason, how do I start building interest in my group and how can we hook up between There and Second Life?