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Free State Project meets Second Life

Started by Jason Rand, August 19, 2006, 11:38 PM NHFT

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Jason (Ray Bock) and all - we have the wireless network up-and-running as of last weekend at the Tall Pines Center. We're in Amherst (not Andover). The address is 100 State Route 101. Mapquest: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&addtohistory=&address=300%20State%20Route%20101&city=Amherst&state=NH&zipcode=03031%2d1729&country=US&geodiff=1

We're starting at 4PM on Saturday for training and will all be joining in for the FSP meeting at 7PM. We're breaking in our new facility here and, oh, by the way, if you're looking for us, we don't have our sign up yet, so look for "Studio K Graphics". We're the door to the left of them.

More later, but we are live - bring your laptop or other computer - we've got plenty of room and power.


Yesterday I dropped in on the Gimme Liberty bar. It is VERY VERY COOL!
You guys are doing an awesome job.
I took two snapshots, here they are:


Quote from: d_goddard on September 15, 2006, 08:38 AM NHFT
Yesterday I dropped in on the Gimme Liberty bar. It is VERY VERY COOL!
You guys are doing an awesome job.
I took two snapshots, here they are:

Nice pants.  :P


Well, we've got our space all set up for the SL party at the Tall Pines Center in Amherst. I think we've got 3 confirmed to attend. The whole problem is, I think physical "real life" spaces may be obsolete with all the cool spaces being built up in SL! If any further people are coming over, just email me at info@tallpinescenter.org. I want to make sure we  have tables and chairs, etc. for all.

We have wireless internet and there are a few plug-ins still available in the router, if you don't have a wireless card. If you want to bring your desktop computer, we have a couple of spare monitors, so you don't have to bring those. Be sure to bring snacks and beverages, but we can also call in for pizza, if the craving gets you (I'm not sure eating in SL satisfies that need too well).

Come as early as 4PM for setting up your avatar and learning the ropes. As soon as I can get my own computer upgraded (down to the wire here - should be done by 2PM - phew), I'll be on as Ted Frontenac. Hopefully, as I learn some chops, we'll build a center in SL, too.

See you here (and there - no, not There, in SL)

Jason Rand

I'm now checking out the Second Life area being created for our big event tonight, and being coordinated by the Wish Farmers.  I'm quite pleased with what they have done, and they're putting the final touches on it now.     We have shwag and goodies to give out, including a flying First 1000 mini-bus that shoots green flames out the back.  You don't get that kind of shwag very often!   The founder of the Free State Project, Jason Sorens will be there in avatar form, and I've heard a lot of interest from all the people in our Free State Project group, which is over 50 now, and still growing all the time.  So, it should be a good time.  I expect the Second Life party will be raging till late tonight, due to time zone differences, and the fact that people in SL are always looking for interesting things to do and naturally go where the action is. 

If anyone has a myspace page, or other related discussion forums where you post regularly, please make mention of Second Life and post a link to gimmeliberty.com.  This party is just the beginning, so if you can't make it tonight, don't fret.  Get yourself an avatar anyway (in either There or Second Life), and join us nightly for Free Talk Live listening (and other radio shows soon) and other events we will be holding.

Also, take a look at some of the pictures posted over here.


I can't do it it wont work my computer is to crappy :( i wish i could join in the fun though


Okay, so I've tried this Second Life thing, and it's horribly slow and nearly unusable on my computer, because my video card sucks, I guess.


Yeah same here damn :( would this thing run better on linux?


You guys with slower computers might try There (www.there.com) instead of Second Life, as There is less graphics-intense.

I will be hosting a gathering in There tonight at my house to listen to Free Talk Live!  Come on by; my avatar name is 9thmoon and if you IM me in-game, I can summon you to the party. 

We'll be listening to FTL in three different realities tonight  =)



Quote from: Francisck on September 16, 2006, 05:35 PM NHFT
There what is that?


It's a lot like Second Life.  Free account and everything, too.  It's another alternate reality.


Will it run better than second life?  ???


My old computer can't run Second Life but it runs There perfectly.

There is only available for Windows, though, doesn't work in Linux.


Quote from: Francisck on September 16, 2006, 04:28 PM NHFT
Yeah same here damn :( would this thing run better on linux?

I'm only running it on Linux. So I guess There is out.


damn, i know that there is a second life thing for linux