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Making the Move on September 3rd!

Started by cameron, August 25, 2006, 11:03 PM NHFT

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Hello fellow freedom lovers!

I am very excited to be making the move to Manchester, New Hampshire on Sunday September 3rd. If you would have asked just four weeks ago, I would have told you that I was set in the south for life.

As fate would have it, several great job opportunities presented themselves in New Hampshire. I proudly accepted a position in Manchester. What appears to be a great living situation joins the awesome job. When things like work and life begin to line up like they have the past couple of weeks, it just seems meant to be and there is no looking back.

I remember in 2001 my Political Science advisor telling me about the FSP. He at the time "jokingly" said that he could see me taking part in it. Little did he know I had already signed up as a member of the group. :)

I look forward to meeting many of you as we work for liberty in New Hampshire and beyond.

In liberty.




Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: cameron on August 25, 2006, 11:03 PM NHFT


That rocks dude.  Welcome to the forum.  For some people, a / at the end of a myspace profile url makes it not work.  I suggest you take out the / in your link.

Kat Kanning

Cool :)  Glad to hear you found a place to live.


Congrats every fighter for freedom helps the cause.

Russell Kanning


Cameron have you signed the first 1000?

Russell Kanning

By the time we meet you .... you will say you live in Manchestah and visit Concurd .... you will be local. :)
They don't even make fun of our NC boy "Hollywood" Rob's accent, so you should be good.

Dave Ridley

woo hoo !  More unexpected reinforcements inbound!   Victory to follow..someday.


Quote from: slim on August 26, 2006, 12:38 PM NHFT
Cameron have you signed the first 1000?

I have indeed signed the first 1000!

Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 26, 2006, 12:40 PM NHFT
By the time we meet you .... you will say you live in Manchestah and visit Concurd .... you will be local. :)
They don't even make fun of our NC boy "Hollywood" Rob's accent, so you should be good.

I have the ConCURD part down after a couple of interviews. Down here in NC, the ORD is very strong..so they didn't quite know what I meant with ConCHORD. ;-)


For those who need anything related to wireless phones, I work for Verizon Wireless and will be selling in their store at Mall of NH. :) Maybe we can come up with a way for FSP participants to obtain discounts. I'll have to work on that one being in a new market and all.

-- END PLUG --

7 days and counting till the drive begins! ;-)



WOW! That's fast.
I can hardly wait to welcome you HOME.


Cam, you're so lucky. I'll be joining yall before the first1000 pledge expires. Godspeed to Liberty


Quote from: cameron on August 26, 2006, 08:26 PM NHFT
I have the ConCURD part down after a couple of interviews. Down here in NC, the ORD is very strong..so they didn't quite know what I meant with ConCHORD. ;-)

Even being from Arkansas, I've always pronounced it the way they do in NH. I just think of it as "conquered".  ;D



A big welcome in advance, Cameron. I'm glad that employment worked out so that you could come to NH so soon. I'm sure we'll all be hearing more from you and visa versa.

Cold weather will be here in a month or two, but I think you'll find it's not as bad as some southerners think.


Welcome to the ranks Cameron.  I just moved here myself.  Everyone I've met up here so far is awesome, you're really going to enjoy it.  Send me a message when you get into town, it would be great to be able to help welcome you home.