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Vegans - B12

Started by Lex, August 26, 2006, 10:45 AM NHFT

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Money Dollars

Maybe he was just thinking about being a buddhist, and wanted to see how it looked in writing  ;D

Money Dollars

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on September 05, 2006, 11:58 AM NHFT
Quote from: Money Dollars on September 05, 2006, 10:45 AM NHFT
Would you eat a human that consented to being eaten?

It would be weird but I'm all for trying new things.

I've got a human placenta...


Quote from: JigglyPuff on September 05, 2006, 10:57 AM NHFT
Before weapons and fire, humans were just eating flesh, bloody and raw. Is this what you plan to do?

No. I'm not sure how that has any relation to eating meat and vegatables. Do you eat only raw vegetables?

Quote from: JigglyPuff on September 05, 2006, 10:57 AM NHFT
If we are supposed to eat flesh, are we supposed to shoot or stab it, and then cook it?

Killing - Personal preference I suppose and depends on what you have available. I believe with most small animals you just slit the throat/chop off head.

Cook - Well, raw is probably better for you but I'm used to cooked meat.

Quote from: JigglyPuff on September 05, 2006, 10:57 AM NHFT
..I am seriously curious about how far back to "natural" you are planning to go?

I don't really understand this question. I don't plan on going "far back" anywhere. People have always eaten meat and will continue to eat meat.

Quote from: JigglyPuff on September 05, 2006, 10:57 AM NHFT
Also, do you have a religion you follow?

Not really.


Quote from: Money Dollars on September 05, 2006, 12:04 PM NHFT
So, do you still claim to be a buddhist?

Doesn't seem like it. I haven't done anything spiritual in a while. I dono, I just haven't felt the need maybe. Maybe I'm wrong though...


Quote from: JigglyPuff on September 05, 2006, 12:29 PM NHFT
I was asking "how far back" you are going to living a natural, self suffienct lifestyle. You said humans are "ment" to eat flesh. If your life decisions are based on what you think humans are "ment" to do, then I wondered if you think we are "ment" to rip animals up with our mouths, eating them right then and there.  I can read, but I cannot understand your line of thinking and that is OK cus you can't understand me.  ::)

I think you have merged several distinct human aspects into one glob and that's why I'm having a hard time understand your question/point. The three aspects are nutrition, behavior and knowledge.

The human physiology is very similar across humans and part of our physiology is our nutritional requirements and how our digestive system functions. When I say that we are ment to eat meat I am simply saying that our bodies are suited for consuming and digesting flesh and there are many nutrients that we get from meat that we cannot easily get through other methods. So it just makes sense to eat meat if our bodies are suited for the purpose and we greatly benefit from doing so and are likely to get sick if we do not (unless we take supplaments to make up for missing nutrients).

Behavior is not similar across humans. The difference between an American CEO and an African aborigine who practices cannibalism is huge. Similarly, self-sufficiency is simply wanting to be dependent on yourself and your local environment for all of your needs and can range significantly in how people practice this. I could be self-sufficient and tear animal flesh with my mouth or I could use a tool such as a knife. So, to answer this part of your question, I do not plan on killing and eating animals without using any tools, there is just no need for this.

Knowledge probably has the biggest affect on self-sufficiency, it is the difference between a neaderthal and a modern man. There is no reason to stoop to the neanderthal level to be self-sufficient. You can do it much more effectively using what we know about soil, plants, building/construction, chemistry, physics, etc to create a self-sufficient place for yourself and your family.

It seems to me now that being a vegetarian is like saying that from now on you will put a restriction on how much air you breath in to only 70% of the amount that you would otherwise breath in without the restrictions. Sure you would probably be ok and may even remain relatively healthy but many people will probably get sick. I suppose you could supplament the lack of oxygen... Or you could just satisfy your body with what it's suited to consume be it air or meat. I just don't see the rationale of limiting yourself.


Money Dollars

I've also mentioned that I am vegan......That means I don't eat animal products... A placenta is an animal product.....

I think I am gunna plant it under a tree or bush tonight..it's almost a year old....I saw a 50% off sale on fruit trees and blueberry bushes in Boscawen today....


Quote from: Money Dollars on September 05, 2006, 01:53 PM NHFT
I've also mentioned that I am vegan......That means I don't eat animal products... A placenta is an animal product.....

But it's kinda different... oh well.

Quote from: Money Dollars on September 05, 2006, 01:53 PM NHFT
I think I am gunna plant it under a tree or bush tonight..it's almost a year old....I saw a 50% off sale on fruit trees and blueberry bushes in Boscawen today....

Let me know if you need any help.

Money Dollars

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on September 05, 2006, 01:36 PM NHFT
I just don't see the rationale of limiting yourself.
So you don't use birth control?

Money Dollars

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on September 05, 2006, 01:56 PM NHFT
Quote from: Money Dollars on September 05, 2006, 01:53 PM NHFT
I've also mentioned that I am vegan......That means I don't eat animal products... A placenta is an animal product.....

But it's kinda different... oh well.
Maybe to you, not to me.

Money Dollars

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on September 05, 2006, 01:36 PM NHFT
When I say that we are ment to eat meat I am simply saying that our bodies are suited for consuming and digesting flesh
with the use of tools and fire.......

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on September 05, 2006, 01:36 PM NHFT
there are many nutrients that we get from meat that we cannot easily get through other methods.
Like what?

QuotePythagoras was a vegetarian (vegetarians were called Pythagoreans up until the 1800's) as was the poet Percy Shelley. George Bernard Shaw, never one to shy from the spotlight, was a vocal proponent of a meat-free diet:

"It is nearly fifty years since I was assured by a conclave of doctors that if I did not eat meat I should die of starvation." (Vegetariana: A Rich Harvest of Wit, Lore, and Recipes, by Nava Atlas)

But anyway, I am in good company....
Albert  Einstein    scientist    vegetarian
Benjamin  Franklin    scientist    vegetarian
Carl  Lewis    Olympic Track Star    vegan
Charles  Darwin    British naturalist    vegetarian
Leo   Tolstoy    Russian writer    vegetarian
Leonardo   da Vinci    artist    vegetarian
Mohandas  Ghandi    humanitarian    vegan
Pythagoras of Samos      Greek Philosopher    vegetarian
Ralph Waldo  Emerson    Poet    vegetarian
Sir Isaac  Newton    Scientist    vegetarian
Susan B.  Anthony    womens suffrage    vegetarian
Thomas  Edison    Inventor    vegetarian


Money Dollars


Money Dollars

Oh...I thought I had read that she was on the pill when she got prego.... ???

Are you guys gunna have a bunch of kids?