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Free Town Project revisited

Started by maxxoccupancy, August 27, 2006, 11:23 PM NHFT

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IMHO I don't think a new ftp will work.  Not because of any great conspiracy, but because of association.  Remember, the first immpression is the most important.  While Manchester and concord is popular among the political free staters, Keene is popular among those with a bend towards civil disobiediance. These cities are associated with those labels, probably permanently for better or for worse.

This is true of me.  When I move, (hopefully soon) it will probably be the Keene area, even though I don't like small towns.  A year ago if asked, I would only have moved to Manchester. 

Russell Kanning

Keene is not a small town .... more like a small city. :)
I think we are going to coopt the Free Town title and just run with it.
Keene is the Free Town.

Money Dollars

Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 05, 2006, 03:27 AM NHFT
Keene is not a small town .... more like a small city. :)
a small city in the sticks....with zoning....

Manchester is a small city......


Manchester is still pretty good.  It is also possible to turn the city around with a few more activists. There are enough taxpayers advocates here to turn things around.  Still, it would be nice to find a smaller town--a suburb of Manchester--to concentrate those freestaters in.  Goffstown is one-sixth the size (and has lower property taxes), and each volunteer has six times the effect.  Bedford is also smaller, but their property taxes won't be lower.

It would make sense to concentrate more activists in a smaller town--or in a handful of small towns.  Why be spread out?  Wasn't concentrating activists the whole point of the fsp?



I think that this topic has gotten a little complicated.  The original question should have been stated more precisely:

She we select two or three towns to encourage the concentration of activists?

I might even suggest the following:
1. Keene area town (or Keene itself)
2. One Manchester suburb
3. One seacoast town

perhaps, even a northern town to round things out.  Would it be worthwhile to draw up a short list of towns, and encourage incoming activists to look first at those towns?  New movers are already asking about this.  Several people have asked if there are already towns with high concentrations of freestaters to move to.  Manchester, for example, certainly has quite a few.  Maybe I'm overdoing Manch as an example, but more good could be done by picking a few small towns, influencing politics that way.  20,000 activists for a state with less than 2 million people assumes that one activist is needed for every 100 people.

Assuming that half of the 767 people who say they'll move do so, we should have about 800 activists, or enough for cities totalling 80,000 people... about four Goffstowns.

That's the theory, anyway.



Just keep the activists rolling in. We don't need a free town. We need to energize the native folks of NH. This is where it will count. With an extra hundred movers we should accomplish alot. I'll be involved in a short time. Keep the faith or the liberty trust.


Quote from: Rebel on September 07, 2006, 03:09 AM NHFT
Just keep the activists rolling in. We don't need a free town. We need to energize the native folks of NH. This is where it will count. With an extra hundred movers we should accomplish alot. I'll be involved in a short time. Keep the faith or the liberty trust.

I agree.


Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on September 06, 2006, 09:38 PM NHFT
Max, have you seen this?


Lloyd, I am not sure what Antartica has to do with Goffstown and Keene... their winters are similar.

Trying to stay on topic, the point of the fsp was to get a high enough concentration of activists to change things at all levels of government, to get a freer society.

BTW, do you vote?  More importantly, are you helping out on any of these campaigns?  I am.  That's why I moved here.


Lloyd Danforth



Quote from: Money Dollars on September 05, 2006, 12:59 PM NHFT
a small city in the sticks....with zoning....

Yeah, the zoning here has got to go.  Wal Mart is being held back from being a supercenter because of the zoning board.   :'(


A Wal-mart in Antartica?  I can't imagine them having a problem with zoning... unless the penguins have gotten together to fight this.  Maybe they're huddled together to protest the misuse of eminent domain.

Russell Kanning

Where do I hold my "I want my SuperCenter" sign?