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What's your issue?

Started by PowerPenguin, August 28, 2006, 06:18 PM NHFT

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Transition Force

1, 3, and 4 - in that order

#4 would be my first issue, however I'm basically undisturbed in that area of my life, so it's nothing that i'm worried about where I live. Not to say that I wouldn't like it to be improved. Just saying that the consenquences of #1 could have more dire ramifications for me.


I'm basically of the mindset of Milton Friedman (sp?) in that all the other freedoms are dependant upon economic freedom. As long as the government is taking our money and/or telling us how we can spend it or controlling it in some way, there will be government corruption. It's the fuel for the corruption. It's what gives the government such excessive power. Limit that, and you limit government power over you.


Quote from: dalebert on August 30, 2006, 09:40 AM NHFT
I'm basically of the mindset of Milton Friedman (sp?) in that all the other freedoms are dependant upon economic freedom.
Note that Milton changed his tune after he saw what was going on in China.
The DVD series "Free to Choose 1990" and recent editions of his book have a foreward whereing he backs away from that statement somewhat.


Education. 12 years having someone else dictate what you get to learn, when you can go to the bathroom, and whether or not you get recess based on how OTHER people are behaving can only have a lasting effect on you.

Besides, it's reasonable to argue if it weren't for the abysmal education system, none of these other things would even be issues ;)


The Drug War is my #1 issue, 2nd would be Education.  Education would be #1 if I had children, but since I don't and am too old for that Government Institution.  I am currently more worried about the Government Institution that they could force me into, and that millions already are forced into because of the Drug War.


Same with me. Drug war is my Number 1 issue. Education is also really important to me, despite the fact that I don't have children. I had a bad experience with government education.


Quote from: Rochelle on August 30, 2006, 03:38 PM NHFT
Besides, it's reasonable to argue if it weren't for the abysmal education system, none of these other things would even be issues ;)

QFT! That's up there with economic freedom in my book, I spose.


An end tomorrow of the Drug War would have immediate positive benefits. Enormous ones. An end tomorrow of government education would be messy. Very messy and likely not maintainable with the backlash. But the education problem is far more dangerous.



Simple, I want to be left the hell alone to my own devices... without having to pay for anyone else's.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: cathleeninnh on August 31, 2006, 02:51 PM NHFT
An end tomorrow of the Drug War would have immediate positive benefits. Enormous ones. An end tomorrow of government education would be messy. Very messy and likely not maintainable with the backlash. But the education problem is far more dangerous.


There would be a little fallout, but, nothing that couldn't be managed.  Even if no one was educated in a public school for a year what would be the loss?  I say give the buildings to the teachers  and let them  negotiate with the parents.

Russell Kanning


Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 31, 2006, 09:00 PM NHFT

There you go. That's why I haven't voted on the poll. Narrowing down choices gets too... narrow.

Karma to Russell.



arent they all summed up by "freedom"?

i voted "all the above".


People, you are getting all full of yourselves.
Surely you know the primary indicator of an ineffectual manager is the inability to prioritize.
Have you wever worked for someone for whom EVERYTHING is "top priority?" (I have, and it sucks!)
Do you recall the joke about ex-president Clinton's priorities list -- it was a horizontal line, every single issue was at the top slot.

Realistically, there are a certain number of things that one can do with one's time.
For example, if there are 3 committee meetings happening at the same time: one on taxes, one on drugs, and one on education, you can be in only one.
Another example, you can only usefully write so many letters to the editor in one day. Do you write a diluted "freedom on everything" that the readers do not understand how to connect to the issue at hand?

So, get a backbone, have some honesty, and take the poll as it was presumably intended: to find which issues are "hot-button" issues that, WITH LIMITED RESOURCES, you'd be willing to fight for, even to the unfortunate detriment of the others, so as to get your personal peeves resolved FIRST.

Russell Kanning