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Lynch's "green" home.

Started by KBCraig, August 31, 2006, 02:21 AM NHFT

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Quote from: CNHT on September 11, 2006, 07:34 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mark on September 11, 2006, 07:28 PM NHFT
Regarding Benson, his only trouble was breaking the law. Other than that, I don't remember anybody giving him any shit about his house.

But if you don't agree with the law, then did he really break it!?   >:D

Of course he did. If I stole your car because I don't agree with the law that prevents me from doing so, would you accept this as justification of the theft?

That's beside the point, though. The UL editorial is utter nonsense, and it's being embraced here because it's a broad-brushed slam on a group of people perceived (incorrectly, in many cases) to be enemies of freedom. Like your "do as I say..." quip, it lacks substance. If Lynch were contaminating groundwater or destroying wetlands, they'd have some ground to stand on. I don't see why building a single-family home on a large tract of farmland should throw anyone into a rage.

Ironically, the pro-freedom view of this issue should be that Lynch should be able to spend his money and use his land as he sees fit. Apparently principle goes out the window when the opportunity to simultaneously smear a democrat and evil environmentalists presents itself, though.


Quote from: Mark on September 11, 2006, 09:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on September 11, 2006, 07:34 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mark on September 11, 2006, 07:28 PM NHFT
Regarding Benson, his only trouble was breaking the law. Other than that, I don't remember anybody giving him any shit about his house.

But if you don't agree with the law, then did he really break it!?   >:D

Of course he did. If I stole your car because I don't agree with the law that prevents me from doing so, would you accept this as justification of the theft?

Benson did not steal anything. He moved the sand around on his own property. He lived FREE. Just as you advocate doing.


That's beside the point, though. The UL editorial is utter nonsense, and it's being embraced here because it's a broad-brushed slam on a group of people perceived (incorrectly, in many cases) to be enemies of freedom.

Not perceived, proven to be.

Like your "do as I say..." quip, it lacks substance. If Lynch were contaminating groundwater or destroying wetlands, they'd have some ground to stand on. I don't see why building a single-family home on a large tract of farmland should throw anyone into a rage.

You should read the book  I have. Gardner Goldsmith, one of my biggest fans, gave it to me for my birthday.


Ironically, the pro-freedom view of this issue should be that Lynch should be able to spend his money and use his land as he sees fit. Apparently principle goes out the window when the opportunity to simultaneously smear a democrat and evil environmentalists presents itself, though.

We don't have to do much to smear Democrats, er, that is the ones that toe the party line. We do have some good individuals who are Democrats...


1). I didn't accuse Benson of theft. I know some people who worked with him who might argue this point with you, but I won't. I was just exploring the limits of your statement. You didn't answer my question, though, so we haven't really made any progress.
2). Which of the environmentalists are anti-freedom? The whole group, or specific people? How are they anti-freedom?
3). I'll read your book if you post a title and my library carries it. I always found Gardner interesting. A little whiny (OK, a lot), but definitely more thoughtful than his replacement. Will the book tell me how Lynch is being a hypocrite here? I was hoping you'd tell me since you brought it up, but if I have to read the book, I will.


Mark you are missing the point.

Just last week Gov Lynch kicked off a program called 25 25 or something like that. He wants 25% of the energy in NH to come from renewable sources.  Should he 'lead'? or just tell others to do it.

I am looking at getting solar panels right now.  Next time I see the guv I am going to hand him a brochure.


Quote from: Mark on September 11, 2006, 09:36 PM NHFT
1). I didn't accuse Benson of theft. I know some people who worked with him who might argue this point with you, but I won't. I was just exploring the limits of your statement. You didn't answer my question, though, so we haven't really made any progress.

Um what was the question? I did not think Benson did anything wrong by moving sand on his own property. But the environmentalists did.

2). Which of the environmentalists are anti-freedom? The whole group, or specific people? How are they anti-freedom?

See #1

3). I'll read your book if you post a title and my library carries it. I always found Gardner interesting. A little whiny (OK, a lot), but definitely more thoughtful than his replacement. Will the book tell me how Lynch is being a hypocrite here? I was hoping you'd tell me since you brought it up, but if I have to read the book, I will.

It doesn't talk about Lynch specifically but it talks about the 'do as I say not as I do' crowd. In fact that is the name of the book. "Do As I Say, Not As I Do"


For example, my parents are liberal D's but they live their lives like conservatives and thus I was brought up as one.
So we share the same values, for ourselves at least.

So when the governor is pushing these programs, wouldn't you think he'd do it himself?


Quote from: Dreepa on September 11, 2006, 09:46 PM NHFT
Mark you are missing the point.

Just last week Gov Lynch kicked off a program called 25 25 or something like that. He wants 25% of the energy in NH to come from renewable sources.  Should he 'lead'? or just tell others to do it.

I am looking at getting solar panels right now.  Next time I see the guv I am going to hand him a brochure.

Dreepa, I'm not missing the point, and this argument is still empty. For it to have any substance, you'd have to show that the home *doesn't* meet the standard he's proposed. Otherwise, it's a whole lot of fingerpointing over nothing at all.

FWIW, someone mentioned 7 fireplaces. Fireplaces typically burn wood, which is a renewable energy source.

Good luck with your solar panels. I've heard some neat things about shortening the payback by combining the electrical generation with domestic water heating. Google "solar chp" or "solar combined heat and power" if you're interested...


Quote from: CNHT on September 11, 2006, 09:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mark on September 11, 2006, 09:36 PM NHFT
1). I didn't accuse Benson of theft. I know some people who worked with him who might argue this point with you, but I won't. I was just exploring the limits of your statement. You didn't answer my question, though, so we haven't really made any progress.

Um what was the question? I did not think Benson did anything wrong by moving sand on his own property. But the environmentalists did.

The question was whether you'd agree that I wasn't breaking the law in stealing your car if I didn't believe in the law that prohibited me from doing so. Doesn't much matter, though. I'm not going to steal your car.

2). Which of the environmentalists are anti-freedom? The whole group, or specific people? How are they anti-freedom?

See #1

Actually, the uproar over that was more about the abuse of power bit. Benson swpre to uphold the laws of the state (not the ones he agreed with), and then when a state employee was doing just that, he screwed her over. Apparently he thought the laws should apply to everyone but him.

But back to the enviros -- because of this issue, are all environmentalists somehow obligated to be outraged by Lynch's big house, or is that only applicable to those who concern themselves with shoreland protection?

3). I'll read your book if you post a title and my library carries it. I always found Gardner interesting. A little whiny (OK, a lot), but definitely more thoughtful than his replacement. Will the book tell me how Lynch is being a hypocrite here? I was hoping you'd tell me since you brought it up, but if I have to read the book, I will.

It doesn't talk about Lynch specifically but it talks about the 'do as I say not as I do' crowd. In fact that is the name of the book. "Do As I Say, Not As I Do"


Cool. I'll check it out.

Edit: My library does have it. Is there more to it than blasting Moore, Clinton, Streisand, et al for being hypocrites? I have no use for anyone mentioned in the review anyway, so I doubt I'd learn much.

QuoteFor example, my parents are liberal D's but they live their lives like conservatives and thus I was brought up as one.
So we share the same values, for ourselves at least.

So when the governor is pushing these programs, wouldn't you think he'd do it himself?

Again, who says he's not? What's he doing that he wouldn't have others do?


Quote from: Mark on September 11, 2006, 10:18 PM NHFT
Again, who says he's not? What's he doing that he wouldn't have others do?

Well apparently there are some programs he is pushing that he is not implementing himself in his large home. And some people see that as not leading by example.

I never recycle so I can't advocate others do it.. you see? Then I would be a hypocrite.

See Dreepa's post.....this could be researched to see just what he advocates and if he does it himself.


Quote from: CNHT on September 11, 2006, 10:27 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mark on September 11, 2006, 10:18 PM NHFT
Again, who says he's not? What's he doing that he wouldn't have others do?

Well apparently there are some programs he is pushing that he is not implementing himself in his large home. And some people see that as not leading by example.

Which programs? I'm familiar with the 25x25 plan, but I'm not familiar with the design of his house. Maybe you've seen the plans. What is he not doing that he's advocated? What is he doing that he's prohibited/discouraged others from doing?

QuoteI never recycle so I can't advocate others do it.. you see? Then I would be a hypocrite.

I don't know why the two of you think I don't understand this. I get it. It's really a pretty simple idea.

Out of curiosity, why do you never recycle?

QuoteSee Dreepa's post.....this could be researched to see just what he advocates and if he does it himself.

Yes, it could, but you haven't done that. You've just pointed fingers on the internet. Do your research and prove his hypocrisy, and I'll happily admit that you're right and shut my yap. Until you've bothered to do that, though, it's all just empty accusations.


QuoteBenson did not steal anything. He moved the sand around on his own property. He lived FREE. Just as you advocate doing.

he only owns up to the high water mark on the beach.

from high water mark to low tide is owned im common as an individual equal access right of way with the state as the public trustee...


Quote from: FrankChodorov on September 11, 2006, 10:49 PM NHFT
QuoteBenson did not steal anything. He moved the sand around on his own property. He lived FREE. Just as you advocate doing.

he only owns up to the high water mark on the beach.

from high water mark to low tide is owned im common as an individual equal access right of way with the state as the public trustee...

I was going to mention that, but I couldn't remember the details of where the sand had been moved. I was too lazy to look it up, and I didn't want to be making unfounded claims.



Maybe you hate the general court and don't even believe in voting but our next big battle will be with this governor to let us have a Constitutional amendment to keep education out of the courts. Otherwise we will end up with a sales/income tax and lose the NH advantage.

Anyway, the book is interesting and I would lend you my copy.


Quote from: CNHT on September 12, 2006, 04:34 AM NHFT

Maybe you hate the general court and don't even believe in voting but our next big battle will be with this governor to let us have a Constitutional amendment to keep education out of the courts. Otherwise we will end up with a sales/income tax and lose the NH advantage.

Fair enough...

Anyway, the book is interesting and I would lend you my copy.

My library does have it. Maybe I'll give it a look. If the point is that the professional bellyachers on the extreme left are hypocrites (which is how it looks from the writeup I read), I'm already convinced, though...


I mean this goes for anyone on the right too.

I believe in practicing what you preach.


Guy's Mark's a troll. He comes back every so often for a few weeks to stir things up and then leaves.

He's that way on the FSP boards too.

I wouldn't worry about what he has to say.
