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Keene Police Officer

Started by Rifkinn, September 04, 2006, 05:20 PM NHFT

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All agencies that I'm aware of ban accessing the MDT while moving. And almost all officers do it anyway, with full knowledge of their bosses.

In a vaguely related note, 9 of the 13 Texas DPS troopers in my county were either suspended or fired this week:



Quote from: Spencer on September 14, 2006, 10:38 PM NHFT
In the Portland, Oregon area, our officers play with their onboard computers, then claim that their brakes failed, then when the mechanic says the brakes were fine, claim they didn't see the stop sign while doing 60 mph in a residential area (with neither sirens nor lights activated), killing a civilian:

As a former resident of Portland, I can tell you the Portland Police Bureau is as corrupt as they come. Which is one reason I left.

Kat Kanning

I grew up in Portland, OR.  Here's my Portland police story  >:(  If you lived there long, you might remember this.



What was the opposum incident?


I only lived in Portland for about nine months, from 2002-2003. That was more than enough. Some nice people, horrible cops.


QuoteCode 7 (Lunch)

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I figured I'd get a bunch of sarcastic, cynical comebacks to my question... and it sure seems--to all appearances--that the cops don't have the patience to follow the law... as if because they enforce the law they are somehow above the law.

But I suppose that this sort of situation exists where you have state law enforcement.


Quote from: Insurgent on September 04, 2006, 06:57 PM NHFT
"College education and/or military experience are highly desirable."

This is what I find particularly disturbing; I've seen the same wording in all the want-ads for cops. The job of the military is to kill people and break things; the job of a peace officer is to serve and protect. Why are the lines between the two jobs becoming so blurred? Is it perhaps intentional?

this may be a little late, but i want to bring this to your attention, Our job is not to kill people and break things. Some Marines do it cause they were acctually told to by supiriors but its wasnt most of our intentions when we joined the military to KILL PEOPLE and BREAK THINGS, even though some people think its fun


Marines fight only enemy combatants.

Marines do not harm enemy soldiers who surrender. Disarm them and turn them over to your superior.

Marines do not kill or torture prisoners.

Marines collect and care for the wounded, whether friend or foe.

Marines do not attack medical personnel, facilities or equipment.

Marines destroy no more than the mission requires.

Marines treat all civilians humanely.

Marines do not steal. Marines respect private property and possessions.

Marines should do their best to prevent violation of the law of war.  Report all violations of the law of war to your superior. (Or Judge Advocate, Chaplain or Provost Marshal.)

^ I acctually take all of that seriously before I go into combat, I wasnt there but, if my CO told me that every Muslim between ages 18-45 were enemy combatants when they went into falluja, I would refuse and probibly report it

Then probibly get discharged for refusing a 'lawful order'

But thats not my point, its not every troops intention to cause harm, when I first came in almost everybody who gave a reason why they were joining was to 'preserve freedom' or 'for college money'


You have to admit, though, the Marines have some of the best "kill people and break thingss" training around...


Well 'every marine is a rifleman' Thats not really even true, most of the new guys I get couldent even hit the target from 200yrds, the closest targets. Most of the training is only for the units that acctually see combat, and I know the other services spend alot more on training. Were still in the 19th century when it comes to combat training


Where the hell is all that defense spending going, then? Damnit, I want Marines who know full well how to kill people and break things for my tax money! :) Otherwise, I want my money back...

Russell Kanning

How many of those 9 rules are they breaking in Iraq?


Quote from: error on October 13, 2006, 02:43 AM NHFTWhere the hell is all that defense spending going, then? Damnit, I want Marines who know full well how to kill people and break things for my tax money! :) Otherwise, I want my money back...

Yeah, and I want some of that stolen oil, while we're at it.  I mean, if they're going to force me to pay for a war for oil, the very least they could do is actually give me some of the oil!

Back on-topic, years ago I had a notion to become a police officer and change things from the inside (ie, only enforce laws related to actual ZAP violations).  So, I decided to see whether they would even accept me.  I took the entrance exam (in Maine, at least, you take the entrance exam, then get hired by a department, then the department sends you to the academy) and passed, then interviewed with a department.  I didn't get offered the job because I "over-analysed" the hypothetical situations they presented.  They didn't want people that would actually think about what was going on; they wanted blind obedience.



Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 13, 2006, 08:25 AM NHFT
How many of those 9 rules are they breaking in Iraq?

Almost all of them, Iraq is a joke now.
For example, Marines are known for having good uniforms and being clean cut, and we get alot of that in garrison (not in the feild)
Well in Iraq, my friends who got back said it was retarded, If you walked outside with chipped chevrons, no cover (hat for civs), didnt have a perfect uniform in any way; you would get yelled at by anyone higher rank than you, and possibly even a lower rank.

I dont know whats so important about looking perfect, but im guessing it has something to do with the media, or how the iraqis view us.