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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Anarcho mutalist

Started by Kat Kanning, March 02, 2005, 07:34 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Yah. I'd like to  see you explain that.


Quote from: AlanM on March 05, 2005, 02:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: anarcho.mutualist on March 05, 2005, 11:20 AM NHFT
capitalism though well meaning still exploits workers

in a free market economy no one would be exploited for the sake of profit

Explain please.

all government granted privileges for corporations/bankers would be ended like corporate charters, limited liability, personhood, interest earned on money etc. so capital accumulation via today's cartels would be ended/severely curtailed.

what would be left?

the means of production would be in far, far greater hands and the size of businesses would be far, far smaller making wage slavery very,  very limited.

Kat's favorite Spooner was an anarcho-mutualist and his protege Benjamin Tucker is the best known example:


"Mutualists belong to a non-collectivist segment of anarchists.  Although we favor democratic control when collective action is required by the nature of production and other cooperative endeavors, we do not favor collectivism as an ideal in itself.  We are not opposed to money or exchange.  We believe in private property, so long as it is based on personal occupancy and use.  We favor a society in which all relationships and transactions are non-coercive, and based on voluntary cooperation, free exchange, or mutual aid.  The "market," in the sense of exchanges of labor between producers, is a profoundly humanizing and liberating concept.  What we oppose is the conventional understanding of markets, as the idea has been coopted and corrupted by state capitalism.

Our ultimate vision is of a society in which the economy is organized around free market exchange between producers, and production is carried out mainly by self-employed artisans and farmers, small producers' cooperatives, worker-controlled large enterprises, and consumers' cooperatives.  To the extent that wage labor still exists (which is likely, if we do not coercively suppress it), the removal of statist privileges will result in the worker's natural wage, as Benjamin Tucker put it, being his full product."

Kat Kanning

Why do you think Spooner's my favorite?

Russell Kanning

I like "unorganized" activity. 8)


Quote from: katdillon on March 13, 2005, 03:42 AM NHFT
Why do you think Spooner's my favorite?

I seem to recall that you have cited him a few times...

Lloyd Danforth

He was my favorite mailman of all time. I like him even better than Ben Franklin.


right on hankster

you could put us in the voluntaryist category too i would think