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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Are we focusing too much on defending each other rather than other NH residents?

Started by Dave Ridley, September 14, 2006, 06:43 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Here is a thought that has been bouncing around my head for a while, and which actually I've been acting on but hadn't gotten around to articulating here.

We have seen how this group bands together fairly well when one of our own is in trouble, like in the case of Russell's recent arrest.

But it seems like NH residents appreciate it more when, instead of generating our own crises, we jump to the aid of people here who we don't know.  Certainly it generates a lot less negative reaction.  The press we got in the Barbara Burbank zoning case in Hampton last year was ultra positive with limited effort.

I'm wondering:  Do you think it might be best to refocus our efforts somewhat and start playing cavalry more for the Paul Gatchells and Barbara Burbanks of the world rather than generating our own martyrs?

I'm not saying "don't get arrested, Russell."  What I'm saying is more like "if you want to get arrested, how about doing it in support of a persecuted New Hampshire resident who you've never met?" 

I just tend to think this has most of the positives and few of the negatives.

I realize there are not any cases we know about in the Keene area right now, but when practical I think this just seems like a better way to go.... We can't allow ourselves to become too focused on each other; there is a whole state of regular people out there fighting it out and often lacking our help.

Money Dollars

How many times have I pointed that out you yall  ???


Fuck you all


Great idea, Dada.
I think you're right about public response to this approach.


I can think of a few times off the top of my head when we've found news articles about NH residents who needed support, and we offered it. Remember Al in Londonderry? Mabel Woodward? Most recently, the Copwatch.com guy? What about every NH-specific issue, like the smoking ban?

The problem isn't our willingness, it's that they usually don't stick around and stay in touch for the long term. This is a busy place. Just keeping up with the news can be a big time vacuum. Folks can get forgotten. Those who are actually in NH, who have local friendships, can maintain that and never involve the forum at all.



Quote from: Money Dollars on September 14, 2006, 08:44 PM NHFT
How many times have I pointed that out you yall  ???


Fuck you all
Maybe the problem isn't the message so much as the delivery . . .


Dada is dead on, as usual.

I don't know about anyone else, but one of my top priorities in the upcoming legislative session is to vindicate Mr. Gannon by getting a law passed to make it always legal to surveil your own home, and always legal to record interactions with Law Enforcement.

Fluff and Stuff

Great idea Dada.  Of course, I don't even plan on getting arrested in NH...


Quote from: Keith and Stuff on September 15, 2006, 11:43 AM NHFT
Great idea Dada.  Of course, I don't even plan on getting arrested in NH...
There are other things besides getting arrested.
Being told you can't build something in a certain location.
Having land stolen from you by the govt.


Quote from: Dreepa on September 15, 2006, 11:46 AM NHFT
Quote from: Keith and Stuff on September 15, 2006, 11:43 AM NHFT
Great idea Dada.  Of course, I don't even plan on getting arrested in NH...
There are other things besides getting arrested.
Being told you can't build something in a certain location.
Having land stolen from you by the govt.
... run for School Board or town Selectman!

Fluff and Stuff

Quote from: Dreepa on September 15, 2006, 11:46 AM NHFT
Quote from: Keith and Stuff on September 15, 2006, 11:43 AM NHFT
Great idea Dada.  Of course, I don't even plan on getting arrested in NH...
There are other things besides getting arrested.
Being told you can't build something in a certain location.
Having land stolen from you by the govt.

What I meant is that, I will never plan an action to get arrested.  I will, however, help others that have been arrested for the wrong reasons and 99.9% of those in NH that are being arrested for the wrong reason are not FSP members.

Russell Kanning

Many times it is hard to help people ..... they are currently in litigation/ worried that "the man" will squash them. Most people just give in and don't want to stand out to get smashed over the head. But the situations will arise.

Dave Ridley

money dollars wrote:

<< How many times have I pointed that out you yall >>

Fisher, what the heck !!??? 

How many times have you gone out and defended a New Hampshire resident against the government??  The people on this board have teamed up to do it at least 5 times...I don't remember you showing up for any of the demonstrations.   Maybe I'm missing something, and if so you are invited to enlighten me.

On the other hand, I realize you have served in the military and thus made yourself available to defend us against foreign powers.  For that, of course, you remain appreciated.

Recumbent ReCycler

There was one time before I joined these forums when I read in the paper that a fellow was trying to renew his FFL, but was told that before he could get the sign-off, he had to go before the zoning board, and that the hearing was coming up soon, so I decided to go.  I spoke at the hearing in support of him being able to continue to operate his little gun business.  The zoning board denied his request, but after the hearing he approached me and introduced himself and thanked me for my testimony.  That night I also spoke up for one of the local tire shops' right to erect a sign anywhere on their roof they wanted.  The guy who was representing the shop thanked me afterwards.  The next time I got tires there, he recognized me and gave me a 10% discount on my new tires.  Going to zoning hearings is one way to support people who are facing unreasonable restrictions by their local zoning regulations.  All you have to do is whenever a case comes up that makes you think "they shouldn't have to ask for permission to do that", speak up and tell the board that you can see no reason that the petitioner shouldn't be able to do what they want with their own property, and that you think it is unjust for them to tell them that they can't.

Michael Fisher


You are 100% correct.

Recent Trends in New Hampshire?s Prison Population

There are THOUSANDS of people rotting in jails and prisons in New Hampshire, who have harmed NO ONE and stolen NOTHING, with absolutely NO ONE working to free them! That is UNACCEPTABLE!!!

My new strategy includes us getting into jails and prisons throughout the state. This is a comprehensive strategy, building upon the exact events preceding all prior successful global liberty movements, that may do more than anything else to lead to the success of our mission. This plan will require many, many volunteers.

Hopefully you think I'm delusional at this point, but I will explain more on this strategy soon.  ;)