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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Are we focusing too much on defending each other rather than other NH residents?

Started by Dave Ridley, September 14, 2006, 06:43 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Dreepa on September 15, 2006, 11:46 AM NHFT
Quote from: Keith and Stuff on September 15, 2006, 11:43 AM NHFT
Great idea Dada.  Of course, I don't even plan on getting arrested in NH...
There are other things besides getting arrested.
Being told you can't build something in a certain location.
Having land stolen from you by the govt.

Not being allowed to film your own town meeting, being denied 91-A documents, being fined for doing things that are not illegal, being brought to court for passing a warrant article which really just happened, and the list goes on. CNHT does something like this several times a week and has been doing this for years. Check the calendar for upcoming Eminent Domain trials. Most of the ones I've posted you people have ignored, except for Dada.


Even if you don't want to help out with the actual problems, you could volunteer to fund CNHT by working at NASCAR this Sunday.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on September 15, 2006, 09:19 PM NHFT

On the other hand, I realize you have served in the military and thus made yourself available to defend us against foreign powers.  For that, of course, you remain appreciated.

No he doesn't.  Unless you apreciate him for being a foolish moron following government orders like a mindless automiton fighting in bloody wars for megalamanic politicians "glorious" aspirations.

Or maybe you apreciate him for volentarily signing up for a job that he gets paid for -- with government money, making him no better then a welfare mom.


Edit: Sorry, I was channeling Fisher.


I wouldn't waste time helping people not willing to fight. 
However, If you can find a victim of gov't willing to fight, even with our very limited time and resources this can amplify it. 
Lauren and Jim seems to have done this effectively in new london.
Of course it helps to have an obvious victim, particularly on the public relations area.  It helps push home the message of just how thuggish our gov't is.


That's a little harsh. Sometimes you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Not fighting may seem like the only option. Helping to understand options or the system or pitfalls is another way we can help besides fighting.



There are plenty of people to help in NH without creating any more.

They are fighting compelled speech violations, eminent domain, unfair assessments, zoning regulations, lawsuits for filing warrant articles, routine police stop causing death, refusal to give up public documents, voter fraud, refusal to allow witnesses to procedings that should be public, FINING A GROUP $5,000 FOR THEIR SIGNS SO THEY CAN SQUELCH FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and the list goes on, day in and day out.

If you get the CNHT e-Blast you would hear of all of these things.

The next 'big' fight is the income tax. The socialists are just waiting in the woodwork for it to play out that this is the 'only' solution to their perceived education 'crisis'. We will need you in force.

Russell Kanning

I don't pay Fed income taxes .... what changes if they make a state one? :)
If you don't pay property taxes ..... assessments don't matter. :)


Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 19, 2006, 09:04 AM NHFT
I don't pay Fed income taxes .... what changes if they make a state one? :)
If you don't pay property taxes ..... assessments don't matter. :)

You are in the minority. For some of us they will take it out of our pay at the source and we can't do much about it.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on September 15, 2006, 09:19 PM NHFT
money dollars wrote:

<< How many times have I pointed that out you yall >>

Fisher, what the heck !!??? 

How many times have you gone out and defended a New Hampshire resident against the government??  The people on this board have teamed up to do it at least 5 times...I don't remember you showing up for any of the demonstrations.   Maybe I'm missing something, and if so you are invited to enlighten me.

On the other hand, I realize you have served in the military and thus made yourself available to defend us against foreign powers.  For that, of course, you remain appreciated.

Isn't MD the same guy who wrote letters to Nashua Police and went to the station to help Mike Gannon?


Quote from: CNHT on September 19, 2006, 09:08 AM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 19, 2006, 09:04 AM NHFT
I don't pay Fed income taxes .... what changes if they make a state one? :)
If you don't pay property taxes ..... assessments don't matter. :)

You are in the minority. For some of us they will take it out of our pay at the source and we can't do much about it.

Exactly... Russell doesn't pay, but that wont make the problem of high taxes go away.  The government will just tax the rest of the population MORE to make up for people like Russell.  He is creating MORE of a problem for everyone else.

And since you don't vote, they don't really care what you think.  Politicians will please those who SUPPORT them so they can win again.  If NH made it clear they would ONLY support those willing to cut spending, and cut taxes, then maybe we'd see real change.


Quote from: lildog on September 19, 2006, 01:20 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on September 19, 2006, 09:08 AM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 19, 2006, 09:04 AM NHFT

Exactly... Russell doesn't pay, but that wont make the problem of high taxes go away.  The government will just tax the rest of the population MORE to make up for people like Russell.  He is creating MORE of a problem for everyone else.

I have to respectfully take issue with your statement that Russell is creating more of a problem.
Dr. King was repeatedly criticized for creating racial tension.  He would very wisely point out that he never created the tension, the white citizens counselors and the racist laws and behavior did.  Dr. King simply opposed the injustice of Force seperation. 

Russell is not creating a problem for anyone except the gov't mafia.  And it is only a problem because the gov't believes they have a right to steal from him.  Russell has hurt no one.  He has stolen from no one.

Russell Kanning

It is interesting to see the reactions when you push up against the tyrannical power structure.

Dave Ridley

<<If you get the CNHT e-Blast you would hear of all of these things.>>

are you posting this to nhfree.com?  If not i hope you will start...

Dave Ridley

lauren wrote:

<<Isn't MD the same guy who wrote letters to Nashua Police and went to the station to help Mike Gannon?>>

Yes he is, and I stand chastised.   I guess this is the kind of problem you want to have...so much "pushing back" going on that I forget who did what.

In response to JigglyPuff there has been some action by NHfree.com folks to help gannon, Denis has written up a legislative service request or something to change the wiretap law.  I went contacted NPD a few times and went there. MD contacted them and went there. I don't know if you'd count him as an NHfree.com guy.   I do count him but he probably doesn't count himself LOL.


Quote from: Defender of Liberty on September 15, 2006, 09:44 PM NHFT
There was one time before I joined these forums when I read in the paper that a fellow was trying to renew his FFL, but was told that before he could get the sign-off, he had to go before the zoning board, and that the hearing was coming up soon, so I decided to go.  I spoke at the hearing in support of him being able to continue to operate his little gun business.  The zoning board denied his request, but after the hearing he approached me and introduced himself and thanked me for my testimony.  That night I also spoke up for one of the local tire shops' right to erect a sign anywhere on their roof they wanted.  The guy who was representing the shop thanked me afterwards.  The next time I got tires there, he recognized me and gave me a 10% discount on my new tires.  Going to zoning hearings is one way to support people who are facing unreasonable restrictions by their local zoning regulations.  All you have to do is whenever a case comes up that makes you think "they shouldn't have to ask for permission to do that", speak up and tell the board that you can see no reason that the petitioner shouldn't be able to do what they want with their own property, and that you think it is unjust for them to tell them that they can't.
Great point DoL!

I went to one Zoning meeting (I got an special invite as an abutter) I spoke for the exemption and people were suprised.

Getting on Zoning and Planning boards (thankless jobs) are great ways to help the cause.


Quote from: JigglyPuff on September 19, 2006, 03:52 PM NHFT
No one here seemed very worked up about Gannon..maybe Ian was a little interested since Gannon called in..

What the heck? Did you see the 13 page thread about Gannon? Or any of the other six threads about him? How do you think Gannon found out about FTL, to call in? Someone from here contacted him out of concern for the situation, told him about this forum, and told him about FTL!
