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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Are we focusing too much on defending each other rather than other NH residents?

Started by Dave Ridley, September 14, 2006, 06:43 PM NHFT

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Quote from: lildog on September 19, 2006, 01:20 PM NHFT
Exactly... Russell doesn't pay, but that wont make the problem of high taxes go away.  The government will just tax the rest of the population MORE to make up for people like Russell.  He is creating MORE of a problem for everyone else.

Why don't you go to Russell's door with a gun and take that money from him yourself?


Quote from: DadaOrwell on September 19, 2006, 05:51 PM NHFT
<<If you get the CNHT e-Blast you would hear of all of these things.>>

are you posting this to nhfree.com?  If not i hope you will start...
CNHT has also had  a login at FreeStateBlogs since the very beginning. That would also be a useful place to post E-Blasts.

Money Dollars

Quote from: KBCraig on September 19, 2006, 06:21 PM NHFT
Quote from: JigglyPuff on September 19, 2006, 03:52 PM NHFT
No one here seemed very worked up about Gannon..maybe Ian was a little interested since Gannon called in..

What the heck? Did you see the 13 page thread about Gannon? Or any of the other six threads about him? How do you think Gannon found out about FTL, to call in? Someone from here contacted him out of concern for the situation, told him about this forum, and told him about FTL!

That someone was me. I called and left a message asking him to call FTL, then went to his house and talked to him, and again asked him to call FTL....http://bbs.freetalklive.com/index.php?topic=7507.0

Fuck you all, I'm out.



Russell Kanning

Quote from: Braddogg on September 20, 2006, 06:17 AM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on September 19, 2006, 01:20 PM NHFT
Exactly... Russell doesn't pay, but that wont make the problem of high taxes go away.  The government will just tax the rest of the population MORE to make up for people like Russell.  He is creating MORE of a problem for everyone else.

Why don't you go to Russell's door with a gun and take that money from him yourself?
That doesn't work very well .... I don't negotiate with terrorists or thugs. He will have to shoot me, steal whatever I have on me or jail me. I won't pay under threat. :)


Quote from: Braddogg on September 20, 2006, 06:17 AM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on September 19, 2006, 01:20 PM NHFT
Exactly... Russell doesn't pay, but that wont make the problem of high taxes go away.  The government will just tax the rest of the population MORE to make up for people like Russell.  He is creating MORE of a problem for everyone else.

Why don't you go to Russell's door with a gun and take that money from him yourself?

Unless I am mistaken, I think the point is that Russel's not paying taxes does not fix the problem of high taxes for everyone else (not everyone has the brass to not pay taxes) not that Russel should be forced to pay.


The blame rests on everyone else for not following Russell's lead.   :icon_pirat:


Quote from: rogervw on September 20, 2006, 02:21 PM NHFT
Quote from: Braddogg on September 20, 2006, 06:17 AM NHFT
Quote from: lildog on September 19, 2006, 01:20 PM NHFT
Exactly... Russell doesn't pay, but that wont make the problem of high taxes go away.  The government will just tax the rest of the population MORE to make up for people like Russell.  He is creating MORE of a problem for everyone else.

Why don't you go to Russell's door with a gun and take that money from him yourself?

Unless I am mistaken, I think the point is that Russel's not paying taxes does not fix the problem of high taxes for everyone else (not everyone has the brass to not pay taxes) not that Russel should be forced to pay.

Sort of.

It's not addressing the problem.  And since there are only going to be a handful of Russells all it does is pass the share he would have paid onto everyone else.

Now that may only be 3/100th of a cent per person (don't worry Russell, I'm not about to come after you for that, although if you want to cut me a check for my share I'd be interested in seeing the face of the banker when I try to cash a 3/100th of a cent check... I'm guessing it would be the same face I got when I took a stack of coupons in and tried to depost them since in the fine print on the backs they say actual cash value 1/100th of a cent  ;D )

The point I'm trying to make is unless something happens and EVERYONE stops paying taxes (which will NEVER happen since people fear losing their homes or facing jail time) Russell is merely pushing the problem off onto other people while avoiding it himself.

Personally I'd rather see people try to SOLVE the problem of our out of control government spending, but call me crazy!

Russell Kanning

The way you can stop paying high taxes ..... is to stop paying taxes.
I can't help you much if you are willing to pay.
channeling Tolstoy now "when will you stop flogging yourself?"


Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 20, 2006, 03:28 PM NHFT
The way you can stop paying high taxes ..... is to stop paying taxes.
I can't help you much if you are willing to pay.
channeling Tolstoy now "when will you stop flogging yourself?"

Most people would rather not lose their homes and possibly their freedoms.

For example:

"United States Attorney Tom Colantuono announced today that Michelle A. Winder was sentenced to a term of 10 months home detention and a term of three years of probation after pleading guilty to evading more than $112,000 in personal federal income taxes. In addition to the terms of home detention and probation, the Court ordered Winder to comply with the IRS efforts to collect her past due taxes."


Quote from: DadaOrwell on September 14, 2006, 06:43 PM NHFT
Here is a thought that has been bouncing around my head for a while, and which actually I've been acting on but hadn't gotten around to articulating here.

We have seen how this group bands together fairly well when one of our own is in trouble, like in the case of Russell's recent arrest.

But it seems like NH residents appreciate it more when, instead of generating our own crises, we jump to the aid of people here who we don't know.  Certainly it generates a lot less negative reaction.  The press we got in the Barbara Burbank zoning case in Hampton last year was ultra positive with limited effort.

I'm wondering:  Do you think it might be best to refocus our efforts somewhat and start playing cavalry more for the Paul Gatchells and Barbara Burbanks of the world rather than generating our own martyrs?

I'm not saying "don't get arrested, Russell."  What I'm saying is more like "if you want to get arrested, how about doing it in support of a persecuted New Hampshire resident who you've never met?" 

I just tend to think this has most of the positives and few of the negatives.

I realize there are not any cases we know about in the Keene area right now, but when practical I think this just seems like a better way to go.... We can't allow ourselves to become too focused on each other; there is a whole state of regular people out there fighting it out and often lacking our help.

I've got bruises on the inside of my head from the same thoughts.

Dada...thank you. I have been having doubts about the success of the FSP for a couple of reasons. First, the low numbers of people moving and second...with 1.2 million residents already in NH...it's seems a large enough number to start educating/working with and who have long histories of life in NH to protect. I look forward to meeting with you and any others who would like to pursue this chain of thought. 20,000 'outsiders' could become a problem in some ways...unless the minds of the current NH residents are already moving towards a life of freedom.

As far as CD...well, I'm looking forward to talking to Russell in person...words on a screen can be so easily misunderstood. But, since I took the leap...Russell...what are you hoping to accomplish with your weekly visits to the IRS office? Publicity I understand...but until that publicity is largely positive...those 1.2 million current NH residents may be getting the wrong idea about you and the FSP. We have talked on the phone a couple of times...and I'm a firm believer in the power of the pen. The KFP is a powerful tool to use...properly. My 10 years with the Washington Post as an Independent Contractor (in circulation) has me thinking about taking on a 'zone' (or 3) where I deliver the KFP and get subscriptions. Yes? No?

I'm looking forward to getting there...and if welcomed...it should be around the middle or end of October 2006!


Quote from: Michael Fisher on September 15, 2006, 10:17 PM NHFT

You are 100% correct.

Recent Trends in New Hampshire?s Prison Population

There are THOUSANDS of people rotting in jails and prisons in New Hampshire, who have harmed NO ONE and stolen NOTHING, with absolutely NO ONE working to free them! That is UNACCEPTABLE!!!

My new strategy includes us getting into jails and prisons throughout the state. This is a comprehensive strategy, building upon the exact events preceding all prior successful global liberty movements, that may do more than anything else to lead to the success of our mission. This plan will require many, many volunteers.

Hopefully you think I'm delusional at this point, but I will explain more on this strategy soon.  ;)

Another great idea that has given me bumps on the inside of my head. I look forward to hearing more about your plan Michael. 'Victimless crimes' are not the types of crimes a free people allow their friends and neighbors to be imprisoned over. THAT is one reason taxes are higher...not because Russell doesn't pay.
