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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning


Russell Kanning

Today we pour .... should be good since it might not even freeze tonight. 8)

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Russell Kanning on December 06, 2006, 05:37 AM NHFT
Today we pour .... should be good since it might not even freeze tonight. 8)

The midget and I will see ya there. :)

Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

We plan to go there and stare at Jim til he puts us to work.

Tom Sawyer

I made him work today...

Lloyd,  Jim says "get your ass up here and finish my house." ;D ;D ;D

I won't be able to help ya'll watch him tomorrow... my woman says I owe her some work. ;D

Lloyd Danforth


Holy crap.. the dedication.. the project magnitude.. will some of you guys please come to Texas and finish out this addition to my house, so I can hurry up and sell it and move to New Hampshire?  ;D 

[attachment deleted by admin]

Russell Kanning


It might be a little warmer tomorrow and we can get some stuff done at Jim's place. Then we can party on Sunday.

Jim Johnson

I was told, "You don't mess with Texas!"  :D

Russell Kanning

Jim Johnson

The Sticky Bun Bandit was here.  :toothy10:
Umm...sticky bums.  Warm yummy sticky buns.   :smitten:
No work getting done today. 

Tom Sawyer

Don't make me come over there!

Dog gone I missed my sticky buns fix.


Quote from: Facilitator on December 09, 2006, 01:38 PM NHFT
The Sticky Bun Bandit was here.  :toothy10:
Umm...sticky bums.  Warm yummy sticky buns.   :smitten:

I had a quite pleasant (yet non-specific) dream this week - and the Sticky Buns were in it.
MUCH LOVE!  Much hope!  Big PEACE!