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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

we got two more wall sections up and insulated the 2 garage doors.

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Russell Kanning on December 09, 2006, 05:23 PM NHFT
we got two more wall sections up and insulated the 2 garage doors.

Excellent... :)

Russell Kanning

We will be showing up at Jim's tomorrow at about 9 or 10. Then we will head for the pizza party.

Lloyd Danforth

Anyone up for tomorrow?  Start early?

Jim Johnson

Russell Kanning

tomorrow ..... yes

today we put up the last wall sections

Jim Johnson

Tomarrow... tomarrow ....the roof! :bigparty:

Lloyd Danforth

Tom Sawyer


Elizabeth has me in leg irons over here at slave labor camp. :(
Can't make it. ;)

Lloyd Danforth

Tell her if she lets you go there is a book in it for her.

Lloyd Danforth

Well,   she let him go.   In time to watch us finish making the biggest beam in Winchester, and drink beer.  When the giant beam is in lace, the wall framing will be compleated and we can move on to making up the roof as we go along ;D

Don't let Ivan knock my camera off the table!

Kat Kanning

Jim Johnson

I have told Ivan that he will be in big trouble, when his mom gets home, if he breaks your camera.
I also saved Elizabeth's book.
The boy eats paper.  He didn't get that from me or his Ma.  It must be an Alabama thing.  :D

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Facilitator on December 13, 2006, 08:22 AM NHFT
I also saved Elizabeth's book.
The boy eats paper.  He didn't get that from me or his Ma.  It must be an Alabama thing.  :D

It all Jim's fault I forgot the book... he makes me drink his beer. ;D

Jim Johnson

It's true.  I made Rodger drink beer.  I am bound by an unwritten law and by the ten thousand years of human tradition of offering a traveler a cool drink when entering ones home (or Barn).  And Rodger, faultless in his submission to another age old law, excepted the gift, because it was a gift.  You shouldn't turn down a gift, it's rude to turn down a gift, it's like look, it's absolutely f'n free, I thought you would like it,  why don't you just throw it back in my face and give me a bloody lip.  Of corse that could lead to other things, so Rodger drank a beer.
So, when Rodger was done with that one, I offered him another one, I didn't know he was a bottomless pit.  But then, I didn't care.  And we got to talk'n and Rodger forgot the book.
So it is my fault.   ;D
I am sorry, but it is going to happen again.
If we all just did what we wanted and broke unwritten laws there would be anarchy and people would have to ask for a cool drink and that would just not be right.

I hope Elizabeth will forgive me.