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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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See, that's why we all NEED "proper" safety people.  THEY can make the "important" decisions about what is safe for us and what is not.

Had you SHUT DOWN the entire operation for maybe "just a few months" and done a "complete" safety study, this MIGHT have been avoided.  BUT REGARDLESS, we could all "feel" good knowing that all "reasonable" efforts had been exhausted . . . and that any injury was not the fault of the people looking over our shoulders.

Anyway, if I may paraphrase my dear departed grandmother (and I always loved her attitude about such matters): "I hope you didn't break the ladder.  Please be more careful next time.  We don't have that many ladders."   >:D

Lloyd Danforth

We only had to torque the ladder a little to make it right, although I don't know if it has been tried on a level floor.

Russell Kanning

We threw in the whole kitchen sink yesterday.

Tom Sawyer


Anything going on this weekend? I'm an experienced shelf hanger and floor sweeper. cough cough


Lloyd Danforth

Lloyd Danforth

Oops!   There is a IRS protest ( not in the calendar) in Keene at 12:15 or so.

Russell Kanning

Yes ... Sunday at Jim and Lauren's .... there will even be fresh stickybuns. :)

Lloyd Danforth

Perhaps Pat will come up on Sunday.  He can be acting 'Safety Officer'

Lloyd Danforth

Has any thought been given to clearing along Old Asholet Rd.  down towards the point of the pie slice in preparation for a garden?

Russell Kanning

Kat Kanning

Lloyd Danforth

I don't know, but, I understand the one you use is up for sale.

Pat K

I would like to come and play, I will see
how work goes tonight.

Lloyd if I am coming should I pick you up?

Lloyd Danforth