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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Quote from: error on April 30, 2007, 02:58 PM NHFT
What, was the store closed?!? ;D

No, they didn't do second-story work on the hardware store, they were installing rafters here at the barn.


Thursday May 3 9am  - more Barn Raising!

Clear weather predicted.  Jim says we can start to cover the rafters with chip board.

You can try out a nail gun or
stay on the ground and hand 4X8 sheets up to the guys with nail guns or
cheer the helpers on when their shoulders get tired of hoisting chip board.

Food, beverages and work gloves provided.

Hey, this place is looking good!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Kat Kanning

Tom Sawyer


QuoteThursday May 3 9am  - more Barn Raising!

When's the next WEEKEND barn raising event?  I need to make a trip to the west side of the state to meet some of you...


Thanks to everyone having fun and building stuff here at the barn today!

Our special guest crowbar wielder: Russell!

So nice to have him back. :grouphug:

I believe everyone stayed intact and undamaged except for a little sunburn. :mumum:


Did you see the magic sawblade we got at the home depot?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Tom Sawyer

Yeah now we can throw those pesky tape-measures away. :D

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on May 03, 2007, 10:11 PM NHFT
Thanks to everyone having fun and building stuff here at the barn today!

Our special guest crowbar wielder: Russell!

So nice to have him back. :grouphug:

I believe everyone stayed intact and undamaged except for a little sunburn. :mumum:

Well...due to the lack of sticky buns, Roger, who was expecting to find them when he arrived got a little out of control.  He was shaky, sweating profusely and claimed his skin was crawling with bugs, until Lauren calmed him down with waffles.


Barn Raising
Winchester, NH
Sunday, June 3 2007

The barn is nearly a solid structure.  Just a few more rafters and sheets of OSB. 
We will be feeding people who would like to help.
Any help fixing food or beverages will also be welcome.

Barn Raisers can suggest their favorite food or beverage here.
While you're at it suggest your favorite sunscreen, insect repellent and poison ivy remedy.

If we stay up late enough we can make a bonfire!

Tom Sawyer

William says "Sounds great to me!"

Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

I have trouble giving credence to anything that Tom says these days....his karma is so low now.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 27, 2007, 11:57 PM NHFT
I have trouble giving credence to anything that Tom says these days....his karma is so low now.

Those that giveth can taketh away.  ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 27, 2007, 11:57 PM NHFT
I have trouble giving credence to anything that Tom says these days....his karma is so low now.

Never saw someone fall so far, so fast.  He must be inconsolable.  Must have lost a couple of hat sizes.