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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

You can call me Mr. Pinhead!

Once I had it all...
Hey, it was great while it lasted.  ;D

Tom Sawyer

Look forward to seeing the crew tomorrow.  :)


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on June 02, 2007, 11:25 AM NHFT
Look forward to seeing the creweating the sticky buns tomorrow.  :)

Fixed.  ;)

Tom Sawyer


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on May 27, 2007, 10:21 AM NHFT
Barn Raising
Winchester, NH
Sunday, June 3 2007

The barn is nearly a solid structure.  Just a few more rafters and sheets of OSB. 
We will be feeding people who would like to help.
Any help fixing food or beverages will also be welcome.

Barn Raisers can suggest their favorite food or beverage here.
While you're at it suggest your favorite sunscreen, insect repellent and poison ivy remedy.

If we stay up late enough we can make a bonfire!

News Flash: we have some fireworks.  We're celebrating Jim and Lauren's anniversary.
:occasion18: :occasion18:

Lloyd Danforth

Well then..................I hope Joe from Canterbury is coming ;D

Tom Sawyer

The safety officer will probably require safety glasses be worn.  ;)

Cool on the anniversary.  :)

Boy, I could use some physical work...
Just had 3.5 days of computer video work go crazy on me, back to square one. :P The client had me use their equipment, setup the way they wanted. I thought it wouldn't work out right... damn, this is one time I wish I'd been wrong. Should have stood firm and demanded to do it the "right" way.

You know when your building something in the physical world, like a house, the whole thing doesn't disappear if you forget one nail.

Jim Johnson

That's right ladies and gentlemen, now you can escape your over-stressed computer infested lives.

Hi, I'm Facilitator and like Tom Sawyer I've discovered the stress-less and reinvigorating  past time of the simple construction worker.
Imagine the simple joys of working with manly construction tools.  Tools that have as their most complicated instruction, "Do Not Point At Face".
Imagine yourself carrying a well worn hammer and  a nail gun, banging wood  together, while advocating you current super-intelligent theory. 

Now you can have a stress free day, working in the company of people who understand your varied views on life.

It's the Porc Manor's Fantasy Construction Camp.

You can sit, stand or help out and the boss doesn't mind.  You can work on a project that doesn't have a time table, anyone who's really in charge or even a real plan.  It's totally stress free.

So come on down and get both a physical and an intellectual rejuvenation at Porc Manor's Fantasy Construction Camp.   ;D

Lloyd Danforth


Tell me where I sign up!

Tom Sawyer

I feel better already...
Now if I can come down off the days adrenalin, I'll go to sleep.  ;)


You forgot to mention the Sticky Buns.

Russell Kanning

the good part of computer work .... no slivers

Tom Sawyer


We had a good time today...
Made progress, the rain held off for most of what we wanted to do.

Thanks to the duke and duchess of Porc Manor for their gracious hospitality. Chicken on the grill by the fire, followed by fireworks.  :)

William had a good time...
Lauren took us on a bike tour of the local roadkill porcupine.  ;D He was very impressed, if not a little spooked by it.

Kira and Kat's buried treasure was something he was very proud to show his mom.

Nice to see the crew and the later guests.  :)

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Russell Kanning on June 03, 2007, 01:56 PM NHFT
the good part of computer work .... no slivers

We missed you too, Russell.

Kat Kanning