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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Yeah, I usually don't think wild-eyed crazy and Kat in the same sentence...  ;)

Jim Johnson

Saturday June 16th, more Barn Raising Fun at Jim Lauren's.
This maybe your last chance to have fun before Porc Fest.
Watch in amazment as a Barn is constructed before your very eyes.
Stand in awe as the wisdom of The Great and Power Danforth is apply to every angle and every feature as the barn rises.
See the nimble Roger prance from beam to as each roof rafter is placed.
And we are having steaks and BBQ Chicken.
Let me know if you don't want beer.   ;D

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Facilitator on June 12, 2007, 07:05 PM NHFT
Saturday June 16th, more Barn Raising Fun at Jim Lauren's.
This maybe your last chance to have fun before Porc Fest.
Watch in amazment as a Barn is constructed before your very eyes.
Stand in awe as the wisdom of The Great and Power Danforth is apply to every angle and every feature as the barn rises.
See the nimble Roger prance from beam to as each roof rafter is placed.
And we are having steaks and BBQ Chicken.
Let me know if you don't want beer.   ;D

The Mrs. will be out of town, William and I would probably like to come help... I'll have to figure out a ride.

Sounds like more fun. :)


Kat Kanning

Kira and I had fun putting up mini-beams yesterday  ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: error on June 12, 2007, 10:45 PM NHFT
What, no Sticky Buns?!

Somebody else's Mrs. makes the sticky buns.


We have a tentative promise of sticky buns for tomorrow.

Russell Kanning

Until I have firm (I mean warm gooey) evidence, I cannot commit to this project.

Tom Sawyer

I have to go with my union rep. Russell on this one...

No sticky buns... No work...   ;D

Lloyd Danforth

Although I am ambivalent about eating the tasty, but, carb laden sticky buns, I hope they show up so I don't have endure Roger when he can't get any.  Todays  invitation to the: 'No Plans-No Class'  construction school is crimping my Fest Prep time.

Tom Sawyer

Hey Jim
Should I bring my miter saw?

Jim Johnson


We finished all the rafters today. Hooray!
Thanks to all the hard-working helpers. 
Hope the food and beverages offset the sweating and straining and the dropping-of-boards-on-feet of construction.

We can put up the ceremonial last roof sheet on Wednesday when the Porcfest tour bus is visiting.
The barn and barn raisers are so beautiful I may cry.
:crybaby2:  :flower: :grouphug:

Pat K

Russell Kanning

It looks good ... we got a lot done today before the showers. :)