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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Tom Sawyer

Made good progress on the roof... looks nice.

Nice to spend time with the crew and enjoyed eating chicken sitting by the fire.  :campfire:

Russell Kanning

let me see .... I have some pictures somewhere

Jim Johnson

The rain slammed us hard today.  With the roof not quite done we didn't notice a severe roof leak during a power outage.  We lost Lauren's laptop computer to a water leak.   :'(

We did get some good work prepping the area for the inside floor.
We ate hamburgers while lighting struck near by.   :_storm__by_clairebearer:

Thank you Russell, Kat, Whip and Menno for all of your help today.   :)

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Facilitator on July 15, 2007, 09:15 PM NHFT
The rain slammed us hard today.  With the roof not quite done we didn't notice a severe roof leak during a power outage.  We lost Lauren's laptop computer to a water leak.   :'(

Too bad... try drying well with a hair dryer. Sometimes clean water can be dried out and things will work again.

Jim Johnson

The hair dryer idea is a good idea, but the water filtered through asphalt, dryed leaves, bat crap and insulation.  It was a very teak brown before it soaked everything.   :shithitsthefan:

Tom Sawyer

Jim Johnson

Happy Day   ;D

Lauren's computer has come back to life and is fully functional   :broc1:

Russell Kanning

Pat K

Quote from: Facilitator on July 23, 2007, 07:13 PM NHFT
Happy Day   ;D

Lauren's computer has come back to life and is fully functional   :broc1:

It's a Festevous miricle!!

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 23, 2007, 07:56 PM NHFT
what about Saturday?

How do say this?  Help..!   :help:

I need ten people who can be here by 9:00am this Saturday morning, July 28th, for what is going to be billed as "The Largest Cement Pour I've Ever Done".
Participants need rubber boots, which I will supply if you will give me your shoe size by Thursday night.
Be prepared to be dirty.
The project should only take about three hours, after which we will have a sumptuous meal.
As an additional entertainment highlight we will give Porc Manor's premier showing of  "Dr. Strange Love".     :happy1:

Pat K

Wish I could attend, remember if any nosy bodies
show up, you could do a NY pour= 1 part body 9 parts cement.  ;D

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Facilitator on July 23, 2007, 10:10 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 23, 2007, 07:56 PM NHFT
what about Saturday?

How do say this?  Help..!   :help:

I need ten people who can be here by 9:00am this Saturday morning, July 28th, for what is going to be billed as "The Largest Cement Pour I've Ever Done".
Participants need rubber boots, which I will supply if you will give me your shoe size by Thursday night.
Be prepared to be dirty.
The project should only take about three hours, after which we will have a sumptuous meal.
As an additional entertainment highlight we will give Porc Manor's premier showing of  "Dr. Strange Love".     :happy1:

We'll be there. :)

Calling all able bodies to help the Duke and Dutchess of Porc Manor get a proper concrete floor. Sir Jim will need to conserve strength for the most important task of putting a nice finish on the concrete. The thing with concrete is there will be a peak demand of effort, cause "concrete waits for no man".

Hey Jim... I was thinking about a longer chute for the concrete, do they offer that or should we build something? Should I bring our two wheel wheelbarrow?

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Facilitator on July 23, 2007, 10:10 PM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 23, 2007, 07:56 PM NHFT
what about Saturday?

How do say this?  Help..!   :help:

I need ten people who can be here by 9:00am this Saturday morning, July 28th, for what is going to be billed as "The Largest Cement Pour I've Ever Done".
Participants need rubber boots, which I will supply if you will give me your shoe size by Thursday night.
Be prepared to be dirty.
The project should only take about three hours, after which we will have a sumptuous meal.
As an additional entertainment highlight we will give Porc Manor's premier showing of  "Dr. Strange Love".     :happy1:

I sent this out on NH porcs announce.  What do you think about a mess of burritos for lunch?

Kat Kanning

Also, if you're coming, it'd be helpful to let Jim know, so he can set his mind at ease that he'll have enough guys to do the job.

Lloyd Danforth