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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Could you scan a copy of the citation that you received?

Tom Sawyer

Let's announce a party and invite everyone in town who has had trouble dealing with LeRoy.

Russell Kanning

I was hoping the guy would help us recruit fellow laborers. Maybe the article will. :)

Remember next weekend is another round of barnraising. 8)

firecracker joe

what petty bullshit. their fining him $ 50 a day til he gets a permit? that is so fucked up. ive been told to get an after the fact permit .can he finish his house then get an after the fact permit or are you guys (fsp) against permits altogether. gotta love the sticky bun lady.we need more of them. sounds like things are gonna start getting sticky in winchester id love to come help but i got my own shit to deal with. especially with the wonderful weather were expecting.


Nice article . . .  >:D
Keene Sentinal: Bla bla bla  . . . "FSP" . . . "New Britain, Conn." :o

I've had some of Sue's sticky buns (THANK YOU SUE) and if the Keene Sentinel could create a paper half-as-good-and-honest, their paper would not be struggling.
I've had the quiche to . . . with friends like ours, we can not lose!

Maybe the town Brutes can some-day learn to be better people.
Maybe they will some-day learn to live-and-let-live.
Maybe some-day they can, and will, stop worshiping at the alter of Power-over-others?

Jim Johnson

This is the cease and desist:
Sorry about the size.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Jim Johnson

Some of you may have noticed that under section 1, other violations, I am in violation of International Council/Property Codes. >:D

What are UN Tanks afraid of?

Tom Sawyer

Jim will be wisked off to the Hague. ;D :P


I found a really cool website -- called the Winchester Informed Citizen that appears to be dedicated to exposing government abuses in the Town of Winchester.

While the Town of Winchester's official website contains almost no information of any value, the WIC offers all sorts of documents, etc. scanned as PDF files, including the Town's zoning ordinances.

It appears that you are accused of two violations:

(1) Article III, Section B: "No more than one (1) building or structure shall be used for dwelling purposes on any single lot." (emphasis in original)

(2) Article III, Section F: "Building Code: The Basic Building Code (BOCA) (IBC) as amended, Fire Prevention code (sic) as amended, and the Life Safety Code as amended, adopted by reference as permitted by RSA 674:53 (sic), shall apply.

The first accusation is obviously crap -- if the idiot code enforcement officer had merely read the title of this post ("Barn Raising in Winchester), he would know that what is being built is a barn, not a dwelling.

Furthermore, RSA 674:53 does not say what the building code says that it says.  If they had bothered to read the RSA, they would know that the authorization for such an adoption by reference appears at RSA 674:51-a (enigmatically titled "Local Adoption of Building Codes by Reference").

As for the second alleged violation (the International Building Code), there is no statement of "[t]he facts constituting the violation" contained in the Cease and Desist order (such a statement is required pursuant to RSA 676:17-a(I)(b)).

You should file an answer ASAP: RSA 676:17-a provides:

V. Within 20 days after the date of service, any person upon whom the order is served may serve an answer in the manner provided for the service of an answer in a civil action, specifically denying such facts in the order as are in dispute.


VII. If an answer is filed and served as provided in paragraph V, further proceedings in the action shall be governed by the rules of the district court. If the order is sustained following trial, the court shall enter judgment and shall fix a time within which the corrective action shall be taken, in compliance with the order as originally filed, or as modified by the court. If the order is not sustained, it shall be annulled and set aside. If it appears to the court that the order was frivolous, was commenced in bad faith, or was not based upon information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry or was not well-grounded in fact, then the court shall order the defendant's costs and reasonable attorneys fees to be paid by the municipality. The clerk of the court shall mail a copy of the judgment to the persons upon whom the original order was served.

Kat Kanning

LOL...that was Dawn who did Winchester informed citizen.


This is why we need a PORC as Code Enforcement Officer.  You would not have received this...

Russell Kanning

I will work on getting a Porc as code enforcement in every town in NH so we will be free.


This code enforcement officer reminds me of one from Kansas who turned out to be the BTK serial killer:

According to Fox News, Rader "never became an officer but instead went "into code enforcement, or what one critic called "a glorified dog catcher."


Quote from: Russell Kanning on October 28, 2006, 05:50 PM NHFT
I will work on getting a Porc as code enforcement in every town in NH so we will be free.

Heh.  Good luck KEEPING a Porc as code enforcement bastard in each town  ;)

Tom Sawyer

Met in our secret lair and discussed strategies... ;D
Standby for some fun, if things come together as I think they will. >:D