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Building Fun at Jim-n-Lauren's

Started by TackleTheWorld, September 15, 2006, 05:39 PM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

The trees look better each day around here. The leaves keep falling into the mix though.


I have my parent's over this weekend form FL.  Otherwise, I would have been throwing dirt again with ya's.

When is the next meet-up in Conneticut?  My SO wants to go there and meet up.


We made good progress today.  We finished one wall of seven layers of sument blocks. :icon_thumleft: I think some people are still working over there.

Pat K


Quote from: Pat K on October 07, 2006, 03:39 PM NHFT

See, that's what happens when you emphasize the wrong syllable.

All good Southerners know they're seement blocks.

Pat K

I dont know,old man Vinney says it cha-ment-a.


We always called them cinder blocks.


Pat K

Kat Kanning


Quote from: KBCraig on October 07, 2006, 03:58 PM NHFT

All good Southerners know they're seement blocks.

ahhh the seement pond.

Tom Sawyer

Yeah, we had a good time working at Lauren and Jim's.

I made lots o' noise with the chainsaw.

They really made a lot of progress with wall building. 8) It's cool being part of something that will be around for a long time. :)


Any more snooping by the Code Nazi?

Pat K

"I made lots o' noise with the chainsaw."

Well if you pull the handle on it's side out pretty hard it would make it's own noise and work better. :)

Tom Sawyer

Quote from: Pat K on October 07, 2006, 08:09 PM NHFT
"I made lots o' noise with the chainsaw."

Well if you pull the handle on it's side out pretty hard it would make it's own noise and work better. :)

Maybe that is why it was hard going. ;D

Kat Kanning