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Idiotic Government Clich

Started by Michael Fisher, September 21, 2006, 08:50 PM NHFT

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Quote from: Michael Fisher on September 21, 2006, 10:44 PM NHFT

Neocon: "But what about the poor Iraqi people?"
(a few minutes later)
Neocon: "Stupid Arabs, kill 'em all!"

Neocon: "But don't you support our troops?"
(a few minutes later)
Neocon: "It's their own fault, they knew what they were signing up for!"

So true, so true.  The false concern for other people really grates me.   :'(

Quote from: AlanM on September 21, 2006, 09:33 PM NHFT
And of course the old classic: It's for the children.  :P

My favorite, it is definately the most used 'classic'.   ::)

NH Native

"We are a nation of laws" ::)

yeah, bad ones. 8)

Michael Fisher

Quote from: NH Native on September 22, 2006, 09:19 PM NHFT
"We are a nation of laws" ::)

yeah, bad ones. 8)


The law is almost always wrong -- even a stopped clock is right twice per day. ;)


 A Canadian's contribution to this discussion.

"Public health care has saved so many lives, we should start charging for it." WHAT!? You mean even more than we already pay?!! Said by an MP in the last Federal election, thankfully the retard did not get elected.

"My conduct had nothing to do with me."
Former Ontario Speaker Al McLean (defending himself against charges of sexual harassment)

"He got out the vote."

"They engage in partisan politics."

"This country has a proud heritage."

"This country has come a long way."

"This country is headed in the right direction."

"This is a fishing expedition."

"This is a private matter that's being dragged through the press."   Not if I pay your salary.

"This is a smear campaign."   Then remind me to bring some shit next time.

"You can't change the rules in the middle of the game."

"I'm the decider." 

"We'll empower people."

"We'll fight for working families."

"We'll find out how great a nation we can be."

"We'll grow the economy."

"We'll leave no child behind."

"We'll reach across party lines."


I can not believe ya left out my favorite:

"Pay your/thier Fair share"


Michael Fisher

[He's] "...a wartime president."
(you mean there was peace at one time in the past? really?! when?)

"Do you hate America?"
"Liberals hate America!"
("liberal" = anyone who opposes Bush for any reason)

(but American jingofascism is ok)

"There have been no major terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11."
(not counting anthrax, LA airport shooting, Seattle shooting of Jews, and several thousand terrorist bombings against U.S. government troops in Iraq, but those don't count because that's not here)

"Evil doers."
"Axis of Evil."
"Regime change."
"Good versus evil."


Recumbent ReCycler

"Speed kills" (If that was true, I'd have died a long time ago.)
"This is your brain on drugs"
"If you don't obey the law, we can't protect you."

Michael Fisher

"If you don't like the law, petition your legislature to change it."
(but do not disobey it, even when it's wrong)
"If you don't like the law, then sue."
"If you don't like the law, then leave the country / planet. No one's forcing you to stay here."
"If you don't like the law, then vote for different politicians."
"If you don't like the law, change it, but don't blame the police / judge / ( insert zombie bureaucrat) for enforcing it."

"If you don't understand the law, too bad."
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse." (even when the law is a secret)

"Call your (insert corrupt politician) and whine / complain / beg / pander / bribe them!"



The reason I'm seeking so much more power is because, "I want to give something back to the community/my country/et. al."