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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Jim Johnson

I recieved 4 1\2 pages of letters from Lauren to day.
She asks that I 'Take Heart', have Courage and Endure.

Lauren is not shackled except when she is moved 'from place to place'.
Lauren is not under lights 24/7, but they do turn on the lights one or two times per hour.  (How could that not cause sleep deprivation?)
Lauren has been moved to prison general population, but is held in a section for people who do not obey the rules.  She gets to wear red cloths, as a warning to others.
Lauren has one roomate, Shonda.
Lauren's mail is delayed 9 to 15 days, while idiots decifer secret codes and then cut the letters up.  All of her belonging are taken away when they move her, that has happened 5 times as of October 27th.
They try to torture her by giving her things and then taking them away.  Pencil, paper, blankets and sunlight.
Can one even imagine what it must be like to be prevented from seeing the sun?  To sleep without a blanket?  To have someone standing over you who thinks that the simple possession of a pencil and piece of paper are the things that will make you obey thier every command?
Lauren said she will endure.

Michael Fisher

Russell Kanning

Dave Ridley

Mike you asked what else you could do to help.   You can do a heck of a lot no matter where you are.   My thinking is, first you may want to go to


and do whichever of the action items you haven't already done, and repeat them twice a week if appropriate.

Also if you go to


you can register for some of web forums listed there that i haven't gotten around to , and you can post the news release to those forums.   

The latest version of the release is at



Quote from: Quantrill on November 02, 2006, 07:19 PM NHFT
Why must there be a return address?  They must be looking for more people to arrest and hold without trial?   :icon_pirat:

I want THEM to know that I sent it.  I want THEM to know that people all over the country care about what happens to Lauren.  If it truly has come to the point where we are afraid of going to jail because we've written a letter, than we are already in jail.

Kat Kanning

Lauren's on Strike the Root today:

Lauren Canario vs. Connecticut
"This tiny woman has shown more bravery than anyone I've ever met. She fights for all of our property rights. The Kelo case has had widespread effect around the nation. Lauren refuses to cooperate with the evil people who perpetrate an unjust, out of control government." One of the few real Americans left in this country.


Tom Sawyer


QuoteOne of the few real Americans left in this country.

I have goosebumps right now...


Kat Kanning

Maybe I'll try and get this into some CT newspapers.


Moral Superiority and Punishment

By Kat Kanning

For an official to sit in judgment of another, to presume to punish another for misdeeds, implies a certain moral superiority on the part of that official.  The official must know right from wrong, and should generally be free of criminal activity himself to judge whether another is guilty of wrongdoing.

Do officials in Connecticut have the moral superiority necessary to sit in judgment of other's misdeeds?  I took a poll of innocent 5 year olds.  Each one I asked, "Is it right to take something that belongs to some one else?"  Without exception, they all said that it is wrong to take what doesn't belong to you.  Now if five year olds can understand this simple truth, why can't CT officials?  And if CT officials are taking what does not belong to them, how can they ever presume to judge and punish the wrongdoing of others?

Let's compare the misdeeds of CT officials, who are roaming around free, and Lauren Canario, who is in jail.  Lauren Canario moved to New London, CT when she heard that people's homes were being taken from them to be given over to a private company.  She moved to help protect these people's homes, at great cost to herself, and no personal gain other than defending the rights of us all - to be able to keep our homes.  She was arrested for sitting on a porch reading a book, because that porch was a part of one of the homes stolen by New London officials.  She has been in jail 46 days without a trial.  Her jailors punish her by taking away her blankets.  They sometimes forget to feed her.  Up here in the Free State, we call people like Lauren "heroes".

What about the misdeeds of the CT officials who presume to punish Lauren?  One hundred and fifteen residential and commercial lots were taken from their owners by eminent domain in Fort Trumble.  Fifteen of those owners did not wish to sell.  They lost their homes and businesses anyway.  Up here in the Free State, we call that "stealing".  Ask any five year old and they'll educate you about taking what's not yours, if you have trouble with that concept down South.

It's clear to me where the "moral superiority" lies in this case.

Dave Ridley

thanks for doing this kat!

called ftl yesterday to give them an update and plead for more visits to the NHfree.com action items page.

took johns suggestion and sent her a postcard this time.

have slacked off on the calls however.   need to get back at it.


Wow, I'm shocked. What happened to this thread? I just dropped silent. Did the lady get released? Is she still in jail? Is there another thread that picks up where this one leaves off?

With all the passion for this cause, I read all 30 pages... only to see it died over a month ago and no one has posted since.

Really weird.



I think that there are 2 other threads...
1.  Lauren's letter
2.  Dec 23rd.


Oops, I linked to this thread in the FSP News....

If you're just arriving here, check the Civil Disobedience threads:

Ah, what the heck, check all of the topics for Lauren info!


Russell Kanning

no need to worry .. no lack of Lauren related material.