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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Lauren Canario arrested in New London

Started by Kat Kanning, September 22, 2006, 10:16 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

The Day newspaper spent the day with us, and Channel 3 did a story that should show at 11.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: DadaOrwell on September 23, 2006, 11:29 AM NHFT
called channel 8 and the sun paper around 10am to let them know about the demo
Channel 3 came and "the Day"

Russell Kanning

Quote from: fsp-ohio on September 23, 2006, 01:47 PM NHFTI asked who's property she trespassed on.  He said no comment then have a good day.  He hung up.   ;D
I would love for him to tell me WHO'S property she trespassed on.  Oh well.   ::)
That is an easy question. According to the goverment .... the NLDC owns that property now. Why hang up on you?


Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 23, 2006, 08:35 PM NHFT
That is an easy question. According to the goverment .... the NLDC owns that property now. Why hang up on you?

To give me an excuse to make fun of them, why else?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: error on September 23, 2006, 02:51 PM NHFT
Everybody must be on the road or something, and I'm impatient, so...
Good article. All we know is what we get from eyewitnesses and the cops. You have to run with the info you have.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Incrementalist on September 23, 2006, 07:04 PM NHFT
Didn't the New London homeowners already give up?  I heard Kelo cut a deal to have her house moved to another location.
Yes.... but Lauren is still standing up to them in a small way. Just because the government bullied the rest recently, does not make them right.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: Michael Fisher on September 23, 2006, 07:13 PM NHFT
Where is she being held? A protest at the jail or prison is effective if the media shows up. If anyone needs the New London media contacts for a press release, I have them.
Could you do the press release for us?

Kat Kanning

Russell, Kira, Caleb, Sean and I went down in our car.  There were maybe 5 or 6 New Londoners down there, too, and Jim.  We held signs and lots of people honked.  They wouldn't let anyone see Lauren.  I went in and tried Dave's silent treatment.  They asked me if they could help me when I walked in, and I showed them the sign.  When they realized I wasn't talking, they rolled their eyes, and then went and had a big conference in the back about it.  I guess they decided to ignore me, since they didn't interact with me after that.  One of the guys who arrested Lauren stayed in sight and glared at me, though I just smiled at him.  After 15, 20 mins. I went back outside.

Jim showed us the film of the arrest he got.  Two of them dragged her away, leaving her on her knees in the street a while at one point.  Sean's got the film now and it'll go on Cheshire TV soon.  It's going on a new london public access show Thursday, too.  The Day might put it up on their website.

Lauren's scheduled to go to court Monday at 9 am, but if they're not taking her to court if she doesn't fingerprint, I wouldn't think that would change over the weekend and don't see why they'd arriagn her Monday if they wouldn't do it Friday.  /shrug

Jim asked that people also call the city council people on Monday, and also the Mayor.  It'd be great if the NLDC got calls asking why they requested Lauren's arrest.  BTW, one of the insiders down there said the first thing NLDC did when they came to town was to donate a new SUV to the police department.  Now the police jumps to their bidding.  Hmm....

Channel 3 might put their report on the website.  The interview got a little heated.  The reporter chickie kept trying to get Jim to admit that Lauren had done something wrong by being on the stolen property.


Heated might play well on television. Hopefully they'll put it on the net where we all can watch.

Dave Ridley

I like this idea of fighting on even after the battle is technically lost.  No one would today know what a "Boer" was if the South Africans hadn't kept on fighting after the British defeated their regular army.   

Kat Kanning

My knees were knocking for that silent demo.  You're brave, Dave!


hey look!

the New London Greens were there too in solidarity...

Kat Kanning

City council contacts

NLDC contacts:

New London Police Telephone Directory

Routine Police Business
860-447-5269   Follow Prompts 0
Emergency 11
Investigative Division 12
Records Section/ Report Requests 13
Traffic Section 14
Juvenile Section 15
Shift Supervisor 16
Police Administration/ Chief Office/ Permits 17
Fire Administration/ Fire Chief 19
Names Directory of Officers 20
Routine Police and Fire calls/ Report a non-emergency Crime or event

Administration: Chief?s Office

Administrative Assistant

Training Section

Crime Prevention

Investigative Division

Juvenile Section

Evidence Section

Records Section
860-447-5282 - Police Reports

Animal Control Section

Traffic Section

Shift Supervisor

Michael Fisher

Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 23, 2006, 08:42 PM NHFT
Quote from: Michael Fisher on September 23, 2006, 07:13 PM NHFT
Where is she being held? A protest at the jail or prison is effective if the media shows up. If anyone needs the New London media contacts for a press release, I have them.
Could you do the press release for us?

I just finished my homework and I'm working on the press release right now. Drafts will be posted here ASAP.

Michael Fisher

Jim, please e-mail your phone number to me ( michael@nhcaspian.org ) so I can gather more quotes for the press release.
